;+ ;Function: ; spd_slice2d ; ; ;Purpose: ; Return an interpolated 2D slice of 3D particle data for plotting. ; ; ;Interpolation Methods: ; ; 3D Interpolation (default): ; The entire 3-dimensional distribution is linearly interpolated onto a ; regular 3d grid and a slice is extracted from the volume. ; ; 2D Interpolation: ; Datapoints within the specified theta or z-axis range are projected onto ; the slice plane and linearly interpolated onto a regular 2D grid. ; ; Geometric: ; Each point on the plot is given the value of the bin it intersects. ; This allows bin boundaries to be drawn at high resolutions. ; ; ;Calling Sequence: ; ; slice = spd_slice2d( data [,data2 [,data3 [,data4]]] $ ; [,time=time [,window=window | samples=samples]] ; [trange=trange] ... ) ; ; ;Example Usage: ; slice = spd_slice2d(data, time=time) ;get slice from distribution closest to TIME ; slice = spd_slice2d(data, time=time, samples=4) ;use average of the 4 samples nearest to TIME ; slice = spd_slice2d(data, time=time, window=10) ;use average of all data within [TIME,TIME+10sec] ; ;add "/center_time" for [TIME-5sec,TIME+5sec] ; slice = spd_slice2d(data, trange=trange) ;use average of all data within TRANGE ; ; slice = spd_slice2d(data, time=time, /three_d_interp) ;use 3D interpolation (default) ; slice = spd_slice2d(data, time=time, /two_d_interp) ;use 2D interpolation ; slice = spd_slice2d(data, time=time, /geometric) ;use geometric interpolation ; ; See crib sheets: ; THEMIS: thm_crib_part_slice2d (called by thm_part_slice2d) ; MMS: mms_slice2d_fpi_crib ; mms_slice2d_hpca_crib ; ; ;Arguments: ; DATARR[#]: An array of pointers to 3D data structures. ; See spd_dist_array.pro for more. ; ; ;Basic Keywords: ; TRANGE: Two-element time range over which data will be averaged. (string or double) ; TIME: Time at which the slice will be computed. (string or double) ; SAMPLES: Number of nearest samples to TIME to average. (int/double) ; If neither SAMPLES nor WINDOW are specified then default=1. ; WINDOW: Length in seconds from TIME over which data will be averaged. (int/double) ; CENTER_TIME: Flag denoting that TIME should be midpoint for window instead of beginning. ; ; SUM_SAMPLES: Flag denoting that the data should be summed over the requested trange rather than averaged ; ; THREE_D_INTERP: Flag to use 3D interpolation method (described above) ; TWO_D_INTERP: Flag to use 2D interpolation method (described above) ; GEOMETRIC: Flag to use geometric interpolation method (described above) ; ; ;Orientation Keywords: ; CUSTOM_ROTATION: Applies a custom rotation matrix to the data. Input may be a ; 3x3 rotation matrix or a tplot variable containing matrices. ; If the time window covers multiple matrices they will be averaged. ; This is applied before other transformations ; ROTATION: Aligns the data relative to the magnetic field and/or bulk velocity. ; This is applied after the CUSTOM_ROTATION. (BV and BE are invariant ; between coordinate systems) ; ; Use MAG_DATA keyword to specify magnetic field vector. ; Use VEL_DATA keyword to specify bulk velocity (optional). ; ; 'BV': The x axis is parallel to B field; the bulk velocity defines the x-y plane ; 'BE': The x axis is parallel to B field; the B x V(bulk) vector defines the x-y plane ; 'xy': (default) The x axis is along the data's x axis and y is along the data's y axis ; 'xz': The x axis is along the data's x axis and y is along the data's z axis ; 'yz': The x axis is along the data's y axis and y is along the data's z axis ; 'xvel': The x axis is along the data's x axis; the x-y plane is defined by the bulk velocity ; 'perp': The x axis is the bulk velocity projected onto the plane normal to the B field; y is B x V(bulk) ; 'perp_xy': The data's x & y axes are projected onto the plane normal to the B field ; 'perp_xz': The data's x & z axes are projected onto the plane normal to the B field ; 'perp_yz': The data's y & z axes are projected onto the plane normal to the B field ; ; SLICE_X & SLICE_NORM: These keywords respectively specify the slice plane's ; x-axis and normal within the coordinates specified by ; CUSTOM_ROTATION and ROTATION. Both keywords take ; 3-vectors as input. (See note below) ; ; If SLICE_X is not specified then the given coordinate's ; x-axis will be used. If SLICE_X is not perpendicular to ; the normal it's projection onto the slice plane will be used. ; An error will be thrown if no projection exists. ; ; If SLICE_NORM is not specified then the given coordinate's ; z-axis will be used (slice along by x-y plane in those ; coordinates). ; ; examples: ; Slice along the data's x-z plane: ; ROTATION='xz' ; ; Slice plane's x axis is GSM x and y is in the direction of the bulk velocity: ; CUSTOM_ROTATION='my_gsm_tvar', ROTATION='xvel' ; ; Slice is perpendicular to "tvar1" and x axis is defined by projection of "tvar2" ; SLICE_NORM='tvar1', SLICE_X='tvar2' ; ; NOTE: Update at 06/04/2018 - The SLICE_X & SLICE_NORM are defined after CUSTOM_ROTATION ; but before the ROTATION. ; ; DISPLACEMENT: Vector. New center of the coordinate system. ; example: ; Slice at the point x=0.5, y = 0.5 and z=0.1. ; DISPLACEMENT = [0.5, 0.5. 0.1] ; ; MAG_DATA: Name of tplot variable containing magnetic field data or 3-vector. ; This will be used for slice plane alignment and must be in the ; same coordinates as the particle data. ; VEL_DATA: Name of tplot variable containing the bulk velocity data or 3-vector. ; This will be used for slice plane alignment and must be in the ; same coordinates as the particle data. ; If not set the bulk velocity will be automatically calculated ; from the distribution (when needed). ;Other Keywords: ; RESOLUTION: Integer specifying the resolution along each dimension of the ; slice (defaults: 2D/3D interpolation: 150, geometric: 500) ; SMOOTH: An odd integer >=3 specifying the width of a smoothing window in # ; of points. Smoothing is applied to the final plot using a gaussian ; convolution. Even entries will be incremented, 0 and 1 are ignored. ; ; ENERGY: Flag to plot data against energy (in eV) instead of velocity. ; LOG: Flag to apply logarithmic scaling to the radial measure (i.e. energy/velocity). ; (on by default if /ENERGY is set) ; ; ERANGE: Two element array specifying the energy range to be used in eV. ; ; THETARANGE: (2D interpolation only) ; Angle range, in degrees [-90,90], used to calculate slice. ; Default = [-20,20]; will override ZDIRRANGE. ; ZDIRRANGE: (2D interpolation only) ; Z-Axis range, in km/s, used to calculate slice. ; Ignored if called with THETARANGE. ; ; AVERAGE_ANGLE: (geometric interpolation only) ; Two element array specifying an angle range over which ; averaging will be applied. The angle is measured ; from the slice plane and about the slice's horizontal axis; ; positive in the right handed direction. This will ; average over all data within that range. ; ; Note: for the default rotation='xy', the angle is measured from the XY ; slice plane and about the x-axis ; e.g. rotation='xy', average_angle=[-25,25] will average data within 25 degrees ; of the XY slice plane about it's x-axis ; or ; rotation='yz', average_angle=[-25,25] will average data within 25 degrees ; of the YZ slice plane about it's y-axis ; ; SUM_ANGLE: (geometric interpolation only) ; Two element array specifying an angle range over which ; summing will be applied. The angle is measured ; from the slice plane and about the slice's horizontal axis; ; positive in the right handed direction. This will ; sum over all data within that range. ; ; Note: for the default rotation='xy', the angle is measured from the XY ; slice plane and about the x-axis ; e.g. rotation='xy', sum_angle=[-25,25] will sum data within 25 degrees ; of the XY slice plane about it's x-axis ; or ; rotation='yz', sum_angle=[-25,25] will sum data within 25 degrees ; of the YZ slice plane about it's y-axis ; ; MSG_OBJ: Reference to dprint display object. ; ; DETERM_TOLERANCE: tolerance of the determinant of the custom rotation matrix ; (maximum acceptable difference from determ(C)=1 where C is the ; user's custom rotation matrix); default is 1e-6 ; ; SUBTRACT_BULK: Subtract bulk velocity vector ; PERP_SUBTRACT_BULK: Subtract the component of velocity perpendicular to the B field ;Output: ; Returns a structure to be passed to spd_slice2d_plot: ; { ; data: two dimensional array (NxN) containing the data to be plotted ; xgrid: N dimensional array of x-axis values for plotting ; ygrid: N dimensional array of y-axis values for plotting ; ; project_name: name of project ; spacecraft: spacecraft designation ; data_name: string or string array containing the type(s) of distribution used ; ; mass: particle mass in ev/(km/s)^2 ; units: the data's units ; xyunits: the x & y axes' units ; coord: placeholder for coordinate system label ; rot: the applied rotation option ; type: flag denoting interpolation type (0,2,3 for geometric, 2D, 3D respectively) ; rlog: flag denoting radial log scaling ; ; zrange: two-element array containing the range of the un-interpolated data ; rrange: two-element array containing the radial range of the data ; trange: two-element array containing the numerical time range ; ; bulk: 3-vector containing the bulk velocity in the slice plane's coordinates ; bfield: 3-vector containing the B-field in the slice plane's coordinates ; sunvec: 3-vector containing the sun direction in the slice plane's coordinates ; custom_matrix: The applied custom rotation matrix. ; rotation_matrix: Rotation matrix from the the original or custom coordinates ; to those defined by ROTATION. ; orient_matrix: Rotation matrix from the coordinates defined by ROTATION to ; the coordinates defined by SLICE_NORM and SLICE_X ; (column matrix of new coord's basis). ; } ; ; ;NOTES: ; - Regions containing no data are assigned zeros instead of NaNs. ; - Interpolation may occur across data gaps or areas with recorded zeroes ; when using 3D interpolation (use geometric interpolation to see bins). ; - The center/midpoint time of a distribution is used as it's timestamp ; when determining it's inclusion in the requested time range. The full ; time range of all included samples is stored in the metadata. ; ; ;CREATED BY: ; Aaron Flores, based on work by Bryan Kerr, Arjun Raj, and Xuzhi Zhou ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2020-05-04 13:59:39 -0700 (Mon, 04 May 2020) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 28665 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/science/spd_slice2d/spd_slice2d.pro $ ;- function spd_slice2d, input1, input2, input3, input4, $ ; Time options time=time_in, $ window=window, $ center_time=center_time, $ trange=trange_in, $ samples=samples, $ sum_samples=sum_samples, $ ; sum the data rather than average ; Orientations custom_rotation=custom_rotation, $ determ_tolerance=determ_tolerance, $ rotation=rotation, $ slice_norm=slice_z, $ slice_x=slice_x, $ ; Shift the origin before interpolation displacement=displacement_in, $ ; Support Data mag_data=mag_data, $ vel_data=vel_data, $ sun_data=sun_data, $ ; Interpolation options geometric=geometric, $ two_d_interp=two_d_interp, $ three_d_interp=three_d_interp, $ ; 2D interpolation options thetarange=thetarange, $ zdirrange=zdirrange, $ ; Range limits erange=erange, $ ; Other options resolution=resolution, $ smooth=smooth, $ log=log, $ energy=energy, $ ; TBD subtract_bulk=subtract_bulk, $ average_angle=average_angle, $ sum_angle=sum_angle, $ ; Other msg_obj=msg_obj, $ fail=fail, $ ; Test perp_subtract_bulk=perp_subtract_bulk, $ ;only subtract velocity perp to B perp_vel_data=perp_vel_data, $ ;tplot variable with perp velocity _extra = _extra compile_opt idl2 invalid = 0b fail = '' if ~ptr_valid(input1[0]) and ~is_struct(input1[0]) then begin fail = 'Invalid data. Input must be pointer or structure array.' dprint, dlevel=1, fail return, invalid endif if undefined(trange_in) then begin if undefined(time_in) then begin fail = 'Please specify a time or time range over which to compute the slice. For example: '+ $ ssl_newline()+' "TIME=t, WINDOW=w" or "TRANGE=tr" or "TIME=t, SAMPLES=n"' dprint, dlevel=1, fail return, invalid endif else begin if undefined(window) && undefined(samples) then begin samples = 1 ;use single closest distribution by default endif endelse endif valid_rotations = ['bv', 'be', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz', 'xvel', $ 'perp', 'perp_xy', 'perp_xz', 'perp_yz'] if ~undefined(rotation) then begin if ~in_set(strlowcase(rotation),valid_rotations) then begin fail = 'Invalid rotation requested. See spd_crib_slice2d for examples.' dprint, dlevel=1, fail return, invalid endif endif ; Set default options ;------------------------------------------------------------ if ~undefined(time_in) then time = time_double(time_in[0]) if undefined(rotation) then rotation='xy' if keyword_set(energy) && undefined(log) then log = 1 if rotation eq 'xyz' then rotation = 'xy' if rotation eq 'perp_xyz' then rotation = 'perp_xy' ;Interpolation type: if keyword_set(geometric) then type=0 if keyword_set(two_d_interp) then type = 2 if keyword_set(three_d_interp) then type = 3 if undefined(type) then type = 3 ; 2d interp if type eq 2 then begin if undefined(smooth) then smooth = 7 if undefined(resolution) then resolution = 150 if ~keyword_set(thetarange) and ~keyword_set(zdirrange) then begin thetarange = [-20.,20] endif endif ; 3D interp if type eq 3 then begin if undefined(smooth) then smooth = 7 if undefined(resolution) then resolution = 150 endif ; geometric if ~keyword_set(type) then begin if undefined(resolution) then resolution = 500 endif if type ne 0 && keyword_set(average_angle) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Angular averaging is only applicable to the geometric method.'+ $ 'No averaging will be applied.' return, invalid endif if type ne 0 && keyword_set(sum_angle) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Angular summing is only applicable to the geometric method.'+ $ 'No summing will be applied.' return, invalid endif if keyword_set(average_angle) && keyword_set(sum_angle) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Conflicting keywords specified: sum_angle and average_angle; only one of these keywords can be specified at a time.' + $ 'No summing/averaging will be applied.' return, invalid endif if undefined(time) then tslice = trange_in[0] else tslice = time msg = 'Processing slice at ' + time_string(tslice, tformat='YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.fff') +'... ' dprint, dlevel=2, msg, display_object=msg_obj ; Aggregate inputs ; -multiple inputs are allowed to make things easier on the user ; -pointer arrays are used as a way of supporting dissimilar ; structures, which cannot be concatenated ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;copy any structs to new pointer var, other inputs are copied and checked next switch n_params() of 4: if is_struct(input4) then p4 = ptr_new(input4) else p4 = input4 3: if is_struct(input3) then p3 = ptr_new(input3) else p3 = input3 2: if is_struct(input2) then p2 = ptr_new(input2) else p2 = input2 1: if is_struct(input1) then p1 = ptr_new(input1) else p1 = input1 endswitch ;agregate valid pointers ds = p1 if ptr_valid(p2) then ds = [ds,p2] if ptr_valid(p3) then ds = [ds,p3] if ptr_valid(p4) then ds = [ds,p4] ; Get the slice's time range ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; get the time range if one was specified if ~undefined(trange_in) then begin trange = minmax(time_double(trange_in)) endif ; get the time range if a time & window were specified instead if undefined(trange) && keyword_set(window) then begin if keyword_set(center_time) then begin trange = [time - window/2d, $ time + window/2d ] endif else begin trange = [time, $ time + window ] endelse endif ; if no time range or window was specified then get a time range ; from the N closest samples to the specified time ; (defaults to 1 if SAMPLES is not defined) if undefined(trange) then begin trange = spd_slice2d_nearest(ds, time, samples) endif ; check that there is data in range before proceeding for i=0, n_elements(ds)-1 do begin times_ind = spd_slice2d_intrange(ds[i], trange, n=ndat) n_samples = array_concat(ndat,n_samples) endfor n_samples = total(n_samples) if n_samples lt 1 then begin fail = 'No particle data in the time window: '+strjoin(time_string(trange),', ')+ $ '. Time samples may be at low cadence; try adjusting the time window.' dprint, dlevel=1, fail return, invalid endif dprint, dlevel=3, strtrim(n_samples,2) + ' samples in time window' ; Extract particle data from structures ; -apply energy limits ; -average data over time window ; -output r, phi, theta and dr, dphi, dtheta arrays ;------------------------------------------------------------ spd_slice2d_get_data, ds, trange=trange, erange=erange, energy=energy, fail=fail, $ data=datapoints, rad=rad, phi=phi, theta=theta, dr=dr, dp=dp, dt=dt, $ sum_samples=sum_samples if keyword_set(fail) then return, invalid ; Known causes of an empty data variable should be caught before this. if ~keyword_set(datapoints) then begin fail = 'Unknown error extracting data from particle distributions.' dprint, dlevel=0, fail return, invalid endif ; Get original data and radial ranges for plotting ; -ignore outliers that may be the result of sanitizations performed outside this routine ; -this also effectively removes low-significance outliers at large velocities, which ; can lead to overly large velocity scales for some instruments idx = where(datapoints gt 0,n) if n gt 0 then begin dmoms = moment(alog10(datapoints[idx]),maxmom=2) min = 10^(dmoms[0] - 2*sqrt(dmoms[1])) ;ignore if < mean - 2*sigma drange = minmax(datapoints[idx],min_value=min) ;*** affects interpolation in some cases *** ; ;remove points below the minimum ; ; -these points would be hidden on final plot if left and will only ; ; slow the interpolation ; idx = where(datapoints gt 0, n) ; if n gt 0 then begin ; datapoints = datapoints[idx] ; rad = rad[idx] ; phi = phi[idx] ; theta = theta[idx] ; dr = dr[idx] ; dp = dp[idx] ; dt = dt[idx] ; endif ; ; drange = [min(datapoints),max(datapoints)] endif else begin drange = [0,0.] endelse rrange = [ min( rad - 0.5*dr ), max( rad + 0.5*dr ) ] ; Apply radial log scaling if keyword_set(log) then begin spd_slice2d_rlog, rad, dr endif ; Convert spherical data to cartesian coordinates for interpolation if keyword_set(type) then begin spd_slice2d_s2c, rad,theta,phi, xyz endif ; Get/apply coordinate transformations ; -for 2D/3D interpolation the data is transformed here ; -for geometric interpolation the data is transformed in spd_slice2d_geo ; -support data is always rotated at each step ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Get support data for aligning slice spd_slice2d_get_support, mag_data, trange, output=bfield spd_slice2d_get_support, vel_data, trange, output=vbulk spd_slice2d_get_support, sun_data, trange, output=sunvec spd_slice2d_get_support, slice_x, trange, output=slice_x_vec spd_slice2d_get_support, slice_z, trange, output=slice_z_vec ; Create perp velocity tplot variable, carefully, by rotating into ; 'bv' system, then set X component of velocity ot zero, and inverse If(keyword_set(perp_subtract_bulk)) Then Begin rotation_tmp = 'bv' vbulk_tmp = vbulk bfield_tmp = bfield spd_slice2d_rotate, rotation=rotation_tmp, fail=fail, $ vbulk=vbulk_tmp, bfield=bfield_tmp, $ matrix=rotation_matrix_tmp if keyword_set(fail) then return, invalid perp_vbulk = vbulk_tmp & perp_vbulk[0] = 0.00 ;now unrotate the perp_vbulk vector perp_vbulk = transpose(rotation_matrix_tmp) ## perp_vbulk Endif ; Custom rotation spd_slice2d_custom_rotation, custom_rotation=custom_rotation, trange=trange, fail=fail, $ vectors=xyz, bfield=bfield, vbulk=vbulk, sunvec=sunvec, matrix=custom_matrix, $ determ_tolerance=determ_tolerance, perp_vbulk=perp_vbulk if keyword_set(fail) then return, invalid ; Rotation defined by slice normal/x axis options if (~undefined(slice_x_vec) && ~ARRAY_EQUAL([1,0,0],slice_x_vec)) || $ (~undefined(slice_z_vec) && ~ARRAY_EQUAL([0,0,1],slice_z_vec)) then begin dprint, dlevel=2, 'Warning! behaviour of slice_x_vec and slice_z_vec has been changed (06/04/2018). See the description of the function.', display_object=msg_obj endif spd_slice2d_orientslice, slice_x=slice_x_vec, slice_z=slice_z_vec, fail=fail, $ vectors=xyz, bfield=bfield, vbulk=vbulk, sunvec=sunvec, matrix=orient_matrix, $ perp_vbulk=perp_vbulk if keyword_set(fail) then return, invalid ; Built in rotation option spd_slice2d_rotate, rotation=rotation, fail=fail, $ vectors=xyz, bfield=bfield, vbulk=vbulk, sunvec=sunvec, matrix=rotation_matrix, $ perp_vbulk=perp_vbulk if keyword_set(fail) then return, invalid ; Subtract bulk velocity vector if keyword_set(subtract_bulk) && ~keyword_set(log) then begin spd_slice2d_subtract, vectors=xyz, velocity=vbulk, fail=fail if keyword_set(fail) then return, invalid ;as with rotations, this will be applied later for geometric interp geo_shift = vbulk endif else if keyword_set(perp_subtract_bulk) && ~keyword_set(log) then begin spd_slice2d_subtract, vectors=xyz, velocity=perp_vbulk, fail=fail if keyword_set(fail) then return, invalid ;as with rotations, this will be applied later for geometric interp geo_shift = perp_vbulk endif ; Misc. ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Sort transformed vector grid ; -this ends up being necessary later if ~undefined(xyz) then begin sorted = sort(xyz[*,0]) xyz = xyz[sorted,*] datapoints = datapoints[sorted] endif minvelinterp = 0 if keyword_set(displacement_in) then begin ; simple preventetive measure the code will still work if the inpute is wrong if n_elements(displacement_in) ne 3 then begin disp_arr = [0., 0., 0.] dprint, dlevel=2, 'Displacement must be an array of 3 elements. Displacement is set to zero.', display_object=msg_obj endif else disp_arr = displacement_in d = disp_arr case strlowcase(rotation) of 'xy': disp_arr = [d[0], d[1], d[2]] 'xz': disp_arr = [d[0], d[2], -1*d[1]] ; -1 because of the rotation see spd_cal_rot([1,0,0],[0,0,1]) 'yz': disp_arr = [d[1], d[2], d[0]] else: begin disp_arr = [0., 0., 0.] dprint, dlevel=2, 'Displacement currently supports only rotation=xy, xz, yz. Displacement is set to zero.', display_object=msg_obj end endcase if type eq 2 and keyword_set(thetarange) then begin dprint, dlevel=2, 'Use zdirrange instead of thetarange with displacement in 2d interpolation.', display_object=msg_obj endif if type eq 1 then begin dprint, dlevel=2, 'Displacement supports 2d and 3d interpolation. Displacement is canceled.', display_object=msg_obj endif else begin spd_slice2d_translate, vectors=xyz, translate=-1*disp_arr, data=datapoints, /truncate minvelinterp = 1 endelse endif ; Create slice: ; ; TYPE=0 Geometric Interpolation ; TYPE=2 2D Linear Interpolation ; TYPE=3 3D Linear Interpolation ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Linear 2D interpolation from thm_esa_slice2D if type eq 2 then begin dprint, dlevel=4, 'Using 2d linear interpolation' spd_slice2d_2di, datapoints, xyz, resolution, $ thetarange=thetarange, zdirrange=zdirrange, $ slice=slice, xgrid=xgrid, ygrid=ygrid, $ minvelinterp=minvelinterp, $ fail=fail ; Linear 3D Interpolation endif else if type eq 3 then begin dprint, dlevel=4, 'Using 3d linear interpolation' spd_slice2d_3di, datapoints, xyz, resolution, drange=drange, $ slice=slice, xgrid=xgrid, ygrid=ygrid, $ minvelinterp=minvelinterp, $ fail=fail ; Geometric Method endif else begin dprint, dlevel=4, 'Using geometric method' spd_slice2d_geo, data=datapoints, resolution=resolution, $ rad=rad, phi=phi, theta=theta, dr=dr, dp=dp, dt=dt, $ custom_matrix=custom_matrix, $ rotation_matrix=rotation_matrix, $ orient_matrix=orient_matrix, $ shift = geo_shift, $ average_angle=average_angle, $ msg_obj=msg_obj, msg_prefix=msg, $ slice=slice, xgrid=xgrid, ygrid=ygrid, $ sum_angle=sum_angle, $ fail=fail endelse if keyword_set(fail) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, fail return, invalid endif ; Apply smoothing if keyword_set(smooth) then begin spd_slice2d_smooth, slice, smooth endif ; Change the axes if keyword_set(displacement_in) then begin if type ne 1 then begin xgrid=xgrid + disp_arr[0] ygrid=ygrid + disp_arr[1] endif endif ; Get metadata and return slice structure ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; loop over dist structures to get name(s) and time range for i=0, n_elements(ds)-1 do begin ;dist type name data_name = array_concat( ((*ds[i]).data_name)[0], data_name ) ;time range of particle data times_ind = spd_slice2d_intrange(ds[i], trange, n=ndat) if ndat gt 0 then begin trc = [ min((*ds[i])[times_ind].time), $ max((*ds[i])[times_ind].end_time) ] tr = minmax( array_concat(trc,tr) ) endif endfor ; don't repeat distribution types in name data_name = strjoin( spd_uniq(data_name), '/') ; Output structure slice = { $ ; Data data: temporary(slice), $ ;data values xgrid: xgrid, $ ;x-axis values ygrid: ygrid, $ ;y-axis values ; Metadata project_name: ((*ds[0]).project_name)[0], $ spacecraft: ((*ds[0]).spacecraft)[0], $ data_name: data_name, $ ;names of distributions used (string) n_samples: n_samples, $ ;number of distributions used mass: ((*ds[0]).mass)[0], $ ;mass in eV/(km/s)^2 units: ((*ds[0]).units_name)[0], $ ;data units xyunits: keyword_set(energy) ? 'eV':'km/s', $ ;x/y/r units (string) coord: '', $ ;placeholder for coordinates used (string) rot: rotation, $ ;rotation used (string) type: type, $ ;integer specifying slice type (0,2,3) energy: keyword_set(energy), $ ;flag for energy plots rlog: keyword_set(log), $ ;flag for radial log plot trange: tr, $ ;total time range of used distributions zrange: drange, $ ;data range after averaging but before interpolation rrange: rrange , $ ;instrument velocity/energy range ; Support Data shift: undefined(subtract_bulk) ? 0:vbulk, $ ;for plotting energy limits bulk: undefined(vbulk) ? 0:vbulk, $ ;bulk velocity vector perp_bulk: undefined(perp_vbulk) ? 0:perp_vbulk, $ ;perp bulk velocity vector bfield: undefined(bfield) ? 0:bfield, $ ;bfield vector sunvec: undefined(sunvec) ? 0:sunvec, $ ;sun vector custom_matrix: custom_matrix, $ ;applied custom rotation matrix rotation_matrix: rotation_matrix, $ ;rotation matrix from ROTATION option orient_matrix: orient_matrix $ ;rotation matrix specified by SLICE_NORM/SLICE_X } msg = 'Finished slice at '+time_string(tslice, format=5) dprint, dlevel=2, msg, display_object=msg_obj return, slice end