;+ ; NAME: ; rbsp_efw_clean_esvy (procedure) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Clean the axial component of EFW esvy data type. ; ; CATEGORIES: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rbsp_efw_clean_esvy, tvar, newname = newname, $ ; notch = notch, phase_tolerance = phase_tol, $ ; ind_spike = ind_spike, threshold = thres, $ ; sc = sc, tper = tper, tphase = tphase ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; tvar: (In, required) Tplot name of esvy data. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; newname: (In, optional) Tplot name for cleaned data. Default is something ; like 'rbspa_esvy_clean'. ; notch: (In, optional) Number of data points to be notched. Default = 43. ; phase_tolerance: (In, optional) Spin phase tolerance for locating spikes in ; the axial component. Default = 5 (degree) ; ind_spike: (Out, optional) A named variable to return the found spikes to. ; threhold: (In, optional) Threshold for finding extrema when locating spikes. ; Default = 1. ; sc: (In, optional) Spacecraft name. Default = strmid(tvar, 4, 1) ; tper: (In, optional) Tplot name of spin period data. Default is something ; like 'rbspa_spinper'. ; tphase: (In, optional) Tplot name of spin phase data. Default is something ; like 'rbspa_spinphase'. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; HISTORY: ; 2012-10-12: Created by Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkley. ; 2012-11-12: Initial release in TDAS. JBT, SSL/UCB. ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: jianbao_tao $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-11-12 14:34:49 -0800 (Mon, 12 Nov 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 11226 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_efw_clean_esvy.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_efw_clean_esvy, tvar, newname = newname, $ notch = notch, phase_tolerance = phase_tol, $ ind_spike = ind_spike, threshold = thres, $ sc = sc, tper = tper, tphase = tphase compile_opt idl2 if n_elements(notch) ne 1 then notch = 43 if n_elements(newname) ne 1 then $ newname = strmid(tvar, 0, 6) + 'esvy_clean' get_data, tvar, data = data, dlim = dlim, lim = lim nt = n_elements(data.x) v56 = data.y[*,2] v56 = interp(v56, data.x, data.x, /ignore_nan) if n_elements(thres) eq 0 then thres = 1d dprint, 'Finding spikes...' iex = jbt_extrema(v56, /min, thres = thres) con1 = intarr(nt) ; CON for CONdition con1[iex] = 1 if ~keyword_set(sc) then sc = strmid(tvar, 4, 1) rbx = 'rbsp' + sc + '_' ; phase = rbsp_interp_spin_phase(sc, data.x, tper = tper, tphase = tphase, $ ; newname = rbx + 'phase') phase = rbsp_interp_spin_phase(sc, data.x, tper = tper, tphase = tphase) if n_elements(phase) ne nt then begin dprint, 'Spin phase data not available. Abort.' return endif if n_elements(phase_tol) eq 0 then phase_tol = 5d ind = where(phase ge 45-phase_tol and phase le 45+phase_tol) con2 = intarr(nt) con2[ind] = 1 ind = where(phase ge 225-phase_tol and phase le 225+phase_tol) con3 = intarr(nt) con3[ind] = 1 con = con1 * (con2 + con3) ind_spike = where(con) ; Account for middle square wave. dind = ind_spike[1:*] - ind_spike interval = median(dind) con_new = [con, intarr(interval)] ; pad to aviod wrapping in shift con_new += shift(con_new, interval/2) con = con_new[0:nt-1] ; Extend spike range dprint, 'Finding areas to notch...' con_new = [con, intarr(notch)] tmp = con_new for i = 1, notch do begin tmp = shift(tmp, 1) con_new += tmp endfor con = con_new[notch/2:notch/2+nt] con = con[0:nt-1] ; Notch ind = where(con) v56[ind] = !values.f_nan dprint, 'Notching finished. Storing data...' ; Check ; store_data, rbx + 'v56', data = {x:data.x, y:data.y[*,2]} ; store_data, rbx + 'spike', data = {x:data.x[ind_spike], y:data.y[ind_spike,2]} ; options, rbx + 'spike', psym = 2, colors = [6] ; store_data, rbx + 'spike2', data = rbx + ['v56', 'spike'] ; ; store_data, rbx + 'axb', data = {x:data.x, y:[[data.y[*,2]], [v56]]} ; options, rbx + 'axb', colors = [0, 6] ; tplot, rbx + ['axb', 'spike2', 'phase'] ; return ; stop data.y[*,2] = v56 store_data, newname, data = data, dlim = dlim, lim = lim end