;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; slice2d ; PURPOSE: ; creates a 2-D slice of the 3-D distribution function ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; slice2d, dat ; INPUTS: ; dat: standard 3d data structure (cf. 3d_structure.pro) ; KEYWORDS: ; all optional ; ROTATION: (case insensitive) ; 'xy': the x axis is v_x and the y axis is v_y. (DEFAULT) ; 'xz': the x axis is v_x and the y axis is v_z. ; 'yz': the x axis is v_y and the y axis is v_z. ; rotations shown below require valid MAGF tag in the data structure ; 'BV': the x axis is v_para (to the magnetic field) and ; the bulk velocity is in the x-y plane. ; 'BE': the x axis is v_para (to the magnetic field) and ; the VxB direction is in the x-y plane. ; 'perp': the x-y plane is perpendicular to the B field, ; while the x axis is the velocity projection on the plane. ; 'perp_xy': the x-y plane is perpendicular to the B field, ; while the x axis is the x projection on the plane. ; 'perp_xz': the x-y plane is perpendicular to the B field, ; while the x axis is the x projection on the plane. ; 'perp_yz': the x-y plane is perpendicular to the B field, ; while the x axis is the y projection on the plane. ; ANGLE: the lower and upper angle limits of the slice selected ; to plot (DEFAULT [-20,20]). ; THIRDDIRLIM: the limits of the velocity component perpendicular to ; the slice plane (Def: inactivated) ; Once activated, the ANGLE keyword would be invalid. ; XRANGE: vector specifying the xrange (Def: adjusted to energy range) ; RANGE: vector specifying the color range ; (Def: from min to max of the unsmoothed, uninterpolated data) ; ERANGE: specifies the energy range to be used (Def: all energy) ; UNITS: specifies the units ('eflux', 'df', etc.) (Def. is 'df') ; NOZLOG: specifies a linear Z axis ; POSITION: positions the plot using a 4-vector ; NOFILL: doesn't fill the contour plot with colors ; NLINES: says how many lines to use if using NOFILL ; (DEFAULT 60, MAX 60) ; NOOLINES: suppresses the black contour lines ; NUMOLINES: how many black contour lines (DEFAULT 20, MAX 60) ; REMOVEZERO: removes the data with zero counts for plotting ; SHOWDATA: plots all the data points over the contour (symsize = showdata) ; VEL: specifies the bulk velocity in the instrument coordinates ; used for subtraction & rotation (default is calculated with v_3d) ; NOGRID: forces no triangulation (no interpolation) ; NOSMOOTH: suppresses smoothing ; IF NOT SET, DEFAULT IS SMOOTH (boxcar smoothing w/ width=3) ; SUNDIR: specifies the sun direction in the instrument coordinates ; if set, sun direction line is plotted ; NOVELLINE: suppresses the red velocity line ; SUBTRACT: Can take on a value from 0 to 4: ; 0 : do nothing ; 1 : subtract the bulk velocity before plotting ; if there are few data points around (0,0), use ; ThirdDirLim keyword to select data points ; 2 : subtract the X component of the bulk velocity before plotting ; (useful for cuts in the Y-Z plane) ; 3 : subtract the Y component of the bulk velocity before plotting ; (useful for cuts in the X-Z plane) ; 4 : subtract the Z component of the bulk velocity before plotting ; (useful for cuts in the X-Y plane) ; RESOLUTION: resolution of the mesh (DEFAULT 51) ; ISOTROPIC: forces the scaling of the X and Y axes to be equal ; XTITLE, YTITLE, ZTITLE, TITLE: set titles ; NOPLOT: if set, does not generate a plot ; DATPLOT: returns a structure which contains data used to plot ; other keywords are passed to contour ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2014-05-26 ; Modified from 'thm_esa_slice2d' written by Arjun Raj & Xuzhi Zhou ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-01-02 15:04:01 -0800 (Tue, 02 Jan 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24474 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/science/slice2d.pro $ ;- ;- copied from 'thm_cal_rot' for non-THEMIS users function slice2d_cal_rot,v1,v2 a=v1/(total(v1^2))^.5 d=v2/(total(v2^2))^.5 c=crossp(a,d) c=c/(total(c^2))^.5 b=-crossp(a,c) b=b/(total(b^2))^.5 rotinv = dblarr(3,3) rotinv(0,*) = a rotinv(1,*) = b rotinv(2,*) = c rot = invert(rotinv) return, rot end ;- main procedure pro slice2d, dat, rotation=rotation, angle=angle, thirddirlim=thirddirlim, xrange=xrange, range=range, erange=erange, units=units, nozlog=nozlog, position=position, nofill=nofill, nlines=nlines, noolines=noolines, numolines=numolines, removezero=removezero, showdata=showdata, vel=vel, nogrid=nogrid, nosmooth=nosmooth, sundir=sundir, novelline=novelline, subtract=subtract, resolution=resolution, isotropic=isotropic, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, ztitle=ztitle, title=title, noplot=noplot, datplot=datplot, _extra=_extra, verbose=verbose ;- default setting if not keyword_set(units) then units = 'df' if not keyword_set(rotation) then rotation = 'xy' else rotation = strlowcase(rotation) if not keyword_set(angle) then angle = [-20.,20.] if not keyword_set(nlines) then nlines = 60 if not keyword_set(nozlog) then zlog = 1 else zlog = 0 if not keyword_set(nofill) then fill = 1 else fill = 0 if not keyword_set(resolution) then resolution = 51 if resolution mod 2 eq 0 then resolution = resolution + 1 if not keyword_set(numolines) then numolines = 20 if not keyword_set(position) then begin x_size = !d.x_size & y_size = !d.y_size xsize = .77 yoffset = 0. d = 1. if y_size le x_size then $ position = [.13*d+.05,.13*d+yoffset,.05+.13*d + xsize * y_size/x_size,.13*d + xsize + yoffset] else $ position = [.13*d+.05,.13*d+yoffset,.05+.13*d + xsize,.13*d + xsize *x_size/y_size + yoffset] ;- just copied from 'thm_esa_slice2d' ;- is this the best default position? endif if strmid(strupcase(!version.os_family), 0, 3) eq 'WIN' then lb = string([13B, 10B]) else lb = string(10B) ;- valid data check if dat.valid ne 1 then begin dprint, 'Not valid data!!!' return endif ;- convert units dat2 = conv_units(dat,units) ;- set ene-sangle bin flag bins_2d = fltarr(dat2.nenergy,dat2.nbins) sizeokay = 0 if tag_exist(dat2,'bins') eq 1 then begin checksize = size(dat2.bins) if checksize[0] eq 2 then begin if checksize[1] eq dat2.nenergy and checksize[2] eq dat2.nbins then begin sizeokay = 1 endif endif endif if sizeokay eq 1 then begin bins_2d[*,*] = dat2.bins[*,*] endif else begin bins_2d[*,*] = 1. dprint,'No BINS tag or the BINS size does not match (Nene, Nsangle)' dprint,'All bins are used' endelse ;- set energy range if not keyword_set(erange) then begin erange = [ min(dat2.energy) , max(dat2.energy) ] endif else begin idx = where( dat2.energy[*,0] ge erange[0] $ and dat2.energy[*,0] le erange[1] , idx_cnt ) if idx_cnt gt 0 then begin erange = [ min(dat2.energy[idx,0]) , max(dat2.energy[idx,0]) ] endif else begin dprint,'No data points in that energy range!!!' return endelse endelse ;- set mass (note that uits are eV/(km/sec)^2) if tag_exist(dat2,'mass') eq 1 then begin mass = dat2.mass endif else begin dprint,'No mass info in the 3D data!!!' dprint,'Add a mass tag to the structure by using, e.g., str_element' dprint,'for electrons:' dprint,"> str_element,dat, 'MASS', 5.6856591e-6, /add" dprint,'for protons, mass = 1836*5.6856591e-6 eV/(km/sec)^2' return endelse ;- set magnetic field vector if rotation ne 'xy' and rotation ne 'xz' and rotation ne 'yz' then begin if tag_exist(dat2,'magf') eq 1 then begin bvec = dat2.magf if total(bvec^2) ne 0 and total(finite(bvec)) eq 3 then begin dprint, dlevel=2, verbose=verbose, $ lb + ' Magntic field is taken from MAGF tag in the data structure' + $ lb + ' bvec =' + string(bvec, '(3(a0))') endif else begin dprint,'Invalid MAGF:',bvec return endelse endif else begin dprint,'No MAGF tag in the data structure!!!' dprint,'Add a valid MAGF tag by using, e.g., extract_tags' return endelse endif ;=== sort data into cartesian coordinates (v_x, v_y, v_z) === totalx = fltarr(1) & totaly = fltarr(1) & totalz = fltarr(1) ncounts = fltarr(1) ;- add all data for plots into a 1-D array for i=0,dat2.nenergy-1 do begin currbins = where( bins_2d[i,*] ne 0 $ and dat2.energy[i,*] le erange[1] $ and dat2.energy[i,*] ge erange[0] $ and finite(dat2.data[i,*]) eq 1 , nbins ) if nbins gt 0 then begin x = fltarr(nbins) & y = fltarr(nbins) & z = fltarr(nbins) ;- obsolete ;; w = where( dat2.phi eq 0. , nw ) ;- deals w/ colinear err @triangulate ;; if nw gt 0 then dat2.phi = dat2.phi + .00001 ;- obsolete sphere_to_cart,1,reform(dat2.theta[i,currbins]),reform(dat2.phi[i,currbins]), x,y,z totalx = [totalx, x * reform(sqrt(2*dat2.energy[i,currbins]/mass))] totaly = [totaly, y * reform(sqrt(2*dat2.energy[i,currbins]/mass))] totalz = [totalz, z * reform(sqrt(2*dat2.energy[i,currbins]/mass))] ncounts = [ncounts, reform(dat2.data[i, currbins])] endif endfor totalx = totalx[1:*] ;- the first ones were dummies totaly = totaly[1:*] totalz = totalz[1:*] ncounts = ncounts[1:*] newdata = {v:fltarr(n_elements(totalx),3), n:fltarr(n_elements(totalx))} newdata.v[*,0] = totalx ;- v_x [km/s] newdata.v[*,1] = totaly ;- v_y [km/s] newdata.v[*,2] = totalz ;- v_z [km/s] newdata.n = ncounts ;=== sort data into cartesian coordinates (v_x, v_y, v_z) === ;- set velocity if keyword_set(vel) then begin vvec = vel dprint, dlevel=2, verbose=verbose, 'Velocity used for subtraction/rotation/display is' + string(vel, '(3(a0))') endif else begin vvec = v_3d(dat2) dprint,'Velocity used for subtraction/rotation/display is V_3D' + string(vvec, '(3(a0))'), dlevel=2, verbose=verbose endelse ;- velocity subtraction if not keyword_set(subtract) then begin dprint, 'No velocity subtraction', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose endif else begin case subtract of 2 : begin dprint, 'Subtracting V_x', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose newdata.v[*,0] = newdata.v[*,0] - vvec[0] vvec[0] = 0. subtract = 0 end 3 : begin dprint, 'Subtracting V_y', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose newdata.v[*,1] = newdata.v[*,1] - vvec[1] vvec[1] = 0. subtract = 0 end 4 : begin dprint, 'Subtracting V_z', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose newdata.v[*,2] = newdata.v[*,2] - vvec[2] vvec[2] = 0. subtract = 0 end else : begin dprint, 'Subtracting velocity vector', dlevel=2, verbose=verbose newdata.v[*,0] = newdata.v[*,0] - vvec[0] newdata.v[*,1] = newdata.v[*,1] - vvec[1] newdata.v[*,2] = newdata.v[*,2] - vvec[2] end endcase endelse ;=== rotation to the required frame of reference === if rotation eq 'bv' then rot = slice2d_cal_rot( bvec, vvec ) if rotation eq 'be' then rot = slice2d_cal_rot( bvec, crossp(bvec,vvec) ) if rotation eq 'xy' then rot = slice2d_cal_rot( [1,0,0], [0,1,0] ) if rotation eq 'xz' then rot = slice2d_cal_rot( [1,0,0], [0,0,1] ) if rotation eq 'yz' then rot = slice2d_cal_rot( [0,1,0], [0,0,1] ) if rotation eq 'perp' then begin rot = slice2d_cal_rot( crossp(crossp(bvec,vvec),bvec), crossp(bvec,vvec) ) endif if rotation eq 'perp_xy' then begin rot = slice2d_cal_rot( crossp(crossp(bvec,[1,0,0]),bvec), crossp(crossp(bvec,[0,1,0]),bvec) ) endif if rotation eq 'perp_xz' then begin rot = slice2d_cal_rot( crossp(crossp(bvec,[1,0,0]),bvec), crossp(crossp(bvec,[0,0,1]),bvec) ) endif if rotation eq 'perp_yz' then begin rot = slice2d_cal_rot( crossp(crossp(bvec,[0,1,0]),bvec), crossp(crossp(bvec,[0,0,1]),bvec) ) endif newdata.v = newdata.v # rot vvec = vvec # rot if keyword_set(sundir) then begin sundir2 = sundir # rot ;; if sundir2[1] ne 0 then $ ;- assumes axisymmetry ;; ysun = sqrt( sundir2[1]^2 + sundir2[2]^2 )*sundir2[1]/abs(sundir2[1]) $ ;; else ysun = 0. ysun = sundir2[1] ;- simple projection xsun = sundir2[0] endif ;=== rotation to the required frame of reference === ;- set plot arrays xplot = newdata.v[*,0] yplot = newdata.v[*,1] zplot = newdata.v[*,2] cntplot = newdata.n ;=== confine angles/third dir === if keyword_set(ThirdDirlim) then angle = [-90.,90.] r = sqrt( xplot^2 + yplot^2 + zplot^2 ) eachangle = asin( zplot/r ) angle1 = min(angle) angle2 = max(angle) idx = where( eachangle*!radeg ge angle1 $ and eachangle*!radeg le angle2 , idx_cnt ) if idx_cnt gt 0 then begin xplot = xplot[idx] yplot = yplot[idx] zplot = zplot[idx] cntplot = cntplot[idx] endif else begin dprint,'No data points at that angle!!!' return endelse if keyword_set(ThirdDirlim) then begin idx = where( zplot ge min(ThirdDirLim) and zplot le max(ThirdDirLim) , idx_cnt ) if idx_cnt gt 0 then begin xplot = xplot[idx] yplot = yplot[idx] zplot = zplot[idx] cntplot = cntplot[idx] endif else begin dprint,'No data points at that third direction limit!!!' return endelse endif ;=== confine angles/third dir === ;- remove nevative values, if any idx = where( cntplot ge 0 , idx_cnt ) if idx_cnt gt 0 then begin xplot = xplot[idx] yplot = yplot[idx] zplot = zplot[idx] cntplot = cntplot[idx] endif else begin dprint,'There are no data values >= 0!!!' return endelse ;- remove zero values (is this keyword necessary??) if keyword_set(removezero) then begin idx = where( cntplot ne 0 , idx_cnt ) if idx_cnt gt 0 then begin xplot = xplot[idx] yplot = yplot[idx] zplot = zplot[idx] cntplot = cntplot[idx] endif else begin dprint,'There are only zero data values' endelse endif ;=== sort data into unique data points in x-y plane === yplot = yplot(sort(xplot)) ;- sort x cntplot = cntplot(sort(xplot)) xplot = xplot(sort(xplot)) uni2 = uniq(xplot) ;- last element in each set of non-unique elements uni1 = [ 0, uni2[0:n_elements(uni2)-2]+1 ] ;- first element in each set kk = 0 for i=0,n_elements(uni2)-1 do begin xploti = xplot[ uni1[i]:uni2[i] ] yploti = yplot[ uni1[i]:uni2[i] ] cntploti = cntplot[ uni1[i]:uni2[i] ] xploti = xploti[ sort(yploti) ] ;- sort y cntploti = cntploti[ sort(yploti) ] yploti = yploti[ sort(yploti) ] idx2 = uniq(yploti) if n_elements(idx2) eq 1 then begin idx1 = 0 endif else begin idx1 = [ 0, idx2[0:n_elements(idx2)-2]+1 ] endelse for j=0,n_elements(idx2)-1 do begin yplot[kk] = yploti[idx1[j]] xplot[kk] = xploti[idx1[j]] if idx1[j] eq idx2[j] then begin ;- unique data point cntplot[kk] = cntploti[idx1[j]] endif else begin ;- non-unique data points, taking the mean value cnt_mom = moment( cntploti[ idx1[j]:idx2[j] ] ) cntplot[kk] = cnt_mom[0] endelse kk = kk +1 endfor endfor xplot = xplot[0:kk-1] yplot = yplot[0:kk-1] cntplot = cntplot[0:kk-1] ;=== sort data into unique data points in x-y plane === ;- set xrange if not keyword_set(xrange) then begin xmax = max(abs([xplot,yplot])) xrange = [ -1*xmax, xmax ] endif else xmax = max(abs(xrange)) ;- set color range if not keyword_set(range) then begin if not keyword_set(xrange) then begin cntmax = max(cntplot) cntmin = min(cntplot) if cntmax ne 0 and cntmin eq 0 then $ cntmin = min( cntplot[where(cntplot ne 0)] ) endif else begin cntmax = max(cntplot[ where( abs(xplot) le xmax and abs(yplot) le xmax ) ]) cntmin = min(cntplot[ where( abs(xplot) le xmax and abs(yplot) le xmax ) ]) if cntmax ne 0 and cntmin eq 0 then $ cntmin = min( cntplot[where( cntplot ne 0 and abs(xplot) le xmax and abs(yplot) le xmax )] ) endelse endif else begin cntmin = min(range) cntmax = max(range) endelse ;- set contour levels if keyword_set(nozlog) then begin levels = indgen(nlines)/float(nlines)*(cntmax-cntmin) + cntmin endif else begin levels = 10.^( indgen(nlines)/float(nlines)*(alog10(cntmax)-alog10(cntmin)) + alog10(cntmin) ) endelse if not keyword_set(noolines) then begin if keyword_set(nozlog) then begin levels2 = indgen(numolines)/float(numolines)*(cntmax-cntmin) + cntmin endif else begin levels2 = 10.^( indgen(numolines)/float(numolines)*(alog10(cntmax)-alog10(cntmin)) + alog10(cntmin) ) endelse endif ;- set colors colors = round( (indgen(nlines)+1)*(!d.table_size-9)/nlines ) + 7 ;- set x & y titles if rotation eq 'bv' then begin if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = 'v_para [km/s]' if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = 'v_perp_V [km/s]' endif if rotation eq 'be' then begin if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = 'v_para [km/s]' if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = 'v_perp_E [km/s]' endif if rotation eq 'xy' then begin if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = 'v_x [km/s]' if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = 'v_y [km/s]' endif if rotation eq 'xz' then begin if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = 'v_x [km/s]' if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = 'v_z [km/s]' endif if rotation eq 'yz' then begin if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = 'v_y [km/s]' if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = 'v_z [km/s]' endif if rotation eq 'perp' then begin if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = 'v_perp_V [km/s]' if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = 'v_perp_E [km/s]' endif if rotation eq 'perp_xy' then begin if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = 'v_perp_x [km/s]' if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = 'v_perp_y [km/s]' endif if rotation eq 'perp_xz' then begin if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = 'v_perp_x [km/s]' if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = 'v_perp_z [km/s]' endif if rotation eq 'perp_yz' then begin if ~keyword_set(xtitle) then xtitle = 'v_perp_y [km/s]' if ~keyword_set(ytitle) then ytitle = 'v_perp_z [km/s]' endif ;=== plot the data === if ~keyword_set(title) then $ title = dat2.data_name+' '+time_string(dat2.time) $ +'->'+strmid(time_string(dat2.end_time),11,8) xg = !values.f_nan yg = !values.f_nan surf = !values.f_nan if not keyword_set(nogrid) then begin spacing = (xrange[1]-xrange[0])/(resolution-1) ;; triangulate, xplot, yplot, tr, b qhull, xplot, yplot, tr, /delaunay ;- qhull generally performs better than triangulate (cf. spd_slice2d_2di.pro) idx = where( ( xplot[tr[0,*]] + xplot[tr[1,*]] + xplot[tr[2,*]] )^2 $ + ( yplot[tr[0,*]] + yplot[tr[1,*]] + yplot[tr[2,*]] )^2 $ gt min( xplot^2 + yplot^2 ) , idx_cnt ) if idx_cnt gt 0 then tr = tr[*,idx] surf = trigrid( xplot, yplot, cntplot, tr, [spacing,spacing], $ [ xrange[0], xrange[0], xrange[1], xrange[1] ], $ xgrid=xg, ygrid=yg ) if not keyword_set(nosmooth) then surf = smooth(surf,3) if n_elements(xg) mod 2 ne 1 then $ dprint, 'The line plots are invalid', n_elements(xg) if ~keyword_set(noplot) then begin contour,surf,xg,yg, $ /closed, levels=levels, c_color=colors, fill=fill, $ ticklen=-0.01, isotropic=isotropic, $ xstyle=1, xrange=xrange, xtitle=xtitle,$ ystyle=1, yrange=xrange, ytitle=ytitle, $ title=title, position=position, _extra=_extra if not keyword_set(noolines) then begin contour,surf,xg,yg, $ /closed, /noerase, levels=levels2, $ ticklen=0, isotropic=isotropic, color=0, $ xstyle=5, xrange=xrange,$ ystyle=5, yrange=xrange, position=position endif endif ;- noplot endif else begin if ~keyword_set(noplot) then begin contour,cntplot,xplot,yplot, /irregular, $ /closed, levels=levels, c_color=colors, fill=fill, $ ticklen=-0.01, isotropic=isotropic, $ xstyle=1, xrange=xrange, xtitle=xtitle,$ ystyle=1, yrange=xrange, ytitle=ytitle, $ title=title, position=position, _extra=_extra if not keyword_set(noolines) then begin contour,cntplot,xplot,yplot, /irregular, $ /closed, /noerase, levels=levels2, $ ticklen=0, isotropic=isotropic, color=0, $ xstyle=5, xrange=xrange,$ ystyle=5, yrange=xrange, position=position endif endif ;- noplot endelse if not keyword_set(subtract) then begin ;- inner circle (minimum energy) circx = cos(findgen(361)*!dtor)*sqrt(2.*erange[0]/mass) circy = sin(findgen(361)*!dtor)*sqrt(2.*erange[0]/mass) if ~keyword_set(noplot) then polyfill,circx,circy,/fill,color=!p.background ;- fill the inner circle if ~keyword_set(noplot) then oplot,circx,circy,thick=2 ;- outer circle (maximum energy) circx = cos(findgen(361)*!dtor)*sqrt(2.*erange[1]/mass) circy = sin(findgen(361)*!dtor)*sqrt(2.*erange[1]/mass) if ~keyword_set(noplot) then oplot,circx,circy,thick=2 if ~keyword_set(noplot) and ~keyword_set(novelline) then oplot,[0,vvec[0]],[0,vvec[1]],col= !d.table_size-9 endif ;- Since velocity subtraction modifies energy boundaries, inner & outer circles are plotted only when no subtraction is conducted if ~keyword_set(noplot) and keyword_set(sundir) then oplot,[0,xsun*xmax],[0,ysun*xmax] if ~keyword_set(ztitle) then ztitle = units_string(dat2.units_name) if ~keyword_set(noplot) then draw_color_scale, range=[cntmin,cntmax], log=zlog, yticks=10, title = ztitle if ~keyword_set(noplot) and keyword_set(showdata) then oplot,xplot,yplot,psym=1,symsize=showdata datplot = {x:xplot,y:yplot,v:cntplot,xg:xg,yg:yg,vg:surf} ;=== plot the data === end