;+ ; NAME: ; rbsp_spinfit (procedure) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Derive spin-fit E-field from instantaneous E-field measurements. The ; spin-fit model is as such: ; fit = A + B * cos(phi) + C * sin(phi) ; where B and C are E-fields in the DSC X and Y dimensions, and angle is the ; angle between the DSC X direction and the EFW spin plane boom used in the ; spin-fit derivation, as demonstrated below. ; ; DSC Y ; | / EFW spin plane boom ; | / ; | / ; | / ; | / ; | / ; | / ; |/)angle________ DSC X ; ; NOTES: 1. Similar to thm_spinfit.pro, this routine is a wrapper of ; spinfit.pro for RBSP. Unlike thm_spinfit, this routine only works ; on one tplot variable at a time. ; 2. Normally, this routine saves four tplot variables, such as ; 'rbspa_efw_esvy_spinfit_a' ; 'rbspa_efw_esvy_spinfit_b' ; 'rbspa_efw_esvy_spinfit_c' ; 'rbspa_efw_esvy_spinfit' ; where the first three are the three cooefficients from the fit and ; the last one is like a normal EFW data type in DSC. ; ; CATEGORIES: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rbsp_spinfit ,var_name_in, $ ; sigma=sigma, npoints=npoints, spinaxis=spinaxis, median=median, $ ; plane_dim=plane_dim, axis_dim=axis_dim, $ ; min_points=min_points,alpha=alpha,beta=beta, $ ; phase_mask_starts=phase_mask_starts, $ ; phase_mask_ends=phase_mask_ends, $ ; sc = sc, force = force, tper = tper, tphase = tphase ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; var_name_in: IN, REQUIRED ; EFW tplot data used for the spin-fit derivation. Must be in UVW. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; sc: IN, OPTIONAL ; Spacecraft name. Must be 'a' or 'b'. ; /force: IN, OPTIONAL ; If set, force to do the derivation. Useful when the input tplot data ; do not have coord_sys information. ; tper: IN, OPTIONAL ; Spin-period tplot name. ; tphase: IN, OPTIONAL ; Spin-phase tplot name. ; ; See spinfit.pro and thm_spinfit.pro for usage of other keywords. ; Exception: ; AXIS_DIM defaults to 2 instead of 0 in this routine. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; HISTORY: ; 2013-01-22: Created by Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkley. ; ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-21 11:30:03 -0800 (Fri, 21 Dec 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26393 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_spinfit.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_spinfit ,var_name_in, $ sigma=sigma, npoints=npoints, spinaxis=spinaxis, median=median, $ plane_dim=plane_dim, axis_dim=axis_dim, $ min_points=min_points,alpha=alpha,beta=beta, $ phase_mask_starts=phase_mask_starts, $ phase_mask_ends=phase_mask_ends, $ sc = sc, force = force, tper = tper, tphase = tphase compile_opt idl2 tvar = var_name_in if n_elements(sc) eq 0 then sc = strlowcase(strmid(tvar, 4, 1)) rbx = 'rbsp' + sc + '_' ;Check coordinate system if cotrans_get_coord(tvar) ne 'uvw' and ~keyword_set(force) then begin dprint, tvar, ' is not in UVW coordinate system. Abort.' return endif if n_elements(plane_dim) eq 0 then plane_dim = 0 case plane_dim of 0: begin sun2sensor = -10d ; in degree boomfix = '_e12' end 1: begin sun2sensor = -100d ; in degree boomfix = '_e34' end else: begin dprint, 'Invalid plane_dim value. Abort.' return end endcase ;Get spinper and spinphase if n_elements(tper) eq 0 then tper = rbx + 'spinper' if n_elements(tphase) eq 0 then tphase = rbx + 'spinphase' ;Downsample spin phase and spin period. trange = timerange() dt = 60d ; in seconds nt = round((trange[1] - trange[0]) / dt) + 1L tarr = trange[0] + dindgen(nt) * dt ind = where(tarr lt trange[1], nind) tarr = tarr[ind] phase = rbsp_interp_spin_phase(sc, tarr, tper = tper, tphase = tphase) get_data, tper, data=dat per_arr = interp(dat.y, dat.x, tarr, /ignore_nan) thx_spinphase = {x:tarr, y:phase} thx_spinper = {x:tarr, y:per_arr} thm_sunpulse,thx_spinphase.x,thx_spinphase.y,thx_spinper.y, $ sunpulse="thx_sunpulse_times" ;get_data, 'thx_sunpulse_times',data=thx_sunpulse_times ;tt0 = time_double('2015-04-12/04:45:56') ;tt1 = time_double('2015-04-12/04:47:56') ;goo = where((thx_sunpulse_times.x ge tt0) and (thx_sunpulse_times.x le tt1)) ;thx_sunpulse_times.y[goo] = !values.f_nan ;10.81 ;tt0 = time_double('2015-04-12/09:34:45') ;tt1 = time_double('2015-04-12/09:36:03') ;goo = where((thx_sunpulse_times.x ge tt0) and (thx_sunpulse_times.x le tt1)) ;thx_sunpulse_times.y[goo] = !values.f_nan ;10.79 ;tt0 = time_double('2015-04-12/19:10:35') ;tt1 = time_double('2015-04-12/19:13:35') ;goo = where((thx_sunpulse_times.x ge tt0) and (thx_sunpulse_times.x le tt1)) ;thx_sunpulse_times.y[goo] = !values.f_nan ;10.81 ;store_data,'thx_sunpulse_times',data=thx_sunpulse_times get_data, 'thx_sunpulse_times',data=thx_sunpulse_times del_data, 'thx_sunpulse_times' ;remove probe specific temp variable ;Get data get_data, tvar, data=thx_xxx_in, dl = dl ;Set default value of spin axis dimension. if n_elements(axis_dim) eq 0 then axis_dim = 2 ;Do spin fit. t1 = systime(/sec) spinfit, thx_xxx_in.x, thx_xxx_in.y, $ thx_sunpulse_times.x, thx_sunpulse_times.y, $ a, b, c, spin_axis, med_axis, s, n, sun_data, $ min_points = min_points, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, $ plane_dim = plane_dim, axis_dim = axis_dim, $ phase_mask_starts = phase_mask_starts, $ phase_mask_ends=phase_mask_ends, $ sun2sensor=sun2sensor t2 = systime(/sec) print, 'SPINFIT time: ', t2 - t1, ' seconds' sizesun=size(sun_data) sun_midpoint=fltarr(sizesun[1]) ;for j=0,sizesun[1]-2 do sun_midpoint[j]=(sun_data[j]+sun_data[j+1])/2 sun_midpoint=sun_data ;metadata: str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, success=has_data_att if has_data_att then str_element, data_att, 'boom', boomfix, /add $ else data_att = { data_type: boomfix } str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, dl,'labels',/delete store_data, tvar +'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_a',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:a}, dl = dl store_data, tvar +'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_b',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:b}, dl = dl store_data, tvar +'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_c',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:c}, dl = dl ;**********TESTING ;The timetags shift by 0.3 sec during the spike. ;store_data,'timetest',sun_midpoint,sun_midpoint - shift(sun_midpoint,1) - 10.809 ;store_data,'timetest2',thx_xxx_in.x,thx_xxx_in.x - shift(thx_xxx_in.x,1) - 0.03125 ;tplot,[77,78,79,80,81] ;Sun midpoint seems to be developing a large (0.3 sec) error. ;****************** ;Output sigma if keyword_set(sigma) then $ store_data, tvar+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_sig',data={x:sun_midpoint,y:s}, $ dl = dl if keyword_set(Npoints) then $ store_data, tvar+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_npoints', $ data={x:sun_midpoint,y:n}, dl = dl if keyword_set(spinaxis) then begin if keyword_set(median)then begin store_data, tvar+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_med',$ data={x:sun_midpoint,y:med_axis}, dl = dl endif else store_data, tvar+'_spinfit'+boomfix+'_avg',$ data={x:sun_midpoint,y:spin_axis}, dl = dl endif ;Create a tplot variable like a normal EFW data type. y = [[b], [c], [spin_axis]] x = sun_midpoint data = {x:x, y:y} str_element, data_att, 'coord_sys', 'dsc', /add str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, /add str_element, dl,'labels',['Ex DSC', 'Ey DSC', 'Ez DSC'], /add store_data, tvar + '_spinfit', data = data, dl = dl options, tvar + '_spinfit', colors = [2,4,6], labflag = 1 end