;+ ; TYPE: ; function. ; ; NAME: ; rbsp_mgse2gse. ; ; PURPOSE: ; Convert vector in mGSE coord to GSE. ; ; PARAMETERS: ; tname, in, type = string or int, required. ; tplot variable name or number, data must be in [n,3]. ; ; wgse, in/out, type = [3] or [n,3], optional. ; The w-antenna direction in GSE. ; If set, keywords probe, no_spice_load has no effect. ; If omitted, then use spice to get wgse. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; newname = newname, in, string, optional. ; name of output tplot variable. If not set, newname = oldname+'_mgse'. ; ; inverse = inverse, in, boolean, optional. ; If set do gse->mgse, otherwise do mgse->gse. ; ; probe = probe, in, string, optional. ; probe can be 'a' or 'b'. Default is 'a'. ; Used only when wgse is not set. ; ; no_spice_load = no_spice_load, in, boolean, optional. ; Set when spice kernel is loaded already. ; ; RETURN: ; none. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; rbsp_mgse2gse, 'rbspa_pos_mgse', wgse, newname = 'rbspa_pos_gse' ; ; rbsp_mgse2gse, 'rbspa_pos_gse', wgse, newname = 'rbspa_pos_mgse', /inverse ; ; rbsp_mgse2gse, 'rbspa_pos_mgse', newname = 'rbspa_pos_gse', $ ; probe = 'a', /no_spice_load ; ; rbsp_mgse2gse, 'rbspa_pos_gse', newname = 'rbspa_pos_mgse', /inverse, $ ; probe = 'a', /no_spice_load ; ; DEPENDENCE: ; idl_icy module, see icy_test.pro in tdas. ; ; NOTES: ; * wgse and x_mgse are the same, x_mgse = {sint*cosp, sint*sinp, cost}. ; * v_gse = {vx_gse, vy_gse, vz_gse}, ; v_mgse = {vx_mgse, vy_mgse, vz_mgse}, ; gse->mgse, M1 = | sint*cosp, sint*sinp, cost | ; | -sinp , cosp , 0 | ; |-cost*cosp,-cost*sinp, sint | ; mgse->gse, M2 = transpose(M1), v_gse = M2*v_mgse. ; ; HISTORY: ; Sheng Tian, UMN 2013-09-18 (created) ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-12-02 13:09:33 -0800 (Mon, 02 Dec 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 13609 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_mgse2gse.pro $ ;- pro rbsp_mgse2gse, tname, wgse, newname = newname, inverse = inverse, $ probe = probe, no_spice_load = no_spice_load compile_opt idl2 on_error, 0 get_data, tname, data = dat vec0 = dat.y ; old vec. vec1 = double(vec0) ; new vec. vx0 = vec0[*,0] & vy0 = vec0[*,1] & vz0 = vec0[*,2] ; get x_mgse, which is also w_sc in gse. if n_elements(wgse) ne 0 then begin if n_elements(wgse) eq 3 then begin ; wgse in [3]. wx = wgse[0] & wy = wgse[1] & wz = wgse[2] endif else begin ; wgse in [n,3]. wx = wgse[*,0] & wy = wgse[*,1] & wz = wgse[*,2] endelse endif else begin ; load spice kernel and get wgse. ; interpolation because spice runs slow and wgse varies slow. if n_elements(probe) eq 0 then prob = 'a' else prob = probe[0] if ~keyword_set(no_spice_load) then $ rbsp_efw_init rbsp_load_spice_kernels t0 = dat.x nrec = n_elements(t0) tt0 = [t0[0],t0[nrec-1]] wgse = dblarr(2,3) for i = 0, 1 do begin tstr = time_string(tt0[i], tformat = 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffff') cspice_str2et, tstr, et cspice_pxform, 'RBSP'+prob+'_SCIENCE', 'GSE', et, pxform wgse[i,*] = pxform[2,*] endfor wx = interpol(wgse[*,0], tt0, t0) wy = interpol(wgse[*,1], tt0, t0) wz = interpol(wgse[*,2], tt0, t0) wgse = [[wx],[wy],[wz]] endelse ; prepare angle. p = atan(double(wy),wx) ; this way p (phi) in [0,2pi]. cosp = cos(p) sint = wx/cosp sinp = wy/sint cost = double(wz) ; rotation. break the matrix to do vectorized calc, fast. if ~keyword_set(inverse) then begin ; M2, mgse->gse. vx1 = sint*vx0 - cost*vz0 vz1 = cost*vx0 + sint*vz0 vy1 = vy0 vx2 = cosp*vx1 - sinp*vy1 vy2 = sinp*vx1 + cosp*vy1 vz2 = vz1 endif else begin ; M1, gse->mgse. vx1 = cosp*vx0 + sinp*vy0 vy1 = -sinp*vx0 + cosp*vy0 vz1 = vz0 vx2 = sint*vx1 + cost*vz1 vy2 = vy1 vz2 = -cost*vx1 + sint*vz1 endelse if keyword_set(newname) then name = newname else name = tname+'_gse' store_data, name, data = {x:dat.x, y:[[vx2],[vy2],[vz2]]} end rbsp_efw_init tr = time_double(['2013-03-14/07:00','2013-03-14/10:00']) timespan, tr[0], tr[1]-tr[0], /second rbsp_load_spice_kernels probe = 'b' rbsp_load_spice_state, probe = probe, coord = 'gse', /no_spice_load rbsp_mgse2gse, 'rbspb_state_pos_gse', wgse, newname = 'rbspb_state_pos_mgse', $ /inverse, /no_spice_load, probe = probe rbsp_gse2mgse, 'rbspb_state_pos_gse', wgse, newname = 'rbspb_state_pos_mgse2' rbsp_mgse2gse, 'rbspb_state_pos_mgse', wgse, newname = 'rbspb_state_pos_gse2', $ /no_spice_load, probe = probe vars = ['rbspb_state_pos_*'] tplot, vars get_data, 'rbspb_state_pos_mgse', data = mgse1 get_data, 'rbspb_state_pos_mgse2', data = mgse2 print, max(mgse1.y-mgse2.y) get_data, 'rbspb_state_pos_gse', data = gse1 get_data, 'rbspb_state_pos_gse2', data = gse2 print, max(gse1.y-gse2.y) end