;+ ;Program: SPICE_CRIB ;Purpose: This crib sheet is currently for testing/demonstration purposes only ; ;Usage: ; .run spice_crib ; Author: Davin Larson ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-05-11 00:00:35 -0700 (Sat, 11 May 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27221 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/spice/spice_crib.pro $ ;- dprint,print_trace=4 dprint,'This crib sheet shows how to use some wrapper routines to the CSPICE DLM library routines. dprint dprint,'The added benefits are: dprint,' Time conversion from UT (unix time) to/from ET (Ephemeris time)' dprint,' Consolidation of KERNEL names to a central procedure/function' dprint,' Auto downloading of SPICE KERNELS (data files)' dprint,' Vectorization of inputs. functions and procedures can operate on arrays as well as scalers' dprint,' Trapping of data gaps to prevent crashes when requesting data outside the kernel ranges' dprint,' Generic informational routines to provide kernel info' dprint dprint,'These routines are in development and are quite likely to change (without notice) in the next few months. February 2014 dprint dprint,'The SPICE_ routines are: libs,'spice_*' libs,'time_ephemeris' if ~spice_test() then begin message,'You must install the SPICE ICY DLM before proceeding.' endif dprint,'Load the supposed "STANDARD" kernals:' sk = spice_standard_kernels() printdat , sk dprint,'Load the kernels - spice_kernel_load,sk dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop dprint,'; Display all loaded kernels: print, spice_test('*') dprint dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop dprint,'Get information on all loaded kernels' info = spice_kernel_info() print_struct,info dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop dprint,'; Get planet positions:' body = 'Earth' observer = 'Sun' ut = '2013-1-1' frame='ECLIPJ2000' earth_position = spice_body_pos(body,observer,utc=ut,frame=frame) printdat,ut,body,observer,frame,earth_position dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop dprint dprint,'Get 2 years of planet positions (1 day resolution)' ut = time_double(ut) +dindgen(2*365) * 24d*3600d earth_position = spice_body_pos(body,observer,utc=ut,frame=frame) printdat,ut,body,observer,frame,earth_position dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop dprint dprint,'Get mars ephemeris data: ONLY new Kernels are loaded. Previous kernels are ignored. sk = spice_standard_kernels(/load,/mars) mars_position = spice_body_pos(body,observer,utc=ut,frame=frame) printdat,ut,body,observer,frame,mars_position dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop dprint dprint,'Get information on all loaded kernels' kernel_info = spice_kernel_info(verbose=2) dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop dprint dprint dprint,'Display information on all loaded kernels' print_struct,kernel_info dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop dprint dprint,'Get FRAME transformation matrix from_frame = 'IAU_EARTH' to_frame = 'EClIPJ2000' mrot = spice_body_att(from_frame,to_frame,ut) printdat,from_frame,to_frame,ut,mrot dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop dprint dprint,'Get FRAME transformation unit Quaternion from_frame = 'EClIPJ2000' to_frame = 'IAU_EARTH' qrot = spice_body_att(from_frame,to_frame,ut,/quaternion) printdat,from_frame,to_frame,ut,qrot dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop if 1 then begin frame='ECLIPJ2000' scale = 149.6e6 timespan,'13-1-1',365*2 dprint,'Create some TPLOT variables with position data and then plot it.' spice_position_to_tplot,'Earth','SUN',frame=frame,res=3600d*24,scale=scale,name=n2 spice_position_to_tplot,'MARS','SUN',frame=frame,res=3600d*24,scale=scale,name=n3 options,n3,linestyle=2 store_data,'POS',data=[n2,n3] tplot,'POS',tr=[0d,0] dprint,'Type ".cont" to continue' stop endif end