;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_units_string ; ;Purpose: ; Return string describing particle data units for labels etc. ; ;Calling Sequence: ; string = spd_units_string(units, [,/simple] [,/units_only]) ; ;Input: ; units: String describing units ; simple: Flag to return string with no special formatting ; units_only: Flag to return just the units ; ;Output: ; return value: String containing unit description and breakdown ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2020-08-04 13:04:13 -0700 (Tue, 04 Aug 2020) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 28986 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/science/spd_units_string.pro $ ;- function spd_units_string, units, simple=simple, units_only=units_only, _extra=_extra compile_opt idl2, hidden ;output string = [ prefix, units, suffix] if keyword_set(simple) then begin case strlowcase(units) of 'counts' : ustr = ['','Counts',''] 'rate' : ustr = ['Rate (','#/sec',')'] 'eflux' : ustr = ['Energy Flux (','eV / sec / cm^2 / ster / eV',')'] 'flux' : ustr = ['Flux (','# / sec / cm^2 / ster / eV',')'] 'df' : ustr = ['f (','s^3 / cm^3 / km^3',')'] 'df_cm' : ustr = ['f (','s^3 / cm^6',')'] 'df_km' : ustr = ['f (','s^3 / km^6',')'] 'e2flux' : ustr = ['Energy^2 Flux (','eV^2 / sec / cm^2 / ster /ev',')'] 'e3flux' : ustr = ['Energy^3 Flux (','eV^3 / sec / cm^2 / ster /ev',')'] else: ustr = 'Unknown' endcase endif else begin case strlowcase(units) of 'counts' : ustr = ['','Counts',''] 'rate' : ustr = ['Rate (','#/sec',')'] 'eflux' : ustr = ['Energy Flux (','eV/s/cm!U2!N/str/eV',')'] 'flux' : ustr = ['Flux (','#/s/cm!U2!N/str/eV',')'] 'df' : ustr = ['f (','s!U3!N/cm!U3!Nkm!U3!N',')'] 'df_cm' : ustr = ['f (','s!U3!N/cm!U6!N',')'] 'df_km' : ustr = ['f (','s!U3!N/km!U6!N',')'] 'e2flux' : ustr = ['Energy!U2!N Flux (','eV!U2!N/s/cm!U2!N/str/eV',')'] 'e3flux' : ustr = ['Energy!U3!N Flux (','eV!U3!N/s/cm!U2!N/str/eV',')'] else: ustr = 'Unknown' endcase endelse ;strip prefix/suffix if requested if keyword_set(units_only) then begin if n_elements(ustr) gt 1 then ustr = ustr[1] else ustr = 'Unknown' endif else begin ustr = strjoin(ustr) endelse return,ustr end