;+ ; NAME: ; jbt_extrema (function) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Find extrema in a numerical array and return their indices. ; ; CATEGORIES: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = jbt_extrema(array, interp_nan = interp_nan, min_only = min_only, $ ; max_only = max_only, threshold = threshold) ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; array: (In, required) The array to find extrema in. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; /interp_nan: If set, remove NaNs by linear interpolation before searching ; for extrema. ; /min_only: If set, only return minima. ; /max_only: If set, only return maxima. ; threshold: (In, optional) Threshold for changing sense. For example, if ; threshold is 10 and A[i] and A[i+1] are two adjacent points in a local ; segment that generally has positive slope, then the segment will be ; treated as a full positive-slope segment if A[i+1]-A[i] > -10. ; Default = 0. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; IDL code example ; npt = 100 ; a = randomn(seed, npt) ; x = findgen(npt) ; ind = jbt_extrema(a) ; plot, x, a ; oplot, x[ind], a[ind], psym = 2, color = 6 ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; HISTORY: ; 2012-11-10: Created by Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkley. ; 2012-11-12: Initial release in TDAS. JBT, SSL/UCB. ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: jianbao_tao $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-11-12 08:36:20 -0800 (Mon, 12 Nov 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 11219 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/utils/jbt_extrema.pro $ ; ;- function jbt_extrema, array, interp_nan = interp_nan, min_only = min_only, $ max_only = max_only, threshold = threshold compile_opt idl2 npt = n_elements(array) if npt lt 3 then begin dprint, 'Too few elements. Abort.' return, -1 endif ind = where(finite(array, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then begin if keyword_set(interp_nan) then begin dum = findgen(npt) arr = interp(array, dum, dum, /ignore_nan) endif else begin dprint, 'NaNs or Infs exist in the input array. Abort.' return, -1 endelse endif else arr = array if n_elements(threshold) eq 0 then threshold = 0d mincon = intarr(npt) maxcon = intarr(npt) darr = arr[1:*] - arr ; Slope > -threshold ind = where(darr ge -threshold, nind) if nind eq 0 then begin dprint, 'Monotonic input. Abort.' return, -1 endif seg_irange = jbt_iconsec(ind) ista = reform(seg_irange[*,0]) iend = reform(seg_irange[*,1]) imin = ista imax = iend + 1 mincon[imin] = 1 maxcon[imax] = 1 maxcon[0] = 0 maxcon[npt-1] = 0 mincon[0] = 0 mincon[npt-1] = 0 imin = where(mincon, n_min) imax = where(maxcon, n_max) if keyword_set(min_only) then return, imin if keyword_set(max_only) then return, imax iex = where(mincon or maxcon, n_ex) return, iex ; ; Algorithm: -- Obsolete ; ; 1. Start. ; ; 2. March forward until hit an extremum. ; ; 3. Record the extremum. ; ; 4. Repeat ; ; ista = 1L ; while ista lt npt - 1 do begin ; ; Mark the sense: towards a maximum or a minimum. ; if arr[ista] gt arr[ista-1] then sense = 1 ; towards a maximum ; if arr[ista] lt arr[ista-1] then sense = -1 ; towards a minimum ; if arr[ista] eq arr[ista-1] then begin ; ista++ ; continue ; endif ; ; i = ista ; while 1 do begin ; ; Maximum ; if sense gt 0 then begin ; if arr[i] - arr[i-1] ge thres_max then begin ; i++ ; if i ge npt then begin ; ista = i ; break ; endif ; continue ; endif else begin ; maxcon[i-1] = 1 ; ista = i ; break ; endelse ; endif ; ; Minimum ; if sense lt 0 then begin ; if arr[i] - arr[i-1] le thres_min then begin ; i++ ; if i ge npt then begin ; ista = i ; break ; endif ; continue ; endif else begin ; mincon[i-1] = 1 ; ista = i ; break ; endelse ; endif ; endwhile ; endwhile ; ; imin = where(mincon, n_min) ; imax = where(maxcon, n_max) ; ; if keyword_set(min_only) then return, imin ; if keyword_set(max_only) then return, imax ; ; iex = where(mincon or maxcon, n_ex) ; return, iex end