;+ ; NAME: ; rbsp_interp_spin_phase (function) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Calculate spin phases at arbitrary times using linear interpolation. ; ; CATEGORIES: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; phase = rbsp_interp_spin_phase(sc, time_array, $ ; newname = newname $ ; , tper = tper $ ; , tphase = tphase $ ; , tumbra_sta = tumbra_sta $ ; , tumbra_end = tumbra_end $ ; , umbra_pad = umbra_pad) ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; sc: (In, required) Spacecraft name. Should be 'a' or 'b'. ; time_array: (In, required) A time array at which spin phases are returned. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; newname: (In, optional) A tplot name for storing the returned spin phases. ; If not provided, the spin phases are not stored into a tplot name. ; tper: (In, optional) Spin-period tplot name. By default, ; tper = 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc[0]) + '_spinper' ; tphase: (In, optional) Spin-phase tplot name. By default, ; tphase = 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc[0]) + '_spinphase' ; tumbra_sta: (In, optional) Umbra starting time tplot name. By default, ; tumbra_sta = 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc[0]) + '_umbta_sta' ; tumbra_end: (In, optional) Umbra ending time tplot name. By default, ; tumbra_sta = 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc[0]) + '_umbta_end' ; umbra_pad: (In, optional) Time padding to the umbra times. By default, ; umbra_pad = [-20d, 20d] * 60d ; This padding is to account for spin-period distrotion around umbra. ; APL has learned this problem, so this default padding will likely ; change in the future. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; HISTORY: ; 2012-10-24: Created by Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkley. ; 2012-11-05: Initial release to TDAS. JBT, SSL/UCB. ; ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-10-06 16:51:43 -0700 (Thu, 06 Oct 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22061 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_interp_spin_phase.pro $ ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_interp_spin_phase_integration, per, tarr, t0, phi0, time_array ; Calcuate phase at tarr that has spin period per. compile_opt idl2, hidden omega = 2d * !dpi / per dt = tarr[1:*] - tarr dphi = omega * dt nt = n_elements(tarr) phase = dblarr(nt) for i = 1L, nt - 1 do phase[i] = phase[i-1] + dphi[i-1] phase = phase * !radeg phase_out = interpol(phase, tarr, time_array) if n_elements(time_array) gt 1 then begin phase0 = interpol(phase_out, time_array, t0) endif else begin phase0 = phase_out[0] endelse offset = phase0 - phi0 phase_out -= offset nfold = abs(round(-min(phase_out) / 360d)) + 1L phase_out += nfold * 360d phase_out = phase_out mod 360 return, phase_out end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_interp_spin_phase, sc, time_array, $ newname = newname $ , tper = tper $ , tphase = tphase $ , tumbra_sta = tumbra_sta $ , tumbra_end = tumbra_end $ , umbra_pad = umbra_pad compile_opt idl2 if n_elements(sc) eq 0 or size(sc, /type) ne 7 then begin dprint, 'Invalid spacecraft name argument. Abort.' return, -1 endif rbx = 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc[0]) + '_' ; Umbra padding. if n_elements(umbra_pad) eq 0 then umbra_pad = [-20d, 20d] * 60d ; 20 min ; Check existence of spin period. if n_elements(tper) eq 0 then tper = rbx + 'spinper' if ~spd_check_tvar(tper) then begin dprint, 'Spin period data not available. Abort.' return, -1 endif get_data, tper, data = dat_per ; Check if time_array is covered by timespan tspan = timerange() tr = minmax(time_array) if tr[0] lt tspan[0] or tr[1] gt tspan[1] then begin dprint, 'The input time array exceeds the coverage of time span. Abort.' return, -1 endif ; Check existence of spin phase. if n_elements(tphase) eq 0 then tphase = rbx + 'spinphase' if ~spd_check_tvar(tphase) then begin dprint, 'Spin phase data not available. Abort.' return, -1 endif get_data, tphase, data = dat_ph ; tper and tphase should have the same time tag. if max(dat_ph.x - dat_per.x) - min(dat_ph.x - dat_per.x) gt 1e-6 then begin dprint, 'Spin period and spin phase data do not have the same time tags.' + $ ' Abort.' return, -1 endif ; Special case: time_array covers a very short time range, namely, it covers no ; spin period data points. nt = n_elements(dat_per.x) ind = where(dat_per.x gt tr[0] and dat_per.x lt tr[1], nind) if nind eq 0 then begin dprint, 'Time array very short. Be cautious about the interpolation results!' ; Head if tr[1] lt dat_per.x[0] then begin tarr = interpol([tr[0], dat_per.x[0]], 1e2) per = tarr * 0d + dat_per.y[0] t0 = dat_per.x[0] phi0 = dat_ph.y[0] phase_out = rbsp_interp_spin_phase_integration(per, tarr, t0, phi0, $ time_array) if size(newname, /type) eq 7 then begin store_data, newname, data = {x:time_array, y:phase_out} options, newname, ysubtitle = '[degree]' endif return, phase_out endif ; Tail if tr[0] gt dat_per.x[nt-1] then begin tarr = interpol([dat_per.x[nt-1], tr[1]], 1e2) per = tarr * 0d + dat_per.y[nt-1] t0 = dat_per.x[nt-1] phi0 = dat_ph.y[nt-1] phase_out = rbsp_interp_spin_phase_integration(per, tarr, t0, phi0, $ time_array) if size(newname, /type) eq 7 then begin store_data, newname, data = {x:time_array, y:phase_out} options, newname, ysubtitle = '[degree]' endif return, phase_out endif ; Middle i0 = value_locate(dat_per.x, tr[0]) t0 = dat_per.x[i0] t1 = dat_per.x[i0+1] tarr = interpol([t0, t1], 1e2) per = interpol(dat_per.y, dat_per.x, tarr) phi0 = dat_ph.y[i0] phase_out = rbsp_interp_spin_phase_integration(per, tarr, t0, phi0, $ time_array) if size(newname, /type) eq 7 then begin store_data, newname, data = {x:time_array, y:phase_out} options, newname, ysubtitle = '[degree]' endif return, phase_out endif ; Check existence of eclipse times. if n_elements(tumbra_sta) eq 0 then tumbra_sta = rbx + 'umbra_sta' if n_elements(tumbra_end) eq 0 then tumbra_end = rbx + 'umbra_end' if ~spd_check_tvar(tumbra_sta) or ~spd_check_tvar(tumbra_end) then begin ; dprint, 'Eclipse times not available. Abort.' ; return, -1 seg_tr = dblarr(5, 2) dt_seg = (tspan[1] - tspan[0]) / 5d seg_tr[*, 0] = tspan[0] + dindgen(5) * dt_seg seg_tr[*, 1] = tspan[0] + (dindgen(5) + 1d) * dt_seg endif else begin get_data, tumbra_sta, data = udat_sta get_data, tumbra_end, data = udat_end umbra_tr = [[udat_sta.x + umbra_pad[0]], [udat_end.x + umbra_pad[1]]] ; Break spin period data into segments. n_umbra = n_elements(udat_sta.x) seg_tr = dblarr(n_umbra*2+1, 2) for i = 0, n_umbra-1 do begin seg_tr[i*2+1, *] = umbra_tr[i, *] if i eq 0 then seg_tr[i*2,0] = dat_per.x[0] else $ seg_tr[i*2,0] = umbra_tr[i-1,1] seg_tr[i*2,1] = umbra_tr[i,0] endfor seg_tr[2*n_umbra, 0] = umbra_tr[n_umbra-1,1] ; seg_tr[2*n_umbra, 1] = dat_per.x[nt-1] ; seg_tr[2*n_umbra, 1] = max(time_array) + 0.1 seg_tr[2*n_umbra, 1] = tspan[1] endelse ; Loop over seg_tr. nseg = n_elements(seg_tr[*,0]) ; umbra_seg = intarr(nseg) ; umbra_seg[1:*:2] = 1 phase_out = time_array ; dt_per = median(dat_per.x[1:*] - dat_per.x) for i = 0, nseg-1 do begin tmptr = seg_tr[i,*] ind = where(time_array ge tmptr[0] and time_array lt tmptr[1], nind) if nind eq 0 then continue ista = ind[0] iend = ind[nind-1] tsta = tmptr[0] tend = tmptr[1] ; print, ' # ', jbt_istr(i+1), ' out of ', jbt_istr(nseg), ':' ; print, 'ista = ', ista ; print, 'iend = ', iend ; help, time_array ; print, 'time_array span: ', time_string(minmax(time_array), prec = 3) ; print, 'tmptr: ', time_string(reform(tmptr), prec = 3) ; print, '' ; stop ; Determine phase reference point. dum = minmax(time_array[ista:iend]) tmp_ind = where(dat_per.x ge dum[0] and dat_per.x le dum[1], tmp_nind) if tmp_nind eq 0 then begin dprint, 'No spin period data covered by time_array. Something is off.' stop return, -1 endif i0 = tmp_ind[0] t0 = dat_per.x[i0] phi0 = dat_ph.y[i0] dt = 0.2d ; This number is derived based on the smoothness of the spin-period ; sine curve. nt = (tend - tsta) / dt + 1L tarr = tsta + dindgen(nt) * dt per = interpol(dat_per.y, dat_per.x, tarr) ; print, ista, iend ; stop phase_out[ista:iend] = $ rbsp_interp_spin_phase_integration(per, tarr, t0, phi0, $ time_array[ista:iend]) ; Check t0 and phi0 ; !p.multi = [0, 1, 2] ; dum0 = t0 - 20. ; xr = [0, 50] ; yr = [0, 400] ; ; spin phase ; cgplot, dat_ph.x - dum0, dat_ph.y, psym = -2, color = 6, xr = xr, /xsty, $ ; title = time_string(dum0, prec = 3), yr = yr, /ysty ; plots, t0 - dum0, phi0, color = 4, psym = 1, symsize = 3 ; tmp = phase_out[ista:iend] ; x = time_array[ista:iend] ; oplot, x - dum0, tmp, psym = 1 ; ; ; spin period ; ; plot, dat_per.x - dum0, dat_per.y, xr = xr, /xsty, $ ; ; yr = minmax(dat_per.y) + [-0.01, 0.01], $ ; ; /ysty ; ; oplot, tarr - dum0, per, color = 6 ; ; !p.multi = 0 ; stop ; Check. ; tmp_time_array = time_array[ista:iend] ; tmp_phase = phase_out[ista:iend] ; store_data, 'tmp', data = {x:time_array[ista:iend], $ ; y:phase_out[ista:iend]} ; options, tphase, psym = 2, colors = [6] ; store_data, 'tmp2', data = [tphase, 'tmp'] ; dum_tr = minmax(time_array[ista:iend]) ; tplot, 'tmp2', trange = dum_tr + [-5e2, 5e2] ; timebar, dum_tr ; ind = where(dat_ph.x ge dum_tr[0] and dat_ph.x le dum_tr[1]) ; print, 'phase data index range: ', minmax(ind) ; print, 'initial index: ', i0 ; stop endfor if size(newname, /type) eq 7 then begin store_data, newname, data = {x:time_array, y:phase_out} options, newname, ysubtitle = '[degree]' endif return, phase_out end