;+ ; Function: ; netcdf_load_vars ; ; Purpose: ; Returns a structure with the data from netCDF files ; ; Input: ; ncfile: netCDF file(s) to load ; ; Output: ; An IDL structure with variables and (variable, global) attributes ; loaded from the netCDF file ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-10-20 11:55:06 -0700 (Fri, 20 Oct 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24198 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/netCDF/netcdf_load_vars.pro $ ;- function netcdf_load_vars, ncfile for fileindex = 0, n_elements(ncfile)-1 do begin if file_test(ncfile[fileindex]) eq 0 then begin dprint, 'Invalid netCDF file found in netCDF_load_vars -- file not found: ' + ncfile[fileindex] if fileindex eq n_elements(ncfile)-1 then return, -1 else continue endif file = ncdf_open(ncfile[fileindex]) inquire = ncdf_inquire(file) ; the number of dimensions defined in the netCDF file ndims = inquire.ndims ; the number of variables defined in the netCDF file nvars = inquire.nvars ; the number of global attributes defined in the netCDF file ngatts = inquire.ngatts ; the ID of the unlimited dimension, if there is one. this is likely to be ; the dimension where the temporal data is stored id_unlimited_dim = inquire.recdim ; check that the data dimension is greater than zero dimensionid = ncdf_dimid(file, 'record') ncdf_diminq, file, dimensionid, name, size if size eq 0 then continue if size(netCDFi, /type) ne 8 then begin ; check that 'netCDFi' structure doesn't already exist ; structure to be returned with data from netCDF file netCDFi = { filename: ncfile[fileindex] } ; loop through and store the global attributes for j = 0, ngatts-1 do begin ; inquire about this global attribute attrName = ncdf_attname(file, j, /global) attrInq = ncdf_attinq(file, attrName, /global) ncdf_attget, file, attrName, val, /global ; val is returned in bytes, need to convert to a string if size(val, /type) eq 1 then valString = string(byte(val)) else valString = val if j eq 0 then begin ; create global attribute structure gattr = create_struct(attrName, valString) endif else begin ; add to the global attribute structure str_element, gattr, attrName, valString, /add_rep endelse endfor ; store global attributes in the netCDFi structure str_element, netCDFi, 'g_attributes', gattr, /add_rep ; store number of variables in the netCDFi structure str_element, netCDFi, 'nv', nvars, /add_rep ; loop through and store the variables for i = 0, nvars-1 do begin ; inquire about a variable varinq = ncdf_varinq(file, i) data = {name: varinq.name, datatype: varinq.datatype, ndims: varinq.ndims, natts: varinq.natts, dimids: varinq.dim} ; loop through the variable attributes ;undefine, var_str ;This needs to be reinitialized for each variable so that attributes are not retained, 2015-05-22, jmm ; meant to do the same thing as above, except without the seemingly arbitrary crashes on GOES data with some machines var_str = create_struct('kludge', 1) for k = 0, varinq.natts-1 do begin var_attr_name = ncdf_attname(file, i, k) var_attr_inq = ncdf_attinq(file, i, var_attr_name) ncdf_attget, file, i, var_attr_name, attrval str_element, var_str, var_attr_name, string(byte(attrval)), /add_rep endfor ; get the data for this variable varsid = ncdf_varid(file,varinq.name) ncdf_varget, file, varsid, value str_element, var_str, 'dataptr', ptr_new(value), /add_rep newdata = create_struct(data, var_str) if i eq 0 then begin vars = create_struct(newdata.name, newdata) endif else begin str_element, vars, newdata.name, newdata, /add_rep endelse str_element, netCDFi, 'vars', vars, /add_rep endfor endif else begin ; 'netCDFi' structure exists, add data from the next file to the current structure for i = 0, nvars-1 do begin varinq = ncdf_varinq(file, i) if tag_exist(netCDFi.vars, varinq.name) then begin olddata = *netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr varsid = ncdf_varid(file,varinq.name) ncdf_varget, file, varsid, value newdata = array_concat(value, olddata) ptr_free, netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr = ptr_new(newdata) ;stop endif endfor ;stop endelse ; close the netCDF file ncdf_close, file endfor return, netCDFi end