;+ ;Procedure: RBSP_LOAD_EFW_FIT ; ;Purpose: Loads RBSP EFW FIT data ; ;keywords: ; probe = Probe name. The default is 'all', i.e., load all available probes. ; This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['a', 'b'] or a ; single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'a b' ; varformat=string ; TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ; this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note ; that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded ; VARNAMES: names of variables to load from cdf: default is all. ; /GET_SUPPORT_DATA: load support_data variables as well as data variables ; into tplot variables. (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) ; /INTEGRATION: If set, load data from integration. ; /QA: If set, load data from l1_qa testing directory. ; /MSIM: If set, load data from mission simulations. ; /ETU: If set, load data from the ETU. ; /DOWNLOADONLY: download file but don't read it. (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) ; /valid_names, if set, then this routine will return the valid probe, datatype ; and/or level options in named variables supplied as ; arguments to the corresponding keywords. ; files named varible for output of pathnames of local files. ; /VERBOSE set to output some useful info ; type: set to 'calibrated' to automatically convert data into physical units ;Example: ; rbsp_load_efw_fit,/get_suppport_data,probe=['a', 'b'] ;Notes: ; 1. Written by Peter Schroeder, February 2012 ; ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-17 14:57:49 -0800 (Mon, 17 Dec 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26350 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_load_efw_fit.pro $ ;- pro rbsp_load_efw_fit,probe=probe, datatype=datatype, trange=trange, $ level=level, verbose=verbose, downloadonly=downloadonly, $ cdf_data=cdf_data,get_support_data=get_support_data, $ tplotnames=tns, make_multi_tplotvar=make_multi_tplotvar, $ varformat=varformat, valid_names = valid_names, files=files,$ type=type, integration=integration, msim=msim, etu=etu, qa=qa rbsp_efw_init dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=4,'$Id: rbsp_load_efw_fit.pro 26350 2018-12-17 22:57:49Z aaronbreneman $' if keyword_set(etu) then probe = 'a' if keyword_set(probe) then p_var = probe vb = keyword_set(verbose) ? verbose : 0 vb = vb > !rbsp_efw.verbose vprobes = ['a','b'] vlevels = ['l1','l2'] vdatatypes=['fit'] default_data_att = {units: 'ADC', coord_sys: 'uvw', st_type: 'none'} support_data_keep = ['BEB_config','DFB_config'] if keyword_set(valid_names) then begin probe = vprobes level = vlevels datatype = vdatatypes return endif if not keyword_set(p_var) then p_var='*' p_var = strfilter(vprobes, p_var ,delimiter=' ',/string) if not keyword_set(datatype) then datatype='*' datatype = strfilter(vdatatypes, datatype ,delimiter=' ',/string) if not keyword_set(level) then level='*' level = strfilter(vdatatypes, level ,delimiter=' ',/string) addmaster=0 probe_colors = ['m','b'] for s=0,n_elements(p_var)-1 do begin rbspx = 'rbsp'+ p_var[s] if keyword_set(integration) then rbsppref = rbspx + '/l1_int' $ else if keyword_set(msim) then rbsppref = rbspx+ '/l1_msim' $ else if keyword_set(etu) then rbsppref = rbspx+ '/l1_etu' $ else if keyword_set(qa) then rbsppref = rbspx+ '/l1_qa' $ else rbsppref = rbspx + '/l1' ;Find out what files are online format = rbsppref + '/fit/YYYY/'+rbspx+'_l1_fit_YYYYMMDD_v*.cdf' relpathnames = file_dailynames(file_format=format,trange=trange,addmaster=addmaster) ;...and load them file_loaded = [] for ff=0, n_elements(relpathnames)-1 do begin undefine,lf localpath = file_dirname(relpathnames[ff])+'/' locpath = !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir+localpath remfile = !rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir+relpathnames[ff] tmp = spd_download(remote_file=remfile, local_path=locpath, local_file=lf,/last_version) locfile = locpath+lf if file_test(locfile) eq 0 then locfile = file_search(locfile) if locfile[0] ne '' then file_loaded = [file_loaded,locfile] endfor if keyword_set(!rbsp_efw.downloadonly) or keyword_set(downloadonly) then continue suf='' prefix=rbspx+'_efw_fit_' cdf2tplot,file=file_loaded,varformat=varformat,all=0,prefix=prefix,suffix=suf,verbose=vb, $ tplotnames=tns,/convert_int1_to_int2,get_support_data=1 ; load data into tplot variables if is_string(tns) then begin pn = byte(p_var[s]) - byte('a') options, /def, tns, colors = probe_colors[pn] dprint, dlevel = 5, verbose = verbose, 'Setting options...' options, /def, tns, code_id = '$Id: rbsp_load_efw_fit.pro 26350 2018-12-17 22:57:49Z aaronbreneman $' dprint, dwait = 5., verbose = verbose, 'Flushing output' dprint, dlevel = 4, verbose = verbose, 'FIT data Loaded for probe: '+p_var[s] if not keyword_set(get_support_data) then begin for i = 0, n_elements(tns) - 1 do begin if strfilter(tns[i],'*'+support_data_keep) eq '' then begin get_data,tns[i],dlimits=thisdlimits cdf_str = 0 str_element,thisdlimits,'cdf',cdf_str if keyword_set(cdf_str) then if cdf_str.vatt.var_type eq 'support_data' then $ store_data,tns[i],/delete endif endfor endif endif else dprint, dlevel = 0, verbose = verbose, 'No EFW FIT data loaded...'+' Probe: '+p_var[s] endfor end