;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; hapi_load_data ; ; PURPOSE: ; Load data and query information from a Heliophysics API server ; ; KEYWORDS: ; trange: time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ; ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ; ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] ; capabilities: describes relevant capabilities for the HAPI server (optional) ; catalog: provides a list of datasets available from the HAPI server (optional) ; info: provides information on a given dataset (optional) ; dataset: dataset to load (optional) ; ; server: HAPI server to connect to (e.g, 'http://datashop.elasticbeanstalk.com/hapi') ; parameters: limit the requested parameters to a string or array of strings (works in ; conjunction with /info and trange= keywords) (optional) ; ; EXAMPLES: ; List server capabilities: ; IDL> hapi_load_data, /capabilities, server='http://datashop.elasticbeanstalk.com/hapi' ; HAPI v1.1 ; Output formats: csv, binary, json ; ; List the datasets available on this server: ; IDL> hapi_load_data, /catalog, server='http://datashop.elasticbeanstalk.com/hapi' ; HAPI v1.1 ; 1: CASSINI_LEMMS_PHA_CHANNEL_1_SEC ; 2: CASSINI_LEMMS_REG_CHANNEL_PITCH_ANGLE_10_MIN_AVG ; .... ; ; Get info on a dataset: ; IDL> hapi_load_data, /info, dataset='spase://VEPO/NumericalData/Voyager1/LECP/Flux.Proton.PT1H', server='http://datashop.elasticbeanstalk.com/hapi' ; HAPI v1.1 ; Dataset: spase://VEPO/NumericalData/Voyager1/LECP/Flux.Proton.PT1H ; Start: 1977-09-07T00:00:00.000 ; End: 2017-05-02T21:38:00.000 ; Parameters: Epoch, year, doy, hr, dec_year, dec_doy, flux, flux_uncert ; ; Load and plot the Voyager flux data: ; IDL> hapi_load_data, trange=['77-09-27', '78-01-20'], dataset='spase://VEPO/NumericalData/Voyager1/LECP/Flux.Proton.PT1H', server='http://datashop.elasticbeanstalk.com/hapi' ; IDL> tplot, 'flux' ; ; Load and plot the Voyager flux data (limit the request to the 'flux' variable via the parameters keyword): ; IDL> hapi_load_data, parameter='flux', trange=['77-09-27', '78-01-20'], dataset='spase://VEPO/NumericalData/Voyager1/LECP/Flux.Proton.PT1H', server='http://datashop.elasticbeanstalk.com/hapi' ; IDL> tplot, 'flux' ; ; NOTES: ; - capabilities, catalog, info keywords are informational ; - Requires IDL 8.3 or later due to json_parse + orderedhash usage ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2020-04-02 13:20:42 -0700 (Thu, 02 Apr 2020) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 28481 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/spedas_tools/hapi/hapi_load_data.pro $ ;- function hapi_get_json, neturl neturl->getProperty, url_path=url_path table = json_parse(string(neturl->get(/buffer))) if table.HasKey('HAPI') then dprint, dlevel = 2, 'HAPI v' + table['HAPI'] + ' (' + url_path + ')' if table.HasKey('status') then begin if table['status'].hasKey('code') && table['status'].hasKey('message') then begin dprint, dlevel = 2, 'HAPI ' + strcompress(string((table['status'])['code']), /rem) + ' ' + (table['status'])['message'] + ' (' + url_path + ')' endif endif return, table end pro hapi_load_data, trange=trange, capabilities=capabilities, catalog=catalog, info=info, server=server, $ dataset=dataset, path=path, port=port, scheme=scheme, prefix=prefix, tplotnames=tplotnames, timeout=timeout, $ connect_timeout=connect_timeout, parameters=parameters, local_data_dir=local_data_dir, suffix=suffix t0 = systime(/seconds) dt_info_query = 0 dt_download = 0 catch, error_status if error_status ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel dprint, dlevel=0, !error_state.msg return endif if undefined(server) then begin ; https://github.com/hapi-server/servers/blob/master/all.txt dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, no server specified; example servers include:' dprint, dlevel = 0, '- https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/hapi' dprint, dlevel = 0, '- https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/hapi' dprint, dlevel = 0, '- http://planet.physics.uiowa.edu/das/das2Server/hapi' dprint, dlevel = 0, '- https://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/IswaSystemWebApp/hapi' dprint, dlevel = 0, '- http://lasp.colorado.edu/lisird/hapi' return endif else begin url_parts = parse_url(server) ; just in case the user specified a server without the scheme if url_parts.scheme eq '' then url_parts = parse_url('http://'+server) url_host = url_parts.host url_port = url_parts.port url_path = url_parts.path url_scheme = url_parts.scheme endelse if undefined(timeout) then timeout = 3600 ; 1 hour if undefined(connect_timeout) then connect_timeout = 360 ; 6 minutes if undefined(capabilities) and undefined(catalog) and undefined(info) and undefined(trange) then begin trange = timerange() endif if !version.release lt '8.3' then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, this routine only supports IDL 8.3 and later due to json_parse + orderedhash usage' return endif if undefined(path) then path = url_path if undefined(port) then port = url_port if undefined(scheme) then scheme = url_scheme if undefined(local_data_dir) then local_data_dir = 'hapi/' if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' if undefined(prefix) then prefix='' ; the user specified a list of parameters if ~undefined(parameters) then begin para = strjoin(parameters, ',') endif dataset_table = hash() if keyword_set(dataset) then info_dataset = dataset else info_dataset = '' neturl = obj_new('IDLnetURL') param_names = [] spd_graphics_config neturl->SetProperty, URL_HOST = url_host neturl->SetProperty, URL_PORT = port neturl->SetProperty, URL_SCHEME = scheme neturl->SetProperty, CONNECT_TIMEOUT = connect_timeout neturl->SetProperty, TIMEOUT = timeout if keyword_set(capabilities) then begin neturl->SetProperty, URL_PATH=path+'/capabilities' capabilities = hapi_get_json(neturl) print, 'Output formats: ' + strjoin(capabilities['outputFormats'].toArray(), ', ') endif if keyword_set(catalog) or keyword_set(info) or keyword_set(trange) and info_dataset eq '' then begin neturl->SetProperty, URL_PATH=path+'/catalog' catalog = hapi_get_json(neturl) available_datasets = catalog['catalog'] for dataset_idx = 0, n_elements(available_datasets)-1 do begin print, strcompress(string(dataset_idx+1), /rem) + ': ' + (available_datasets[dataset_idx])['id'] dataset_table[strcompress(string(dataset_idx+1), /rem)] = (available_datasets[dataset_idx])['id'] endfor endif if keyword_set(info) or keyword_set(trange) then begin if info_dataset eq '' then begin read, info_dataset, prompt='Select a dataset: ' if dataset_table.hasKey(info_dataset) then info_dataset = dataset_table[info_dataset] endif if undefined(para) then $ neturl->SetProperty, URL_PATH=path+'/info?id='+info_dataset $ else $ neturl->SetProperty, URL_PATH=path+'/info?id='+info_dataset+'¶meters='+para dt_info_t0 = systime(/sec) info = hapi_get_json(neturl) dt_info_query = systime(/sec)-dt_info_t0 for param_idx = 0, n_elements(info['parameters'])-1 do begin append_array, param_names, ((info['parameters'])[param_idx])['name'] endfor print, 'Dataset: ' + info_dataset print, 'Start: ' + info['startDate'] print, 'End: ' + info['stopDate'] print, 'Parameters: ' + strjoin(param_names, ', ') endif if keyword_set(trange) then begin time_min = time_string(time_double_ordinal(trange[0]), tformat='YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff') time_max = time_string(time_double_ordinal(trange[1]), tformat='YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff') if time_double(time_min) ge time_double_ordinal(info['startDate']) and time_double(time_max) le time_double_ordinal(info['stopDate']) then begin if undefined(para) then $ neturl->SetProperty, URL_PATH=path+'/data?id='+info_dataset+'&time.min='+time_min+'&time.max='+time_max $ else $ neturl->SetProperty, URL_PATH=path+'/data?id='+info_dataset+'&time.min='+time_min+'&time.max='+time_max+'¶meters='+para endif else begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'No data available for this trange; data availability for '+info_dataset+' is limited to: ' + info['startDate'] + ' - ' + info['stopDate'] return endelse data_directory = spd_addslash(local_data_dir) + spd_addslash(scheme) + spd_addslash(url_host) + spd_addslash(url_path) + 'data/' + spd_addslash(info_dataset) ; make sure no :'s show up in the directory data_directory = strjoin(strsplit(data_directory, ':', /extract)) dir_exists = file_test(data_directory) if ~dir_exists then file_mkdir2, data_directory dt_t0 = systime(/sec) csv_data = neturl->get(filename=data_directory+'hapidata') dt_download = systime(/sec)-dt_t0 csv = read_csv(csv_data) var_count = 0 var_map = hash() ; maps variable name to variable index (index of the variable in the 'variables' variable..) ; extract the data for param_idx = 0, n_elements(info['parameters'])-1 do begin variable = (info['parameters'])[param_idx] variable['epoch'] = time_double_ordinal(csv.(0)) if (info['parameters'])[param_idx].hasKey('size') then begin data = dblarr(n_elements(csv.(param_idx)), (((info['parameters'])[param_idx])['size'])[0]) for data_idx = 0, (((info['parameters'])[param_idx])['size'])[0]-1 do begin thedata = csv.(param_idx+data_idx) if (info['parameters'])[param_idx].hasKey('fill') then begin datanofill = where(thedata le ((info['parameters'])[param_idx])['fill'], count) if count ne 0 then thedata[datanofill] = !values.d_nan endif data[*, data_idx] = thedata endfor endif else begin data = csv.(param_idx) if (info['parameters'])[param_idx].hasKey('fill') && ((info['parameters'])[param_idx])['fill'] ne !null then begin datanofill = where(data le ((info['parameters'])[param_idx])['fill'], count) if count ne 0 then data[datanofill] = !values.d_nan endif endelse ; check for spectra variables if (info['parameters'])[param_idx].hasKey('bins') then begin bin_data = ((info['parameters'])[param_idx])['bins'] ; bins is specified as an array, presumably for multi-dimensional data if n_elements(bin_data) eq 1 then begin bin_centers = ((((info['parameters'])[param_idx])['bins'])[0])['centers'] ; if the bins are specified as a list, assume these are the bin values if isa(bin_centers, 'list') then begin variable['v'] = bin_centers.ToArray() endif ; if the bins are specified as a string, assume this is a reference to the bin values ; store as the name of the parameter containing the V data for now; we'll look up the ; actual values when creating the variable if isa(bin_centers, 'string') then begin variable['v'] = bin_centers endif endif endif variable['data'] = data var_map[variable['name']] = var_count append_array, variables, variable var_count += 1 endfor ; turn the variable tables into proper tplot variables for var_idx = 0, n_elements(variables)-1 do begin if variables[var_idx].hasKey('name') and variables[var_idx].hasKey('epoch') and (variables[var_idx])['data'] ne !null then begin tname = prefix + strlowcase((variables[var_idx])['name']) + suffix if variables[var_idx].hasKey('v') then begin if isa((variables[var_idx])['v'], 'string') then begin ; the y-values for the spectra are stored in another parameter bins = (variables[var_map[(variables[var_idx])['v']]])['data'] store_data, tname, data={x: (variables[var_idx])['epoch'], y: (variables[var_idx])['data'], v: bins} endif else begin ; the y-values are stored in the info response store_data, tname, data={x: (variables[var_idx])['epoch'], y: (variables[var_idx])['data'], v: (variables[var_idx])['v']} endelse options, tname, 'spec', 1, /def endif else begin store_data, tname, data={x: (variables[var_idx])['epoch'], y: (variables[var_idx])['data']} endelse append_array, tplotnames, tname endif endfor endif dprint, dlevel=2, 'Time spent querying info from the server: ' + strtrim(dt_info_query, 2) + ' sec' dprint, dlevel=2, 'Time spent downloading the CSV data: ' + strtrim(dt_download, 2) + ' sec' dprint, dlevel=2, 'Total load time: ' + strtrim(systime(/sec)-t0, 2) + ' sec' end