;+ ; PRO rbsp_efw_config ; ; This procedure serves as the RBSP EFW configuration file. It sets global (system) ; variables and initializes devices ; ; This procedure will define the location of data files and the data server. ; This procedure is intended to be called from within the "RBSP_EFW_INIT" procedure. ; ; This should be the only RBSP EFW file that requires modification for use in different ; locations. ; ; There is no need to modify this file if: ; - Your computer is an SSL UNIX machine that mounts "/disks/data/" (i.e. ALL Linux and Solaris machines at SSL) ; - You use a portable computer that will be caching files on a local hard drive. ; ; ; Settings in this file will be overridden by settings in the environment. ; (see setup_themis or setup_themis_bash for examples of setting environment ; variables on UNIX-like systems. The environment can also be set on Windows ; systems.) ; ; KEYWORDS ; no_color_setup: do not set colors if already taken care of ; ; Author: Peter Schroeder Jul 2011 ; ; $LastChangedBy: peters $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-02-09 14:17:52 -0800 (Thu, 09 Feb 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 9704 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_efw_config.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_efw_config,caching=caching,colortable=colortable,$ no_color_setup=no_color_setup,no_download=no_download ; RBSP EFW SPECIFIC INITIALIZATION ;==================================================================================== ; Location of the data Server: ;!rbsp_efw.use_wget=1 ; uncomment to use experimental wget routine instead of file_http_copy (not recommended) ;Pick your favorite RBSP data server: (Comment out the others) ; !rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir = 'http://cdpp.cesr.fr/themisdata/' ; In France ; !rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir = 'http://rhea.iwf.oeaw.ac.at/themisdata/' ; In Austria, Does not include ground data! ;!rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir = 'http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/themis/' ; use as backup web server !rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir = 'http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/rbsp/' ;!rbsp_efw.use_wget=1 ; uncomment to use experimental wget routine ;instead of file_http_copy (not recommended) ;temporarily removing 'davin' block for 4_00 release if strlowcase(getenv('USERNAME')) eq 'davin' then begin ; !themis.remote_data_dir = 'http://boreas.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/themis/' ;uncomment to test code with an offline server ; !themis.use_wget=1 ; !themis.no_update = 1 ; !themis.no_clobber = 1 !rbsp_efw.verbose=2 tplot_options,'datagap',1000. endif ;;;;;;;;;;; ; SECTION 1 ;;;;;;;;;;; !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir = root_data_dir() + 'rbsp/' ;settings in your local rbsp_efw_config.txt file will override the ;defaults ftest = rbsp_efw_read_config() If(size(ftest, /type) Eq 8) Then Begin !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir = ftest.local_data_dir !rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir = ftest.remote_data_dir !rbsp_efw.no_download = ftest.no_download !rbsp_efw.no_update = ftest.no_update !rbsp_efw.downloadonly = ftest.downloadonly !rbsp_efw.verbose = ftest.verbose Endif ; Settings of environment variables can override thm_config if getenv('RBSP_EFW_DATA_DIR') ne '' then $ !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir = getenv('RBSP_EFW_DATA_DIR') if file_test(!rbsp_efw.local_data_dir + '.rbsp_efw_master',/regular) then !rbsp_efw.no_download = 1 if getenv('RBSP_EFW_REMOTE_DATA_DIR') ne '' then $ !rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir = getenv('RBSP_EFW_REMOTE_DATA_DIR') ;check for slashes, add if necessary, jmm, 2-jul-2007 temp_string = strtrim(!rbsp_efw.local_data_dir, 2) ll = strmid(temp_string, strlen(temp_string)-1, 1) If(ll Ne '/' And ll Ne '\') Then temp_string = temp_string+'/' !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir = temporary(temp_string) temp_string = strtrim(!rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir, 2) ll = strmid(temp_string, strlen(temp_string)-1, 1) If(ll Ne '/' And ll Ne '\') Then temp_string = temp_string+'/' !rbsp_efw.remote_data_dir = temporary(temp_string) ; GLOBAL SYSTEM VARIABLES and CONFIGURATIONS (NON-RBSP) ;==================================================================================== ; Set global system variables: ; Please note: These settings will affect all IDL routines, NOT JUST RBSP routines! ; ============ install custom color tables. ; Check for color table with additional tables (download if necessary) ; and set it as default for loadct2 ; Defines 3 new tables: ; 41 wind3dp ; 42 B-W reversed ; 43 FAST-Special ;ctable_relpath = 'idl_ctables/colors1.tbl' if keyword_set(no_download) then !rbsp_efw.no_download=1 ; ============ color setup ; Do not do color setup if taken care for already if not keyword_set(no_color_setup) then begin ;ctable_file = file_retrieve(ctable_relpath, _extra=!themis) ;setenv, 'IDL_CT_FILE='+ctable_file ;This routine sets the IDL_CT_FILE env variable to a local file ;So that it doesn't need to be downloaded ; thmctpath if n_elements(colortable) eq 0 then colortable = 43 ; default color table ; Define POSTSCRIPT color table old_dev = !d.name ; save current device name set_plot,'PS' ; change to PS so we can edit the font mapping loadct2,colortable device,/symbol,font_index=19 ;set font !19 to Symbol set_plot,old_dev ; revert to old device ; Color table for ordinary windows loadct2,colortable ; Make black on white background !p.background = !d.table_size-1 ; White background (color table 34) !p.color=0 ; Black Pen !p.font = -1 ; Use default fonts if !d.name eq 'WIN' then begin device,decompose = 0 endif if !d.name eq 'X' then begin ; device,pseudo_color=8 ;fixes color table problem for machines with 24-bit color device,decompose = 0 if !version.os_name eq 'linux' then device,retain=2 ; Linux does not provide backing store by default endif endif ; no_color_setup ;=========== debugging options if !prompt eq 'IDL> ' then !prompt = 'RBSP_EFW> ' ; The following calls set persistent flags in dprint that change subsequent output ;dprint,setdebug=3 ; set default debug level to value of 3 ;dprint,/print_dlevel ; uncomment to display dlevel/verbose at each dprint statement ;dprint,/print_dtime ; uncomment to display time interval between dprint statements. dprint,print_trace=1 ; uncomment to display current procedure and line number on each line. (recommended) ;dprint,print_trace=3 ; uncomment to display entire program stack on each line. ; !quiet=1 ; if !quiet ==1 then error messages are suppressed ;============= Useful TPLOT options ; Most standard plotting keywords can be included in the global tplot_options routine ; or individually in each tplot variable using the procedure: "options" ; for example: ; tplot_options,'title','Themis Event #1' ; tplot_options,'charsize',1.2 ; set default character size. ; Some other useful options: tplot_options,window=0 ; Forces tplot to use only window 0 for all time plots tplot_options,'wshow',1 ; Raises tplot window when tplot is called If(!rbsp_efw.verbose Eq 0) Then tplot_options, 'verbose', 0 $ ;turn off default to verbose if !themis.verbose is zero, jmm, 30-sep-2009 Else tplot_options,'verbose',1 ; Displays some extra messages in tplot (e.g. When variables get created/altered) ;tplot_options,'psym_lim',100 ; Displays symbols if less than 100 point in panel tplot_options,'ygap',.5 ; Set gap distance between tplot panels. tplot_options,'lazy_ytitle',1 ; breaks "_" into carriage returns on ytitles tplot_options,'no_interp',1 ; prevents interpolation in spectrograms (recommended) ;!warn.obs_routines = 1 ;!warn.OBS_SYSVARS = 1 ;!warn.PARENS = 1 ;!warn.TRUNCATED_FILENAME = 1 end