;+ ; NAME: ; rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook (procedure) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Load EMFISIS quick-look data. As noted by the EMFISIS team, the quick-look ; data are *not* for publication purposes. ; ; As 10/29/12, Valid datatypes are: ; '1sec-gse' (in default) ; '4sec-gse' ; 'hires-gse' ; 'uvw' ; 'hfr' (in default) ; 'hfr-waveform' (not yet available) ; 'hfr-burst' (not yet available) ; 'wfr-BuBu' (in default) ; 'wfr-BvBv' ; 'wfr-BwBw' ; 'wfr-EuEu' (in default) ; 'wfr-EvEv' ; 'wfr-EwEw' ; 'wfr-matrix' (not yet available) ; 'wfr-burst' (not yet available) ; 'wfr-burst-matrix' (not yet available) ; ; CATEGORIES: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook, probe = probe, datatype = datatype $ ; , _extra = _extra, use_local = use_local ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; ; KEYWORDS: ; probe: (In, optional) RBSP spacecraft names, either 'a', or 'b', or ; ['a', 'b']. The default is ['a', 'b'] ; datatype: (In, optional) See above. ; _extra: Extra keywords passed into file_http_copy. ; /use_local: If set, will skip looking up the remote server and use local ; files. This is a remedy when the remote server is down. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; file_http_copy ; ; HISTORY: ; 2012-10-29: Created by Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkley. ; 2012-11-05: Initial release to TDAS. JBT, SSL/UCB. ; 2012-11-05: JBT, SSL/UCB. ; 1. Added keyword *use_local*. ; 2012-11-23: JBT, SSL/UCB. ; 1. Added keyword *downloadonly*. ; ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-06 09:23:52 -0800 (Thu, 06 Dec 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26260 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/emfisis/rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook.pro $ ; ;- function rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_urls, sc, date ; date must be acceptable by time_double. ; sc should be 'a' or 'b' compile_opt idl2, hidden ; EMFISIS server root dir. emfisis_root_dir = 'http://emfisis.physics.uiowa.edu/Flight/' scdir = strupcase('rbsp-' + sc[0]) + '/Quick-Look/' ; Make sure date format is yyyy-mm-dd dstr = strmid(time_string(time_double(date)), 0, 10) year = strmid(dstr, 0, 4) mm = strmid(dstr, 5, 2) dd = strmid(dstr, 8, 2) date_dir = year + '/' + mm + '/' + dd + '/' remote_dir = emfisis_root_dir + scdir + date_dir urls = jbt_fileurls(remote_dir, verbose = 0) return, urls end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_fname_filter, dtype compile_opt idl2, hidden case dtype of '1sec-gse': filter = '*_magnetometer_1sec-gse_*' '4sec-gse': filter = '*_magnetometer_4sec-gse_*' 'hires-gse': filter = '*_magnetometer_hires-gse_*' 'uvw': filter = '*_magnetometer_uvw_*' 'hfr': filter = '*_HFR-spectra_*' 'hfr-waveform': filter = '*_HFR-waveform_*' 'hfr-burst': filter = '*_HFR-spectra-burst_*' 'wfr-BuBu': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' 'wfr-BvBv': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' 'wfr-BwBw': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' 'wfr-EuEu': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' 'wfr-EvEv': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' 'wfr-EwEw': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' ; 'wfr-matrix': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix_*' 'wfr-burst': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-burst-diagonal_*' ; 'wfr-burst-matrix': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-burst_*' else: begin dprint, 'Invalid data type. Returning a filter of "InvalidFilter".' ; stop return, 'InvalidFilter' end endcase return, filter end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_fname, dtype, urls ; dtype should be a scalar string of data type. compile_opt idl2, hidden fnames = file_basename(urls) ; dprint, dtype ; case dtype of ; '1sec-gse': filter = '*_magnetometer_1sec-gse_*' ; '4sec-gse': filter = '*_magnetometer_4sec-gse_*' ; 'hires-gse': filter = '*_magnetometer_hires-gse_*' ; 'uvw': filter = '*_magnetometer_uvw_*' ; 'hfr': filter = '*_HFR-spectra_*' ; 'hfr-waveform': filter = '*_HFR-waveform_*' ; 'hfr-burst': filter = '*_HFR-spectra-burst_*' ; 'wfr-BuBu': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' ; 'wfr-BvBv': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' ; 'wfr-BwBw': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' ; 'wfr-EuEu': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' ; 'wfr-EvEv': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' ; 'wfr-EwEw': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_*' ; ; 'wfr-matrix': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix_*' ; 'wfr-burst': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-burst-diagonal_*' ; ; 'wfr-burst-matrix': filter = '*_WFR-spectral-matrix-burst_*' ; else: begin ; dprint, 'Invalid data type. ' ; ; stop ; return, -1 ; end ; endcase filter = rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_fname_filter(dtype) if strcmp(filter, 'InvalidFilter') then return, '' ;rbsp-a_WFR-spectral-matrix-diagonal_emfisis-Quick-Look_20121016_v1.2.4 ind = where(strmatch(fnames, filter), nind) if nind gt 0 then return, fnames[ind[0]] else return, '' end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_meta, dtype, sc, tvar, dlim ; dtype should be a scalar string of data type. compile_opt idl2, hidden ; dtype - in ; sc - in ; tvar - out ; dlim - out rbx = 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc) + '_' case dtype of '1sec-gse': begin tvar = rbx + 'mag_gse_1sec' coord = 'gse' units = 'nT' lbl_suf = strupcase(' ' + coord) labels = ['Bx'+lbl_suf, 'By'+lbl_suf, 'Bz'+lbl_suf] ysub = '[' + units + ']' dlim = {ysubtitle:ysub, colors:[2,4,6], labels:labels, labflag:1} end '4sec-gse': begin tvar = rbx + 'mag_gse_4sec' coord = 'gse' units = 'nT' lbl_suf = strupcase(' ' + coord) labels = ['Bx'+lbl_suf, 'By'+lbl_suf, 'Bz'+lbl_suf] ysub = '[' + units + ']' dlim = {ysubtitle:ysub, colors:[2,4,6], labels:labels, labflag:1} end 'hires-gse': begin tvar = rbx + 'mag_gse_hires' coord = 'gse' units = 'nT' lbl_suf = strupcase(' ' + coord) labels = ['Bx'+lbl_suf, 'By'+lbl_suf, 'Bz'+lbl_suf] ysub = '[' + units + ']' dlim = {ysubtitle:ysub, colors:[2,4,6], labels:labels, labflag:1} end 'uvw': begin tvar = rbx + 'mag_uvw' coord = 'uvw' units = 'nT' lbl_suf = strupcase(' ' + coord) labels = ['Bx'+lbl_suf, 'By'+lbl_suf, 'Bz'+lbl_suf] ysub = '[' + units + ']' dlim = {ysubtitle:ysub, colors:[2,4,6], labels:labels, labflag:1} end 'hfr': begin tvar = rbx + 'hfr' coord = '' units = 'V^2/m^2/Hz' ztitle = '[V!U2!N/m!U2!N/Hz]' ysub = '[Hz]' dlim = {ysubtitle:ysub, spec:1, ylog:1, zlog:1, ztitle:ztitle, $ yrange:[1e4, 486.97e3], ystyle:1} end 'wfr-BuBu': begin tvar = rbx + 'wfr_BuBu' coord = '' units = 'nT^2/Hz' ztitle = '[nT!U2!N/Hz]' ysub = '[Hz]' dlim = {ysubtitle:ysub, spec:1, ylog:1, zlog:1, ztitle:ztitle, $ yrange:[4, 12e3], ystyle:1} end 'wfr-EuEu': begin tvar = rbx + 'wfr_EuEu' coord = '' units = 'V^2/m^2/Hz' ztitle = '[V!U2!N/m!U2!N/Hz]' ysub = '[Hz]' dlim = {ysubtitle:ysub, spec:1, ylog:1, zlog:1, ztitle:ztitle, $ yrange:[4, 12e3], ystyle:1} end else: begin dprint, 'Invalid data type. ' return end endcase att = {coord_sys:coord, units:units} str_element, dlim, 'data_att', att, /add end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_spec, dtype ; dtype should be a scalar string of data type. compile_opt idl2, hidden case dtype of '1sec-gse': return, -1 '4sec-gse': return, -1 'hires-gse': return, -1 'uvw': return, -1 'hfr': return, 1 'wfr-BuBu': return, 1 'wfr-BvBv': return, 1 'wfr-BwBw': return, 1 'wfr-EuEu': return, 1 'wfr-EvEv': return, 1 'wfr-EwEw': return, 1 else: begin dprint, 'Invalid data type. ' return, !values.f_nan end endcase end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_spec_name, dtype ; dtype should be a scalar string of data type. compile_opt idl2, hidden ; common rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_com, wfr_name case dtype of '1sec-gse': return, '' '4sec-gse': return, '' 'hires-gse': return, '' 'uvw': return, '' 'hfr': return, 'HFR_Spectra' 'wfr-BuBu': return, 'BuBu' 'wfr-BvBv': return, 'BvBv' 'wfr-BwBw': return, 'BwBw' 'wfr-EuEu': return, 'EuEu' 'wfr-EvEv': return, 'EvEv' 'wfr-EwEw': return, 'EwEw' else: begin dprint, 'Invalid data type. ' return, !values.f_nan end endcase end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_download, sc, date, dtype, urls $ , _extra = _extra compile_opt idl2, hidden fname = rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_fname(dtype, urls) sep = '/' scdir = strupcase('rbsp-' + sc[0]) + sep + 'Quick-Look' + sep ; Make sure date format is yyyy-mm-dd dstr = strmid(time_string(time_double(date)), 0, 10) year = strmid(dstr, 0, 4) mm = strmid(dstr, 5, 2) dd = strmid(dstr, 8, 2) date_dir = year + sep + mm + sep + dd + sep emfisis_root_dir = 'http://emfisis.physics.uiowa.edu/Flight/' ; sep = path_sep() serverdir = emfisis_root_dir localdir = !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir + 'emfisis' + sep pathname = scdir + date_dir + fname ; print, 'pathname: ', pathname ; print, 'serverdir: ',serverdir ; print, 'localdir: ', localdir ; stop undefine,lf,tns file_loaded = spd_download(remote_file=serverdir+pathname+fname,$ local_path=localdir+pathname,$ local_file=lf,/last_version) ;file_http_copy, pathname $ ; , serverdir=serverdir $ ; , localdir=localdir $ ; , _extra = _extra end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_file, sc, date, dtype, urls, $ use_local = use_local compile_opt idl2, hidden sep = path_sep() scdir = strupcase('rbsp-' + sc[0]) + sep + 'Quick-Look' + sep ; Make sure date format is yyyy-mm-dd dstr = strmid(time_string(time_double(date)), 0, 10) year = strmid(dstr, 0, 4) mm = strmid(dstr, 5, 2) dd = strmid(dstr, 8, 2) date_dir = year + sep + mm + sep + dd + sep localdir = !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir + 'emfisis' + sep if ~keyword_set(use_local) then begin fname = rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_fname(dtype, urls) if strlen(fname) eq 0 then return, '' endif else begin ; Find the file name in local disk. tmpdir = localdir + scdir + date_dir files = file_search(tmpdir, '*.cdf') fnames = file_basename(files) filter = rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_fname_filter(dtype) if strcmp(filter, 'InvalidFilter') then return, '' ind = where(strmatch(fnames, filter), nind) if nind gt 0 then return, files[ind[0]] else return, '' ; print, files ; stop endelse pathname = scdir + date_dir + fname file = localdir + pathname return, file end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook, probe = probe, datatype = datatype $ , _extra = _extra, use_local = use_local, downloadonly = downloadonly compile_opt idl2 rbsp_efw_init if ~keyword_set(datatype) then datatype = ['1sec-gse', 'hfr', 'wfr-BuBu', $ 'wfr-EuEu'] if ~keyword_set(probe) then probe = ['a', 'b'] if n_elements(downloadonly) eq 0 then downloadonly = !rbsp_efw.downloadonly tspan = timerange() dsta = strmid(time_string(tspan[0]+10.), 0, 10) dend = strmid(time_string(tspan[1]-10.), 0, 10) days = (time_double(dend) - time_double(dsta) )/(24d * 3600d) + 1 tsta = time_double(dsta) ; Take care of leap second table. This issue is due to the use of CDFlib 3.4.1, ; which is used by EMFISIS to generate their quick-look data. cdf_leap_second_init ntype = n_elements(datatype) nsc = n_elements(probe) ; Loop over data types. for itype = 0, ntype - 1 do begin dtype = datatype[itype] ; Loop over spacecraft. for ip = 0, nsc-1 do begin sc = probe[ip] rbx = 'rbsp' + sc + '_' ; Loop over dates. for i = 0L, days-1 do begin t0 = tsta + i * 24d * 3600d tmptr = t0 + [0d, 24d*3600d] date = strmid(time_string(t0), 0, 10) if ~keyword_set(use_local) then begin urls = rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_urls(sc, date) ; Download data using file_http_copy. rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_download, sc, date, dtype, urls $ , _extra = _extra if keyword_set(downloadonly) then continue endif ; Load cdf data into tplot. file = rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_file(sc, date, dtype, urls, $ use_local = use_local) if strlen(file) gt 0 then cdf2tplot, file = file else begin dprint, dtype, ' data not available for RBSP ', strupcase(sc), '.' continue endelse ; Accumulate data into arrays. if rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_spec(dtype) gt 0 then begin spec_name = rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_spec_name(dtype) get_data, spec_name, data = data ind = where(data.x ge tmptr[0] and data.x lt tmptr[1], nind) if nind eq 0 then begin dprint, 'Something is off.' stop endif tarr = data.x[ind] spec_y = data.y[ind, *] v_tmp = reform(data.v) dim = size(v_tmp, /dim) if n_elements(dim) eq 1 then begin nv = dim[0] spec_v = transpose(rebin(v_tmp, nv, nind)) endif else spec_v = v_tmp if n_elements(x_tplot) eq 0 then begin x_tplot = tarr spec_y_tplot = spec_y spec_v_tplot = spec_v endif else begin x_tplot = [x_tplot , tarr] spec_y_tplot = [spec_y_tplot, spec_y] spec_v_tplot = [spec_v_tplot, spec_v] endelse endif else begin get_data, 'Mag', data = data ind = where(data.x ge tmptr[0] and data.x lt tmptr[1], nind) if nind eq 0 then begin dprint, 'Something is off.' stop endif ; btot = sqrt(total(data.y^2,2)) bx = data.y[ind,0] by = data.y[ind,1] bz = data.y[ind,2] tarr = data.x[ind] if n_elements(x_tplot) eq 0 then begin x_tplot = tarr bx_tplot = bx by_tplot = by bz_tplot = bz ; btot_tplot = btot endif else begin x_tplot = [x_tplot , tarr] bx_tplot = [bx_tplot , bx] by_tplot = [by_tplot , by] bz_tplot = [bz_tplot , bz] ; btot_tplot = [btot_tplot , btot] endelse endelse endfor ; day loop if keyword_set(downloadonly) then continue ; Store data into tplot nt = n_elements(x_tplot) if nt eq 0 then continue else begin rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_meta, dtype, sc, tvar, dlim ind = where(x_tplot ge tspan[0] and x_tplot le tspan[1], nind) if nind eq 0 then begin dprint, 'Something is off.' stop endif if rbsp_load_emfisis_quicklook_spec(dtype) gt 0 then begin data = {x:x_tplot[ind], y:spec_y_tplot[ind, *], $ v:spec_v_tplot[ind, *]} undefine, x_tplot endif else begin data = {x:x_tplot[ind], y:[$ [bx_tplot[ind]] $ , [by_tplot[ind]] $ , [bz_tplot[ind]] $ ]} undefine, x_tplot endelse store_data, tvar, data = data, dlim = dlim ; Remove spikes due to change of mag range in hires data if strmatch(dtype, '*hires*') or $ strmatch(dtype, '*uvw*') $ then begin get_data, tvar, data = data, dlim = dlim, lim = lim btot = sqrt(total(data.y^2,2)) bsm = thm_lsp_median_smooth(btot, 20) bdiff = abs(btot - bsm) ind = where(bdiff gt 100) data.y[ind, *] = !values.d_nan data.y[*,0] = interp(data.y[*,0], data.x, data.x, /ignore_nan) data.y[*,1] = interp(data.y[*,1], data.x, data.x, /ignore_nan) data.y[*,2] = interp(data.y[*,2], data.x, data.x, /ignore_nan) store_data, tvar, data = data, dlim = dlim, lim = lim endif endelse endfor ; sc loop endfor ; data type loop if keyword_set(downloadonly) then return ; Clean up. store_data, ['Mag', 'Magnitude', 'delta', 'lambda', 'rms', 'coordinates'], $ /del, verbose = 0 store_data, ['HFR_Spectra', 'BuBu', 'BvBv', 'BwBw', 'EuEu', 'EvEv', 'EwEw'], $ /del, verbose = 0 end