;+ ; NAME: ; rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp (function) ; ; PURPOSE: ; De-convolve instrument responses for RBSP EFW data, including search-coil ; data that are channeled into EFW. It will return a tplot data structure. ; ; CATEGORIES: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp(data, probe, datatype) ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; data: (Input, required) A tplot data structure, i.e., a structure with the ; form {x:time_array, y:[nt, 3]}. ; ; probe: (Input, required) RBSP probe name. It should be 'a' or 'b'. ; ; datatype: (Input, required) Data type name. Valid names are: ; 'eb2', 'mscb1', 'mscb2'. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; None. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; HISTORY: ; 2012-08-23: Created by Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkley. ; 2013-06-21: JBT. ; 1. Added support to eb1. ; 2. Removed hard-wired sample rate. ; 2014-06-01: AWB ; Checks to be sure that block length is greater than kernel length ; Not doing this can cause blk_con to fail for short bursts. ; ; ; Version: ; ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-09-17 14:33:45 -0700 (Wed, 17 Sep 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 15817 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp.pro $ ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp_eb2, data, probe, datatype compile_opt idl2, hidden ; Determine sample rate tarr = data.x E = data dt_arr = tarr[1:*] - tarr dt = median(dt_arr) srate = double(round(1d / dt)) ; Setup kernel for deconvolving EFI response that includes ; boom response ; AC high-pass filter ; anti-aliasing Bessel filter response ; ADC interleaving timing fsample = srate kernel_length = 1024L df = fsample / double(kernel_length) f = dindgen(kernel_length)*df f[kernel_length/2+1:*] -= double(kernel_length) * df spb_resp = rbsp_efw_boom_response(f, 'SPB', rsheath = 50d6) axb_resp = rbsp_efw_boom_response(f, 'AXB', rsheath = 50d6) hipass_resp = rbsp_ac_highpass_response(f) bessel_resp = rbsp_anti_aliasing_response(f) adcresp_12 = rbsp_adc_response(f, 'E12AC') adcresp_34 = rbsp_adc_response(f, 'E34AC') adcresp_56 = rbsp_adc_response(f, 'E56AC') E12_resp = 1d / (spb_resp * hipass_resp * bessel_resp * adcresp_12) E34_resp = 1d / (spb_resp * hipass_resp * bessel_resp * adcresp_34) E56_resp = 1d / (axb_resp * hipass_resp * bessel_resp * adcresp_56) ; E12_resp[0] = 0 ; E34_resp[0] = 0 ; E56_resp[0] = 0 ; Remove NaNs. ind = where(finite(E12_resp, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then E12_resp[ind] = 0 ind = where(finite(E34_resp, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then E34_resp[ind] = 0 ind = where(finite(E56_resp, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then E56_resp[ind] = 0 ; Transfer kernel into time domain: take inverse FFT and center E12_resp = shift((fft(E12_resp,1)), kernel_length/2) / kernel_length E34_resp = shift((fft(E34_resp,1)), kernel_length/2) / kernel_length E56_resp = shift((fft(E56_resp,1)), kernel_length/2) / kernel_length rbsp_btrange, data, tind = tind, nbursts = nbursts, /structure ; START LOOP OVER INDIVIDUAL BURSTS FOR ib=0L, nbursts-1 DO BEGIN ista = tind[ib, 0] iend = tind[ib, 1] ; BREAK OUT DATA t = tarr[ista:iend] Ex = E.y[ista:iend,0] Ey = E.y[ista:iend,1] Ez = E.y[ista:iend,2] nt_burst = n_elements(t) if nt_burst lt kernel_length then begin dprint, 'Burst #', string(ib, form='(I0)'), ' is too short. Skipping...' print, '' continue endif ; Check NaNs indx = where(finite(Ex), nindx) indy = where(finite(Ey), nindy) indz = where(finite(Ez), nindz) if nindx le nt_burst/2. or nindy le nt_burst/2. or nindz le nt_burst/2. $ then begin dprint, 'Burst #', string(ib, form='(I0)'), ' has too many NaNs. ', $ 'Skipping...' continue endif if nindx le nt_burst then Ex = interpol(Ex[indx], t[indx], t) if nindy le nt_burst then Ey = interpol(Ey[indy], t[indy], t) if nindz le nt_burst then Ez = interpol(Ez[indz], t[indz], t) Exf = Ex Eyf = Ey Ezf = Ez b_length = 8 * kernel_length while b_length gt nt_burst do b_length /= 2 ; print, 'b_length = ', b_length ; Remove NaNs indx = where(finite(Exf), nindx) indy = where(finite(Eyf), nindy) indz = where(finite(Ezf), nindz) if nindx ne nt_burst then Exf = interpol(Exf[indx], t[indx], t) if nindy ne nt_burst then Eyf = interpol(Eyf[indy], t[indy], t) if nindz ne nt_burst then Ezf = interpol(Ezf[indz], t[indz], t) ;-- Zero-pad data to account for edge wrap Exf = [Exf, fltarr(kernel_length/2)] Eyf = [Eyf, fltarr(kernel_length/2)] Ezf = [Ezf, fltarr(kernel_length/2)] ;-- Deconvolve transfer function if b_length gt kernel_length then begin Exf = shift(blk_con(E12_resp, Exf, b_length=b_length),-kernel_length/2) Eyf = shift(blk_con(E34_resp, Eyf, b_length=b_length),-kernel_length/2) Ezf = shift(blk_con(E56_resp, Ezf, b_length=b_length),-kernel_length/2) endif ;-- Remove the padding Exf = Exf[0:nt_burst-1] Eyf = Eyf[0:nt_burst-1] Ezf = Ezf[0:nt_burst-1] ; SAVE E DATA E.y[ista:iend,0] = Exf E.y[ista:iend,1] = Eyf E.y[ista:iend,2] = Ezf ENDFOR return, E end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp_eb1, data, probe, datatype compile_opt idl2, hidden ; Determine sample rate tarr = data.x E = data dt_arr = tarr[1:*] - tarr dt = median(dt_arr) srate = double(round(1d / dt)) ; Setup kernel for deconvolving EFI response that includes ; boom response ; AC high-pass filter ; anti-aliasing Bessel filter response ; ADC interleaving timing fsample = srate kernel_length = 1024L df = fsample / double(kernel_length) f = dindgen(kernel_length)*df f[kernel_length/2+1:*] -= double(kernel_length) * df spb_resp = rbsp_efw_boom_response(f, 'SPB', rsheath = 50d6) axb_resp = rbsp_efw_boom_response(f, 'AXB', rsheath = 50d6) hipass_resp = 1d bessel_resp = rbsp_anti_aliasing_response(f) adcresp_12 = rbsp_adc_response(f, 'E12DC') adcresp_34 = rbsp_adc_response(f, 'E34DC') adcresp_56 = rbsp_adc_response(f, 'E56DC') E12_resp = 1d / (spb_resp * hipass_resp * bessel_resp * adcresp_12) E34_resp = 1d / (spb_resp * hipass_resp * bessel_resp * adcresp_34) E56_resp = 1d / (axb_resp * hipass_resp * bessel_resp * adcresp_56) ; E12_resp[0] = 0 ; E34_resp[0] = 0 ; E56_resp[0] = 0 ; Remove NaNs. ind = where(finite(E12_resp, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then E12_resp[ind] = 0 ind = where(finite(E34_resp, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then E34_resp[ind] = 0 ind = where(finite(E56_resp, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then E56_resp[ind] = 0 ; Transfer kernel into time domain: take inverse FFT and center E12_resp = shift((fft(E12_resp,1)), kernel_length/2) / kernel_length E34_resp = shift((fft(E34_resp,1)), kernel_length/2) / kernel_length E56_resp = shift((fft(E56_resp,1)), kernel_length/2) / kernel_length rbsp_btrange, data, tind = tind, nbursts = nbursts, /structure ; START LOOP OVER INDIVIDUAL BURSTS FOR ib=0L, nbursts-1 DO BEGIN ista = tind[ib, 0] iend = tind[ib, 1] ; BREAK OUT DATA t = tarr[ista:iend] Ex = E.y[ista:iend,0] Ey = E.y[ista:iend,1] Ez = E.y[ista:iend,2] nt_burst = n_elements(t) if nt_burst lt kernel_length then begin dprint, 'Burst #', string(ib, form='(I0)'), ' is too short. Skipping...' print, '' continue endif ; Check NaNs indx = where(finite(Ex), nindx) indy = where(finite(Ey), nindy) indz = where(finite(Ez), nindz) if nindx le nt_burst/2. or nindy le nt_burst/2. or nindz le nt_burst/2. $ then begin dprint, 'Burst #', string(ib, form='(I0)'), ' has too many NaNs. ', $ 'Skipping...' continue endif if nindx le nt_burst then Ex = interpol(Ex[indx], t[indx], t) if nindy le nt_burst then Ey = interpol(Ey[indy], t[indy], t) if nindz le nt_burst then Ez = interpol(Ez[indz], t[indz], t) Exf = Ex Eyf = Ey Ezf = Ez b_length = 8 * kernel_length while b_length gt nt_burst do b_length /= 2 ; print, 'b_length = ', b_length ; Remove NaNs indx = where(finite(Exf), nindx) indy = where(finite(Eyf), nindy) indz = where(finite(Ezf), nindz) if nindx ne nt_burst then Exf = interpol(Exf[indx], t[indx], t) if nindy ne nt_burst then Eyf = interpol(Eyf[indy], t[indy], t) if nindz ne nt_burst then Ezf = interpol(Ezf[indz], t[indz], t) ;-- Zero-pad data to account for edge wrap Exf = [Exf, fltarr(kernel_length/2)] Eyf = [Eyf, fltarr(kernel_length/2)] Ezf = [Ezf, fltarr(kernel_length/2)] ;-- Deconvolve transfer function if b_length gt kernel_length then begin Exf = shift(blk_con(E12_resp, Exf, b_length=b_length),-kernel_length/2) Eyf = shift(blk_con(E34_resp, Eyf, b_length=b_length),-kernel_length/2) Ezf = shift(blk_con(E56_resp, Ezf, b_length=b_length),-kernel_length/2) endif ;-- Remove the padding Exf = Exf[0:nt_burst-1] Eyf = Eyf[0:nt_burst-1] Ezf = Ezf[0:nt_burst-1] ; SAVE E DATA E.y[ista:iend,0] = Exf E.y[ista:iend,1] = Eyf E.y[ista:iend,2] = Ezf ENDFOR return, E end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp_mscb, data, probe, datatype, $ srate = srate compile_opt idl2, hidden tarr = data.x E = data dt_arr = tarr[1:*] - tarr dt = median(dt_arr) srate = double(round(1d / dt)) print, '' dprint, datatype, ': sample rate = ', srate print, '' ; Setup kernel for deconvolving SCM response that includes ; search-coil transmittance ; AC high-pass filter ; anti-aliasing Bessel filter response ; ADC interleaving timing fsample = srate kernel_length = 1024L df = fsample / double(kernel_length) f = dindgen(kernel_length)*df f[kernel_length/2+1:*] -= double(kernel_length) * df ; MSC Transmittance Bu_resp = rbsp_msc_response(f, probe, 'Bu') Bv_resp = rbsp_msc_response(f, probe, 'Bv') Bw_resp = rbsp_msc_response(f, probe, 'Bw') bessel_resp = rbsp_anti_aliasing_response(f) adcresp_u = rbsp_adc_response(f, 'MSCU') adcresp_v = rbsp_adc_response(f, 'MSCV') adcresp_w = rbsp_adc_response(f, 'MSCW') E12_resp = 1d / (Bu_resp * bessel_resp * adcresp_u) E34_resp = 1d / (Bv_resp * bessel_resp * adcresp_v) E56_resp = 1d / (Bw_resp * bessel_resp * adcresp_w) ; Remove NaNs. ind = where(finite(E12_resp, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then E12_resp[ind] = 0 ind = where(finite(E34_resp, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then E34_resp[ind] = 0 ind = where(finite(E56_resp, /nan), nind) if nind gt 0 then E56_resp[ind] = 0 ; Transfer kernel into time domain: take inverse FFT and center E12_resp = shift((fft(E12_resp,1)), kernel_length/2) / kernel_length E34_resp = shift((fft(E34_resp,1)), kernel_length/2) / kernel_length E56_resp = shift((fft(E56_resp,1)), kernel_length/2) / kernel_length rbsp_btrange, data, tind = tind, nbursts = nbursts, /structure ; START LOOP OVER INDIVIDUAL BURSTS FOR ib=0L, nbursts-1 DO BEGIN ista = tind[ib, 0] iend = tind[ib, 1] ; BREAK OUT DATA t = tarr[ista:iend] Ex = E.y[ista:iend,0] Ey = E.y[ista:iend,1] Ez = E.y[ista:iend,2] nt_burst = n_elements(t) if nt_burst lt kernel_length then begin dprint, 'Burst #', string(ib, form='(I0)'), ' is too short. Skipping...' print, '' continue endif ; Check NaNs indx = where(finite(Ex), nindx) indy = where(finite(Ey), nindy) indz = where(finite(Ez), nindz) if nindx le nt_burst/2. or nindy le nt_burst/2. or nindz le nt_burst/2. $ then begin dprint, 'Burst #', string(ib, form='(I0)'), ' has too many NaNs. ', $ 'Skipping...' continue endif if nindx le nt_burst then Ex = interpol(Ex[indx], t[indx], t) if nindy le nt_burst then Ey = interpol(Ey[indy], t[indy], t) if nindz le nt_burst then Ez = interpol(Ez[indz], t[indz], t) Exf = Ex Eyf = Ey Ezf = Ez b_length = 8 * kernel_length while b_length gt nt_burst do b_length /= 2 ; print, 'b_length = ', b_length ; Remove NaNs indx = where(finite(Exf), nindx) indy = where(finite(Eyf), nindy) indz = where(finite(Ezf), nindz) if nindx ne nt_burst then Exf = interpol(Exf[indx], t[indx], t) if nindy ne nt_burst then Eyf = interpol(Eyf[indy], t[indy], t) if nindz ne nt_burst then Ezf = interpol(Ezf[indz], t[indz], t) ;-- Zero-pad data to account for edge wrap Exf = [Exf, fltarr(kernel_length/2)] Eyf = [Eyf, fltarr(kernel_length/2)] Ezf = [Ezf, fltarr(kernel_length/2)] ;-- Deconvolve transfer function if b_length gt kernel_length then begin Exf = shift(blk_con(E12_resp, Exf, b_length=b_length),-kernel_length/2) Eyf = shift(blk_con(E34_resp, Eyf, b_length=b_length),-kernel_length/2) Ezf = shift(blk_con(E56_resp, Ezf, b_length=b_length),-kernel_length/2) endif ;-- Remove the padding Exf = Exf[0:nt_burst-1] Eyf = Eyf[0:nt_burst-1] Ezf = Ezf[0:nt_burst-1] ; SAVE E DATA E.y[ista:iend,0] = Exf E.y[ista:iend,1] = Eyf E.y[ista:iend,2] = Ezf ENDFOR return, E end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp, data, probe, datatype compile_opt idl2 ; vdatatypes=['esvy', 'vsvy', 'magsvy', 'eb1', 'vb1', 'mscb1', 'eb2', 'vb2', $ ; 'mscb2'] ; if total(strcmp(vdatatypes, strlowcase(datatype[0]))) ne 1 then begin ; dprint, 'Invalid data type. No action performed. Abort.' ; return, data ; endif case strlowcase(datatype[0]) of 'eb2': return, rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp_eb2(data, probe, datatype) 'eb1': return, rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp_eb1(data, probe, datatype) 'mscb2': return, rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp_mscb(data, probe, datatype) 'mscb1': return, rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp_mscb(data, probe, datatype) else: begin print, '' dprint, 'Invalid data type. No action performed. Abort.' print, '' return, !values.d_nan end endcase end