;+ ; Procedure: RBSP_LOAD_SPICE_KERNELS ; ; Purpose: Loads RBSP SPICE kernels ; ; keywords: ; /ALL : load all available kernels (default is to load kernels within 1 day ; of the defined timespan) ; ; Examples: ; rbsp_load_spice_kernels ; updates spice kernels based on MOC metakernels ; ; Notes: ; Default behavior is to load all available kernels if no timespan is set. ; ;- ; ; History: ; 09/2012, created - Kris Kersten, kris.kersten@gmail.com ; 10/2012, substantially modified - Peter Schroeder, peters@ssl.berkeley.edu ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-17 13:57:14 -0800 (Mon, 17 Dec 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26340 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/spacecraft/rbsp_load_spice_kernels.pro $ ;- pro rbsp_load_spice_kernels, verbose = verbose, unload=unload, all=all rbsp_spice_init rbsp_efw_init metaprefix = 'teams/spice/mk' ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Load the meta general kernel. This one is not frequently updated ;------------------------------------------------------------------ relpathnames = metaprefix + '/rbsp_meta_general.tm' ;extract the local data path without the filename localgoo = strsplit(relpathnames,'/',/extract) for i=0,n_elements(localgoo)-2 do $ if i eq 0. then localpath = localgoo[i] else localpath = localpath + '/' + localgoo[i] localpath = strtrim(localpath,2) + '/' undefine,lf,tns dprint,dlevel=3,verbose=verbose,relpathnames,/phelp file_loaded = spd_download(remote_file=!rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir+relpathnames,$ local_path=!rbsp_efw.local_data_dir+localpath,$ local_file=lf,/last_version) files = !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir + localpath + lf rbsp_load_spice_metakernel,files[0],unload=unload,all=all ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Load the meta time kernel. This one is updated frequently. ;------------------------------------------------------------------ relpathnames = metaprefix + '/rbsp_meta_time.tm' ;extract the local data path without the filename localgoo = strsplit(relpathnames,'/',/extract) for i=0,n_elements(localgoo)-2 do $ if i eq 0. then localpath = localgoo[i] else localpath = localpath + '/' + localgoo[i] localpath = strtrim(localpath,2) + '/' undefine,lf,tns dprint,dlevel=3,verbose=verbose,relpathnames,/phelp file_loaded = spd_download(remote_file=!rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir+relpathnames,$ local_path=!rbsp_efw.local_data_dir+localpath,$ local_file=lf,/last_version) files = !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir + localpath + lf rbsp_load_spice_metakernel,files[0],unload=unload,all=all ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Load the meta definitive kernel. This one is frequently updated ;------------------------------------------------------------------ relpathnames = metaprefix + '/rbsp_meta_definitive.tm' ;extract the local data path without the filename localgoo = strsplit(relpathnames,'/',/extract) for i=0,n_elements(localgoo)-2 do $ if i eq 0. then localpath = localgoo[i] else localpath = localpath + '/' + localgoo[i] localpath = strtrim(localpath,2) + '/' undefine,lf,tns dprint,dlevel=3,verbose=verbose,relpathnames,/phelp file_loaded = spd_download(remote_file=!rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir+relpathnames,$ local_path=!rbsp_efw.local_data_dir+localpath,$ local_file=lf,/last_version) files = !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir + localpath + lf rbsp_load_spice_metakernel,files[0],unload=unload,all=all end