;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_slice2d_plot ; ;Purpose: ; Create plots for 2D particle slices. ; ;Calling Sequence: ; spd_slice2d_plot, slice ; ;Arguments: ; SLICE: 2D array of values to plot ; ;Plotting Keywords: ; LEVELS: Number of color contour levels to plot (default is 60) ; OLINES: Number of contour lines to plot (default is 0) ; CONTOURS_OPLOT: Boolean indicating to only plot contours, not the data. ; this is especially useful if you're interested in plotting ; 2-d or 3-d interpolated contours onto plots using geometric ; interpolation; requires an already existing 2d slice plot ; ZLOG: Boolean indicating logarithmic contour scaling (on by default) ; ECIRCLE: Boolean to plot circle(s) designating min/max energy ; from distribution (on by default) ; SUNDIR: Boolean to plot the projection of scaled sun direction (black line). ; Requires GET_SUN_DIRECTION set with spd_dist_array. ; PLOTAXES: Boolean to plot x=0 and y=0 axes (on by default) ; PLOTBULK: Boolean to plot projection of bulk velocity vector (red line). ; (on by default) ; PLOTORIGIN: Boolean to plot a new origin at the bulk velocity and/or sun location ; instead of plotting the projection ; PLOTBFIELD: Boolean to plot projection of scaled B field (cyan line). ; Requires B field data to be loaded and specified to ; spd_slice2d with mag_data keyword. ; ; TITLE: String used as plot's title ; SHORT_TITLE: Flag to only use time range and # of samples for title ; CLABELS: Boolean to annotate contour lines. ; CHARSIZE: Specifies character size of annotations (1 is normal) ; [XYZ]RANGE: Two-element array specifying x/y/z axis range. ; [XYZ]TICKS: Integer(s) specifying the number of ticks for each axis ; [XYZ]PRECISION: Integer specifying annotation precision (sig. figs.). ; Set to zero to truncate printed values to integers. ; [XYZ]STYLE: Integer specifying annotation style: ; Set to 0 (default) for style to be chosen automatically. ; Set to 1 for decimal annotations only ('0.0123') ; Set to 2 for scientific notation only ('1.23e-2') ; [B,V,SUN]_COLOR: Specify the color of the corresponding support vector. ; (e.g. "b_color=0", see IDL graphics documentation for options) ; [B,V,SUN]_THICK: Specify the line thickness of the corresponding support vector ; [B,V,SUN]_LINESTYLE: Specify the linestyle of the corresponding support vector ; NOCOLORBAR: Suppress z axis color bar. ; ; WINDOW: Index of plotting window to be used. ; PLOTSIZE: The size of the plot in device units (usually pixels) ; (Not implemented for postscript). ; ; CUSTOM: Flag that to disable automatic window creation and allow ; user-controlled plots. ; ; BACKGROUND_COLOR_INDEX: Integer (0-255) specifying a custom background color ; where data = 0.0 ; ; BACKGROUND_COLOR_RGB: 3D array of integers (0-255) representing RGB values ; of the background color where data == 0.0; this keyword modifies the ; current color table to include this color at index = 7 ; ;Exporting keywords: ; EXPORT: String designating the path and file name of the desired file. ; The plot will be exported to a PNG image by default. ; EPS: Boolean indicating that the plot should be exported to ; encapsulated postscript. ; ; ;Created by: ; Aaron Flores, based on work by Bryan Kerr and Arjun Raj ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-01-08 15:44:16 -0800 (Tue, 08 Jan 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 26442 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/science/spd_slice2d/spd_slice2d_plot.pro $ ; ;- pro spd_slice2d_plot, slice, $ ; Range options xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, zrange=zrange, $ ; Basic plotting options title=title, ztitle=ztitle, $ xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, $ xticks=x_ticks, yticks=y_ticks, zticks=z_ticks, $ xminor=x_minor, yminor=y_minor, $ charsize=charsize_in, plotsize=plotsize, $ zlog=zlog, $ window=window, $ ; Annotations xstyle=xstyle, xprecision=xprecision, $ ystyle=ystyle, yprecision=yprecision, $ zstyle=zstyle, zprecision=zprecision, $ short_title=short_title, $ ; Contours olines=olines, levels=levels, nlines=nlines, clabels=clabels, $ contours_oplot=contours_oplot, $ ; Other plotting options plotaxes=plotaxes, ecircle=ecircle, sundir=sundir, $ plotbulk=plotbulk, plotbfield=plotbfield, $ plotorigin=plotorigin, $ b_color=b_color, v_color=v_color, sun_color=sun_color, $ b_thick=b_thick, b_linestyle=b_linestyle, $ v_thick=v_thick, v_linestyle=v_linestyle, $ sun_thick=sun_thick, sun_linestyle=sun_linestyle, $ custom=custom, nocolorbar=nocolorbar, $ background_color_index=background_color_index, $ background_color_rgb=background_color_rgb, $ ; Eport export=export, eps=eps, $ _extra=_extra compile_opt idl2 ; Return if variables are not set if ~is_struct(slice) then begin fail = 'No data structure provided.' dprint, dlevel=0, fail ;esnure there is some output (for loops and multi-plot formats) contour, [[0,0],[0,0]], title='Invalid input' return endif ; Defaults if keyword_set(nlines) and ~keyword_set(levels) then levels = nlines ;backward comp. if ~keyword_set(levels) then levels=60 if slice.type ne 0 then begin if undefined(olines)then olines = 8 endif if undefined(zlog) then zlog=1b if undefined(plotaxes) then plotaxes=1b if undefined(plotbulk) then plotbulk=1b if undefined(xstyle) then xstyle=0 if undefined(xprecision) then xprecision=4 if undefined(ystyle) then ystyle=0 if undefined(yprecision) then yprecision=4 if undefined(zstyle) then zstyle=0 if undefined(zprecision) then zprecision=2 if ~keyword_set(plotsize) then plotsize = 500. plotsize = 100. > plotsize ;min size ;large charsize values cause draw_color_scale to corrupt "data coordinate system" if ~undefined(charsize_in) then charsize = charsize_in < 4 ;supplementary vector colors (asumes standard rainbow table) if undefined(b_color) then b_color = !d.table_size-165 ;cyan if undefined(v_color) then v_color = !d.table_size-9 ;red if undefined(sun_color) then sun_color = 0 ;black if undefined(v_thick) then v_thick = 1 if undefined(b_thick) then b_thick = 1 if undefined(sun_thick) then sun_thick = 1 if undefined(v_linestyle) then v_linestyle = 2 if undefined(b_linestyle) then b_linestyle = 2 if undefined(sun_linestyle) then sun_linestyle = 2 ; X,Y,Z ranges if keyword_set(xrange) && ~keyword_set(slice.rlog) then begin xrange = minmax(xrange) endif else begin xrange = minmax(slice.xgrid) endelse if keyword_set(yrange) && ~keyword_set(slice.rlog) then begin yrange = minmax(yrange) endif else begin yrange = minmax(slice.ygrid) endelse if keyword_set(zrange) then begin zrange = minmax(zrange) endif else begin ; The default range is the nonnegative, nonzero ; min/max of the pre-interpolated data zrange = slice.zrange * [0.999,1.001] ;padding, # in thm_ui_slice2d should match this endelse if zrange[1] eq zrange[0] then begin dprint, dlevel=1,'Slice at '+time_string(slice.trange[0])+' has no data.' title = 'Error: No data in range!' zrange = [1,10.] endif ; Set color contour levels if keyword_set(zlog) then begin colorlevels = 10.^(lindgen(levels)/float(levels)*(alog10(zrange[1]) - alog10(zrange[0])) + alog10(zrange[0])) endif else begin colorlevels = (lindgen(levels)/float(levels)*(zrange[1]-zrange[0])+zrange[0]) endelse ; Set colors thecolors = round((lindgen(levels)+1)*(!d.table_size-9)/levels)+7 ; Get general annotations spd_slice2d_getinfo, slice, $ title=title, $ short_title=short_title, $ xtitle=xtitle, $ ytitle=ytitle, $ ztitle=ztitle ; Get the (rough) dimensions of the plot ; The values here were largely determined by trial and error plotxcsize = plotsize / !d.x_ch_size plotycsize = plotsize / !d.y_ch_size xmargin = [11,15 + (zprecision-3 > 0)] ymargin = [4,2] tsize = strlen(title) * 1.25 ;title always 1.25 larger than other text xcsize = (total(xmargin) + plotxcsize) > tsize ycsize = (total(ymargin) + plotycsize) xsize = xcsize * !d.x_ch_size ysize = ycsize * !d.y_ch_size if undefined(contours_oplot) then begin ;Open postscript file ; -specify aspect ratio to keep output on non-windows systems ; from appearing clipped in that system's viewer if keyword_set(export) && keyword_set(eps) then begin popen, export, encapsulated = 1, $ aspect = ysize/xsize, $ _extra=_extra endif ;Format the plotting window if !d.name eq 'WIN' or !d.name eq 'X' and ~keyword_set(custom) then begin device, window_state = wins ;ensure a free window is used if possible if undefined(window) then begin wn = !d.window le 1 or !d.window ge 32 ? $ min( where(wins eq 0) ) > 2 : !d.window endif else begin wn = window endelse window, wn, xsize = xcsize * !d.x_ch_size, $ ysize = ycsize * !d.y_ch_size, $ title = title xmargin[0] = xmargin[0] > 0.5*(xcsize - plotxcsize) endif ; Get tick annotations after window has been initialized, ; this will avoid an extra window from being created by AXIS. if keyword_set(slice.rlog) then begin ; Get ticks for radial log plots spd_slice2d_getticks_rlog, range=slice.rrange, grid=slice.xgrid, $ style=xstyle, precision=xprecision, nticks=x_ticks, $ ticks=xticks, tickv=xtickv, tickname=xtickname yticks = xticks ytickv = xtickv ytickname = xtickname endif else begin ; Get x ticks & annotations spd_slice2d_getticks, nticks=x_ticks, range=xrange, style=xstyle, precision=xprecision, $ ticks=xticks, tickv=xtickv, tickname=xtickname, log=0 ; x minor ticks, simulate default if not set ; use new name to avoid mutating input xminor = undefined(x_minor) ? 10 : (round(x_minor)+1 > 0) ; Get y ticks & annotations spd_slice2d_getticks, nticks=y_ticks, range=yrange, style=ystyle, precision=yprecision, $ ticks=yticks, tickv=ytickv, tickname=ytickname, log=0 ; y minor ticks, simulate default if not set ; use new name to avoid mutating input yminor = undefined(y_minor) ? 10 : (round(y_minor)+1 > 0) endelse ; allow users to set a custom background color if ~undefined(background_color_rgb) then begin ; the user specified RGB values for the background color if n_elements(background_color_rgb) ne 3 then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, background_color_rgb should have 3 components - Red, Green, Blue' return endif ; modify element 7 of the colortable to include the user's color tvlct, red, green, blue, /get red[7]=background_color_rgb[0] ; choose index after 6th to preserve black axes, ticks, and text green[7]=background_color_rgb[1] blue[7]=background_color_rgb[2] tvlct, red, green, blue background_color_index = 7 endif if ~undefined(background_color_index) then begin colorlevels_new = fltarr(n_elements(colorlevels)+1) colorlevels_new[0] = 0.0 thecolors_new = intarr(n_elements(thecolors)+1) thecolors_new[0] = background_color_index colorlevels_new[1:*] = colorlevels thecolors_new[1:*] = thecolors colorlevels = colorlevels_new thecolors = thecolors_new endif ; Plot contour, slice.data, slice.xgrid, slice.ygrid, $ levels = colorlevels, c_color = thecolors, charsize=charsize, $ /isotropic, /closed, /follow, $ ; /cell_fill, $ ; Cell fill does not appear necessary here /fill, $ title = title, $ xmargin = xmargin, $ ymargin = ymargin, $ xstyle = 1, $ ; Force range ystyle = 1, $ ; ticklen = 0.01,$ xtickname = xtickname,$ ; 2012-June: Annotations now controled by ytickname = ytickname,$ ; formatannotation xminor = xminor,$ ; Allow minor ticks to persist yminor = yminor,$ ; when specifying # of major ticks xtickv = xtickv,$ ; 2013-April: Specify values to avoid inconsistencies ytickv = ytickv,$ ; xticks = xticks, $ ; Number of ticks must be passed in with values yticks = yticks, $ ; for them to be placed correctly xrange = xrange,$ yrange = yrange,$ xtitle = xtitle,$ ytitle = ytitle, $ _extra = _extra ; Get z axis ticks spd_slice2d_getticks,nticks=z_ticks, range=zrange, log=zlog, $ style=zstyle, precision=zprecision, $ ticks=zticks, tickv=ztickv, tickname=ztickname ; Draw z axis color bar.c ; - both the number of ticks and the tick values must ; be passed in for them to be placed correctly if ~keyword_set(nocolorbar) then begin draw_color_scale,range=zrange, log=zlog,title=ztitle, charsize=charsize, $ yticks=zticks, ytickv=ztickv, ytickname=ztickname endif endif ;Other Plotting Options ;---------------------- ;length of direction vectors ;use max energy if possible, otherwise use shortest axis vector_length = slice.rrange[1] gt 0 ? slice.rrange[1] : min( abs( [xrange,yrange] ) ) ; Plot contour lines if keyword_set(olines) && slice.type ne 0 then begin ; set contour levels if keyword_set(zlog) then begin linelevels = 10.^(indgen(olines)/float(olines)*(alog10(zrange[1]) - alog10(zrange[0])) + alog10(zrange[0])) endif else begin linelevels = (indgen(olines)/float(olines)*(zrange[1]-zrange[0])+zrange[0]) endelse contour, slice.data, slice.xgrid, slice.ygrid, $ levels = linelevels, charsize=charsize, $ /overplot, /closed, /isotropic, $ follow = clabels, _extra=_extra endif ; Plot axes if keyword_set(plotaxes) then begin oplot, [0.,0.], yrange, linestyle=2, thick = 1 oplot, xrange, [0.,0.], linestyle=2, thick = 1 endif ; Plot circle for minimum/maximum velocity ; (based off energy limits) if keyword_set(ecircle) and ~keyword_set(slice.shift) then begin degrees = findgen(360)*!dtor ocircy=sin(degrees) * slice.rrange[1] ocircx=cos(degrees) * slice.rrange[1] icircy=sin(degrees) * slice.rrange[0] icircx=cos(degrees) * slice.rrange[0] if slice.rrange[1] gt 0 then $ oplot,ocircx,ocircy,thick = 1 if slice.rrange[0] gt (yrange[1]-yrange[0])*0.015 then $ oplot,icircx,icircy,thick = 1 endif ; Plot the bulk velocity ; (on by default so don't warn if cannot be plotted) if keyword_set(plotbulk) and ~keyword_set(slice.shift) then begin if n_elements(slice.bulk) eq 3 and finite(total(slice.bulk)) then begin ; bulk velocity should already be in the coords defined for the slice plane if keyword_set(plotorigin) then begin oplot, [slice.bulk[0],slice.bulk[0]], yrange, linestyle=v_linestyle, thick=v_thick, color=v_color oplot, xrange, [slice.bulk[1],slice.bulk[1]], linestyle=v_linestyle, thick=v_thick, color=v_color endif else oplot, [0,slice.bulk[0]], [0,slice.bulk[1]], color=v_color, linestyle=v_linestyle, thick=v_thick endif endif ; Plot sun direction if keyword_set(sundir) then begin if n_elements(slice.sunvec) eq 3 and finite(total(slice.sunvec)) then begin ;sun vector is normalized & in slice plane's coords ;make total length equal to the smallest axis limit and plot projection sunvec = slice.sunvec * vector_length if keyword_set(plotorigin) then begin oplot, [sunvec[0],sunvec[0]], yrange, linestyle=sun_linestyle, thick=sun_thick, color=sun_color oplot, xrange, [sunvec[1],sunvec[1]], linestyle=sun_linestyle, thick=sun_thick, color=sun_color endif else oplot, [0,sunvec[0]],[0,sunvec[1]], color=sun_color, linestyle=sun_linestyle, thick=sun_thick endif else begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'No valid sun direction to plot.' endelse endif ; Plot B field if keyword_set(plotbfield) then begin if n_elements(slice.bfield) eq 3 and finite(total(slice.bfield)) then begin ;bfield is in nT in the slice plane's coords ;plot direction as dotted line ending at max energy circle ;and in-plane component as proportional solid line bfield = slice.bfield / sqrt(total(slice.bfield^2)) * vector_length bdir = slice.bfield[0:1] / sqrt(total(slice.bfield[0:1]^2)) * vector_length oplot, [0,bdir[0]],[0,bdir[1]], color=b_color, linestyle=v_linestyle, thick=v_thick oplot, [0,bfield[0]],[0,bfield[1]], color=b_color, linestyle=v_linestyle, thick=v_thick endif else begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'To plot the B field vector the mag_data keyword must'+ $ ' be specified in call to spd_slice2d.' endelse endif ; Finish export: write .png or close postscript file if keyword_set(export) then begin if keyword_set(eps) then begin pclose endif else begin makepng, export, /mkdir, _extra=_extra endelse endif end