;+ ; NAME: RBSP_LOAD_EFW_ESVY_MGSE ; ; SYNTAX: ; rbsp_load_efw_esvy_mgse,probe='a' ; rbsp_load_efw_esvy_mgse,probe='a',/no_spice_load ; ; PURPOSE: Loads EFW ESVY data and despins using SPICE via rbsp_uvw_to_mgse.pro ; ; The MGSE coordinate system is defined: ; Y_MGSE=-W_SC(GSE) x Z_GSE ; Z_MGSE=W_SC(GSE) x Y_MGSE ; X_MGSE=Y_MGSE x Z_MGSE ; where W_SC(GSE) is the spin axis direction in GSE. ; ; This is equivalent to the GSE coordinate system if the spin axis ; lies along the X_GSE direction. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; probe = 'a' or 'b' NOTE: single spacecraft only, does not accept ['a b'] ; NOTE: defaults to probe='a' ; /no_spice_load - skip loading/unloading of SPICE kernels ; NOTE: This assumes spice kernels have been manually loaded using: ; rbsp_load_spice_predict ; (optional) ; rbsp_load_spice_kernels ; (required) ; /debug - prints debugging info ; /qa - load the QA test file instead of standard L1 file ; bad_probe -> integer indicating a bad probe. ; ; ; NOTES: ; ; HISTORY: ; 1. Created Nov 2012 - Kris Kersten, kris.kersten@gmail.com ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-04-05 10:09:53 -0700 (Wed, 05 Apr 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23110 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_load_efw_esvy_mgse.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_load_efw_esvy_mgse,probe=probe,no_spice_load=no_spice_load,$ debug=debug,qa=qa,bad_probe=bad_probe etype='esvy' date = timerange() date = strmid(time_string(date[0]),0,10) ; check probe keyword if ~keyword_set(probe) then begin message,"Probe keyword not set. Using default probe='a'.",/continue probe='a' endif else begin probe=strlowcase(probe) ; this turns any data type to a string if probe ne 'a' and probe ne 'b' then begin message,"Invalid probe keyword. Using default probe='a'.",/continue probe='a' endif endelse ; ; see if survey data is loaded ; enames='' ; enames=tnames('rbsp'+probe+'_efw_'+etype) ; if enames[0] eq '' then noedata=1b else noedata=0b ; ; ; load survey, housekeeping if we're missing E or SC_Spin* data ; if noedata then $ ; rbsp_load_efw_waveform, probe=probe, datatype=etype, type='cal', $ ; coord='uvw',/noclean ; force reload of esvy in uvw coordinates without cleaning if ~keyword_set(bad_probe) then begin if ~keyword_set(qa) then rbsp_load_efw_waveform, probe=probe, datatype=etype, type='cal', $ coord='uvw',/noclean if keyword_set(qa) then rbsp_load_efw_waveform, probe=probe, datatype=etype, type='cal', $ coord='uvw',/noclean,/qa endif else rbsp_efw_create_esvy_uvw_from_vsvy,date,probe,bad_probe if ~keyword_set(no_spice_load) then begin rbsp_load_spice_predict rbsp_load_spice_kernels endif rbsp_uvw_to_mgse,probe,'rbsp'+probe+'_efw_'+etype,debug=debug,/no_spice_load if ~keyword_set(no_spice_load) then begin rbsp_load_spice_predict,/unload rbsp_load_spice_kernels,/unload endif end