;+ ; NAME: ; rbsp_msc_response (function) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Calculate the transmittance of the search-coil magnetometer. ; ; CATEGORIES: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; response = rbsp_msc_response(f, probe, component) ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; f: (Input, required) A floating array of frequencies at which the responses ; are calculated. ; ; probe: (Input, required) RBSP probe name. It should be 'a' or 'b'. ; ; component: (Input, required) Component name. Valid names are: ; 'Bu', 'Bv', 'Bw'. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; None. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; HISTORY: ; 2012-09-04: Created by Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkley. ; ; ; Version: ; ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-25 12:02:41 -0800 (Tue, 25 Feb 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 14431 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_msc_response.pro $ ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_msc_response_phasediff, f, params compile_opt idl2, hidden p = params x = f scale = p[0] f0 = dcomplex(p[1]) L = p[2] power = p[3] offset = p[4] const = p[5] model = scale / (const + ((x - f0) / L)^power) + offset return, model end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; function rbsp_msc_response, f, probe, component, phase_only = phase_only function rbsp_msc_response, f, probe, component ; valid compoonents: 'Bu', 'Bv', 'Bw' ; valid probes: 'a', 'b' compile_opt idl2 nf = n_elements(f) resp = dcomplexarr(nf) ; Parameters for modeling <10 Hz phase difference. scale = 157.32677d f0 = 1.9991079d L = 1.455342d power = 1.030599d offset = 1.7069729d const = 1.6960361d params = [scale, f0, L, power, offset, const] I = dcomplex(0, 1) ; Parameters from gain curve fit. if strcmp(probe, 'a', /fold) and strcmp(component, 'Bu', /fold) then $ pfit = [311.25643d, 0.88488388d, 14.628155d, 0.93996525d, 0.94158105d, $ 1.0682462d] if strcmp(probe, 'a', /fold) and strcmp(component, 'Bv', /fold) then $ pfit = [354.31116d, 0.94341905d, 16.480396d, 0.98034734d, 1.0204213d, $ 1.1179060d] if strcmp(probe, 'a', /fold) and strcmp(component, 'Bw', /fold) then $ pfit = [364.76290d, 0.84507290d, 17.129188d, 0.86224392d, 0.89285911d, $ 1.1173237d] if strcmp(probe, 'b', /fold) and strcmp(component, 'Bu', /fold) then $ pfit = [263.79074d, 0.80486690d, 12.384525d, 0.94432396d, 0.90910942d, $ 1.0326275d] if strcmp(probe, 'b', /fold) and strcmp(component, 'Bv', /fold) then $ pfit = [325.28814d, 0.86382945d, 16.006148d, 0.97501435d, 0.98429503, $ 1.0819645d] if strcmp(probe, 'b', /fold) and strcmp(component, 'Bw', /fold) then $ pfit = [302.51760d, 0.79271244d, 15.408950d, 0.85025770d, 0.84073427, $ 1.0783752d] ;Get mu-metal square can conversion factor (nT/V) x = rbsp_efw_get_gain_results() freqtmp = x.cal_cit.freq_cit if probe eq 'a' then begin if component eq 'Bu' then valstmp = x.cal_cit.scmu_a_cit.stimcoil_nt2v if component eq 'Bv' then valstmp = x.cal_cit.scmv_a_cit.stimcoil_nt2v if component eq 'Bw' then valstmp = x.cal_cit.scmw_a_cit.stimcoil_nt2v endif else begin if component eq 'Bu' then valstmp = x.cal_cit.scmu_b_cit.stimcoil_nt2v if component eq 'Bv' then valstmp = x.cal_cit.scmv_b_cit.stimcoil_nt2v if component eq 'Bw' then valstmp = x.cal_cit.scmw_b_cit.stimcoil_nt2v endelse ;-------------------------- ; Positive frequencies ind = where(f ge 0, nind) if nind gt 0 then begin tmp_f = f[ind] ;interpolate nT/V curves to f ntv = interpol(valstmp,freqtmp,tmp_f) phasediff = rbsp_msc_response_phasediff(tmp_f, params) phasefactor = exp(I * phasediff * !dtor) p = pfit x = tmp_f tmp_resp2 = -p[5] * 1d / (1d + I * (x / p[0])^p[1]) $ ; low-pass * I * (x/p[2])^p[3] / (1d + I * (x/p[2])^p[4]) ; highpass tmp_resp = tmp_resp2 * phasefactor / ntv resp[ind] = tmp_resp endif ;-------------------------- ; Negative frequencies ind = where(f lt 0, nind) if nind gt 0 then begin tmp_f = -f[ind] ;interpolate nT/V curves to f ntv = interpol(valstmp,freqtmp,abs(tmp_f)) phasediff = rbsp_msc_response_phasediff(tmp_f, params) phasefactor = exp(I * phasediff * !dtor) p = pfit x = tmp_f tmp_resp2 = -p[5] * 1d / (1d + I * (x / p[0])^p[1]) $ ; low-pass * I * (x/p[2])^p[3] / (1d + I * (x/p[2])^p[4]) ; highpass tmp_resp = tmp_resp2 * phasefactor / ntv resp[ind] = conj(tmp_resp) endif ; if keyword_set(phase_only) then begin ; phase = atan(resp, /phase) ; return, exp(I * phase) ; endif else return, resp return, resp end