;+ ; NAME: RBSP_EFW_DSC_TO_MGSE ; ; SYNTAX: ; rbsp_dsc_to_mgse,'a',tplot_var,wgse ; ; PURPOSE: Rotates data from despun spacecraft coordinates (DSC) into the ; modified GSE (MGSE) coordinate system. ; ; DSC is defined: ; Z_DSC is the spin axis direction, W_SC ; X_DSC is the sun sensor triggering direction, perpendicular to ; the spin axis ; Y_DSC completes the RH system in the spin plane ; ; MGSE is defined: ; Y_MGSE=-W_SC(GSE) x Z_GSE ; Z_MGSE=W_SC(GSE) x Y_MGSE ; X_MGSE=Y_MGSE x Z_MGSE ; ; INPUT: ; probe - either 'a' or 'b' ; tvar - TPLOT variable containing 3-component DSC data (either string or ; integer). ; tvar_wgse - TPLOT variable containing the spin axis pointing direction in GSE coord. ; Get this from rbsp_load_spice_cdf_file.pro ; ; KEYWORDS: ; suffix = 'string', suffix appended to the tplot variable name. Default is ; 'mgse' ; uangle = degrees, angle between sun sensor and +U (EFW 1) boom ; /debug - save various quantities for debugging ; ; NOTES: ; 0) This routine does not check that the supplied data is in DSC system. ; ; HISTORY: ; 1. Created July 2020 - Aaron Breneman forked from Kris Kersten's rbsp_dsc_to_mgse.pro ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-07-06 14:13:56 -0700 (Mon, 06 Jul 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28855 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_efw_dsc_to_mgse.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_efw_dsc_to_mgse,probe,tvar,tvar_wgse,suffix=suffix,$ uangle=uangle,debug=debug rbsp_efw_init probe=string(probe) if probe ne 'a' and probe ne 'b' then begin message,'Invalid probe: "'+probe+'". Returning...',/continue return endif ;Extract DSC values from input tplot variable nvar=size(tvar,/n_elements) if nvar eq 1 then begin tn=tnames(tvar) get_data,tvar,data=d,limits=l,dlimits=dl s=size(d.y) if size(s,/n_elements) ne 5 then begin message,'No valid 3-component DSC data found '+$ 'in supplied tplot variable. Returning...',/continue return endif else if s[0] ne 2 and s[2] ne 3 then begin message,'No valid 3-component DSC data found '+$ 'in supplied tplot variable. Returning...',/continue return endif times=d.x dx=d.y[*,0] dy=d.y[*,1] dz=d.y[*,2] endif else begin message,'No valid 3-component DSC data found '+$ 'in supplied tplot variable. Returning...',/continue return endelse ;get times based on input tvar ntimes=size(times,/n_elements) tr=[times[0],times[ntimes-1]] duration=tr[1]-tr[0] utimes=tr[0]+dindgen(long(duration/60)+1)*60. ; minutes, UNIX time nutimes = n_elements(utimes) ;Interpolate the spin axis pointing direction to times of input tplot variable tinterpol_mxn,tvar_wgse,utimes get_data,tvar_wgse+'_interp',tt,wsc_gse wsc_gse = transpose(wsc_gse) store_data,tvar_wgse+'_interp',/del ; Now calculate the MGSE directions X_MGSE=dblarr(3,nutimes) Y_MGSE=dblarr(3,nutimes) Z_MGSE=dblarr(3,nutimes) for i=0L,nutimes-1L do $ Y_MGSE[0:2,i]=-crossp(wsc_GSE[0:2,i],[0,0,1.])/norm(crossp(wsc_GSE[0:2,i],[0,0,1.])) for i=0L,nutimes-1L do $ Z_MGSE[0:2,i]=crossp(wsc_GSE[0:2,i],Y_MGSE[0:2,i])/norm(crossp(wsc_GSE[0:2,i],Y_MGSE[0:2,i])) for i=0L,nutimes-1L do $ X_MGSE[0:2,i]=crossp(Y_MGSE[0:2,i],Z_MGSE[0:2,i]) ; Calculate the normal to the sun sensor triggering plane, nTsg, ; defined as the cross product between X_GSE and the spin axis direction nTsg=dblarr(3,nutimes) for i=0L,nutimes-1L do $ nTsg[0:2,i]=crossp([1.,0.,0.],wsc_GSE[0:2,i])/norm(crossp([1.,0.,0.],wsc_GSE[0:2,i])) ; Then the triggering sun sensor look direction perpendicular to the spin axis ; is defined by the cross product of the spin axis direction and nssh Tsg=dblarr(3,nutimes) for i=0L,nutimes-1L do $ Tsg[0:2,i]=crossp(wsc_GSE[0:2,i],nTsg[0:2,i])/norm(crossp(wsc_GSE[0:2,i],nTsg[0:2,i])) ; Find the angle between the sun sensor triggering direction (X_DSC) and the ; Y_MGSE direction for rotation from DSC into MGSE. alpha_temp=dblarr(nutimes) for i=0L,nutimes-1L do $ alpha_temp[i]=acos(Tsg[0,i]*Y_MGSE[0,i]+Tsg[1,i]*Y_MGSE[1,i]+Tsg[2,i]*Y_MGSE[2,i]) alpha_temp=alpha_temp/!dtor ; in degrees ; interpolate alpha to tplot var data points alpha=dblarr(3,nutimes) alpha=interpol(alpha_temp,utimes,times) if keyword_set(debug) then store_data,'alpha_Tsg_YMGSE',data={x:times,y:alpha} ; rotation from SSH triggering direction to YMGSE direction is ; in the opposite sense of DSC despinning and the angle between U_science ; and SSH triggering direction if ~keyword_set(uangle) then uangle=10. xm=cos((uangle-alpha)*!dtor) ym=sin((uangle-alpha)*!dtor) ;Calculate and store MGSE variables ymgse=dx*xm-dy*ym zmgse=dx*ym+dy*xm xmgse=dz mgse=[[xmgse],[ymgse],[zmgse]] str_element,l,'labels',['X_MGSE','Y_MGSE','Z_MGSE'],/add_replace if is_struct(dl.data_att) then $ str_element,dl.data_att,'coord_sys','mgse',/add_replace if ~keyword_set(suffix) then suffix='mgse' store_data,tn+'_'+suffix,data={x:times,y:mgse},limits=l,dlimits=dl end