;+ ; ; General Autodownload Crib ; ; Written by: Davin Larson ; ;$LastChangedBy: jwl $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2011-02-02 14:43:12 -0800 (Wed, 02 Feb 2011) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 8087 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/wind/wi_crib.pro $ ;- ; These routines will automatically download data from a remote server and ; Cache them in a local directory. The default local directory can be ; changed by setting an environment variable: 'ROOT_DATA_DIR' ; see the IDL procedure root_data_dir.pro for more info. ;if you don't set the timespan like this ;the routine will prompt you ; timespan,'2007-03-23' ; Loading WIND MFI data: ;Key parameter data: wi_mfi_load,datatype='k0' ;h0 data (much better time resolution but usually a few weeks delayed) wi_mfi_load,datatype='h0' ;Loading WIND 3DP data: ;Key parameter data: (please note that the 3DP densities are too low) wi_3dp_load,datatype='k0' ;spin resolution ion data: (please note that the 3DP densities are too low) wi_3dp_load,datatype='pm' ;electron pitch angle distributions wi_3dp_load,datatype='elpd_old' ;Loading WIND SWE ion data: ;Key parameter data: (only ions) wi_swe_load,datatype='k0' wi_swe_load,datatype='h0' ; 1994-2001 only ;Loading ACE data: ace_mfi_load,datatype='k0' ; Low res data ace_mfi_load,datatype='h0' ; High res data ;GOES satellites: goes_ep_load,probe='11',datatype='k0' ;GOES 11 key parameter data goes_mag_load ,datatype='k0' ; Load GOES 11 and 12 mag data ; LANL sats lanl_spa_load ; Energetic particles lanl_mpa_load ; Plasma ; OMNI data: omni_hro_load ; Kyoto DST 1 hour averages kyoto_load_dst end