;+ ; ; PROCEDURE: ; rbsp_rbspice_spin_avg ; ; PURPOSE: ; Calculates spin-averaged fluxes for the RBSPICE instrument ; ; KEYWORDS: ; probe: RBSP spacecraft indicator [Options: 'a' (default), 'b'] ; datatype: RBSPICE data type ['TOFxEH' (default),'TOFxEnonH'], ; tplotnames: This does not need to be defined, will load all previously loaded tplot variables ; level: data level ['l1','l2','l3' (default),'l3pap'] ; ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; + 2016-12-09, I. Cohen : created based on mms_eis_spin_avg.pro ; + 2017-02-21, I. Cohen : removed species keyword; defined species variable for y-axis labeling ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-03-03 08:08:58 -0800 (Fri, 03 Mar 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22902 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/rbspice/rbsp_rbspice_spin_avg.pro $ ;- pro rbsp_rbspice_spin_avg, probe=probe, datatype = datatype, tplotnames = tplotnames, level=level if undefined(probe) then probe = 'a' if undefined(datatype) then datatype = 'TOFxEH' if undefined(level) then level = 'l3' if (level ne 'l1') then units_label = '1/(cm!U2!N-sr-s-keV)' else units_label = 'counts/s' probe = strcompress(string(probe), /rem) prefix = 'rbsp'+probe+'_rbspice_'+level+'_'+datatype+'_' get_data, prefix + 'Spin', data=spin_nums if ~is_struct(spin_nums) then return ; gracefully handle the case of no spin # variable found ; find where the spins start spin_starts = uniq(spin_nums.Y) if (datatype eq 'TOFxEH') then species = 'proton' $ else if (datatype eq 'TOFxEnonH') then species = ['helium','oxygen'] $ else if (datatype eq 'TOFxPHHHELT') then species = ['proton','oxygen'] ; find the flux/cps data name(s) var_data = tnames(prefix + species + '_T?') var_omni = tnames(prefix + species + '_omni') append_array,var_data,var_omni for n=0,n_elements(var_data)-1 do begin if var_data[n] eq '' then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, problem finding the tplot variables to calculate the spin averages' return endif else begin get_data, var_data[n], data=flux_data, dlimits=flux_dl str_element, flux_data, 'v', success=s if s ne 1 then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, couldn''t find energy table for the flux/cps data variable' continue endif if (strmid(var_data[n],1,1,/reverse) eq 'T') then species = strmid(var_data[n],8,6,/reverse) $ else if (strmid(var_data[n],3,4,/reverse) eq 'omni') then species = strmid(var_data[n],10,6,/reverse) case species of 'proton': if (datatype ne 'TOFxPHHHELT') then zrange = [5.,1.e5] else zrange = [2.e2,1.e6] 'helium': zrange = [1.,5.e2] 'oxygen': if (datatype ne 'TOFxPHHHELT') then zrange = [1.,1.e2] else zrange = [1e1,1.e4] endcase spin_sum_flux = dblarr(n_elements(spin_starts), n_elements(flux_data.v)) current_start = 0 ; loop through the spins for this telescope for spin_idx = 0, n_elements(spin_starts)-1 do begin ; loop over energies spin_sum_flux[spin_idx, *] = average(flux_data.Y[current_start:spin_starts[spin_idx], *], 1, /NAN) current_start = spin_starts[spin_idx]+1 endfor sp = '_spin' store_data, var_data[n]+sp, data={x:spin_nums.X[spin_starts], y:spin_sum_flux, v:flux_data.V}, dlimits=flux_dl if (strmid(var_data[n],3,4,/reverse_offset) eq 'omni') then suffix = '!Comni' $ else if (strmid(var_data[n],1,2,/reverse_offset) eq 'T'+strtrim(string(n),2)) then suffix= '!CT'+strtrim(string(n),2) $ else suffix='' options, var_data[n]+sp, ylog = 1, zlog=1, spec = 1, yrange = minmax(flux_data.v), ystyle=1, /default, zrange=zrange, zstyle=1, minzlog = .01, $ ytitle = 'rbsp'+probe+'!Crbspice!C'+species+'!C'+suffix, ysubtitle='[keV]', ztitle=units_label endelse endfor end