;+ ; ; PROCEDURE: ; tplot2ap ; ; PURPOSE: ; Send tplot variables to Autoplot ; ; INPUT: ; tvars: string or array of tplot variables to send to Autoplot ; ; KEYWORDS: ; port: Autoplot server port (default: 12345) ; connect_timeout: connection timeout time in seconds (default: 6s) ; read_timeout: read timeout time in seconds (default: 30s) ; local_data_dir: set the local data directory ; clear_cache: delete all temporary CDF files stored in the local data directory ; ; EXAMPLE: ; IDL> tplot2ap, 'tplot_variable' ; ; NOTES: ; For this to work, you'll need to open Autoplot and enable the 'Server' feature via ; the 'Options' menu with the default port (12345) ; ; This routine sends the tplot data to Autoplot via a CDF file stored in your ; default local data directory (so this creates a 'temporary' file every time you ; send data to Autoplot) ; ; On Windows, you'll have to allow Autoplot / SPEDAS to have access to the ; local network via the Firewall (it should prompt automatically, simply ; click 'Allow' for private networks) ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-05-22 08:38:07 -0700 (Tue, 22 May 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25244 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/spedas_tools/tplot2ap/tplot2ap.pro $ ;- pro tplot2ap, tvars, port=port, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, read_timeout=read_timeout, local_data_dir=local_data_dir, clear_cache=clear_cache if undefined(port) then port = 12345 if undefined(connect_timeout) then connect_timeout = 6 ; seconds if undefined(read_timeout) then read_timeout = 30 ; seconds if undefined(local_data_dir) then local_data_dir = spd_default_local_data_dir() + 'autoplot/' if keyword_set(clear_cache) then begin ; here be dragons file_delete, local_data_dir, /recursive return endif if undefined(tvars) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Error - no tplot variables specified' dprint, dlevel=0, 'Syntax: tplot2ap, ["variable"]' return endif ; allow the user to input tplot #s instead of the full names for tvar_idx=0, n_elements(tvars)-1 do begin tvars_test = tnames(tvars[tvar_idx]) append_array, tvars_input, tvars_test endfor if ~undefined(tvars_input) then tvars = tvars_input ; make sure to create the local data directory if it doesn't already exist dir_exists = file_test(local_data_dir, /directory) if ~dir_exists then file_mkdir2, local_data_dir cdf_filename = local_data_dir+'tplot2ap' + strcompress(string(randomu(seed, 1, /long)), /rem) tplot2cdf, filename=cdf_filename, tvars=tvars, /default socket, unit, '', port, /get_lun, error=error, read_timeout=read_timeout, connect_timeout=connect_timeout if error ne 0 then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Error - problem connecting to Autoplot' dprint, dlevel=0, 'Ensure the server feature is enabled' return endif ; the directory needs to be escaped prior to sending to Autoplot on Windows machines cdf_filename = strjoin(strsplit(cdf_filename, '\', /extract), '\\') for tvar_idx=0, n_elements(tvars)-1 do begin extra_str = '' metadata = spd_extract_tvar_metadata(tvars[tvar_idx]) if metadata.ylog eq 1b then extra_str += ', ylog="1"' else extra_str += ', ylog="0"' if metadata.zlog eq 1b then extra_str += ', zlog="1"' else extra_str += ', zlog="0"' if ~array_equal(metadata.yrange, [0, 0]) then extra_str += ', yrange=['+strcompress(string(metadata.yrange[0]), /rem)+', '+strcompress(string(metadata.yrange[1]), /rem)+']' if ~array_equal(metadata.zrange, [0, 0]) then extra_str += ', zrange=['+strcompress(string(metadata.zrange[0]), /rem)+', '+strcompress(string(metadata.zrange[1]), /rem)+']' printf, unit, 'plotx('+strcompress(string(tvar_idx), /rem)+', "'+cdf_filename+'.cdf?'+tvars[tvar_idx]+'", title="'+metadata.catdesc+'", ztitle="'+metadata.ztitle+'", ytitle="'+metadata.ytitle+'"'+extra_str+');' endfor ; pause required on Windows before freeing the handle, otherwise the previous plot() command fails wait, 1 free_lun, unit end