;+ ; NAME: ; rbsp_efw_cal_waveform (procedure) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Calibrate EFW waveform data. ; ; CATEGORIES: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rbsp_efw_cal_waveform, probe = probe, datatype = datatype, $ ; trange = trange, get_support_data = get_support_data, $ ; coord = coord, no_adc = no_adc, $ ; tper = tper, tphase = tphase ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; ; KEYWORDS: ; probe: (In, optional) RBSP spacecraft names, either 'a', or 'b', or ; ['a', 'b']. The default is ['a', 'b'] ; datatype: (In, optional) A string scalar of data types that acceptable to ; *rbsp_load_efw_waveform*. ; trange: (In, optional) Time range for performing the calibration. By ; default, trange = timerange() ; /get_support_data: If set, offsets in spin-plane components are stored in a ; tplot variable with format '*_uvw_offset'. ; coord: (In, optional) If set to 'uvw', despinning will not be performed. ; /no_adc: If set, ADC-to-physical units is ignored. ; tper: (In, optional) Tplot name of spin period data. By default, ; tper = pertvar. If tper is set, pertvar = tper. ; tphase: (In, optional) Tplot name of spin phase data. By default, ; tphase = 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc[0]) + '_spinphase' ; Note: tper and and tphase are mostly used for using eclipse-corrected ; spin data. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; HISTORY: ; 2012-08-07: Created by Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkley. ; 2012-11-06: JBT, SSL/UCB. ; 1. Added despinning capability. ; 2012-11-12: JBT, SSL/UCB. ; 1. Added esvy and vsvy cleaning. ; 2013-06-21: JBT, SSL/UCB. ; 1. Added instrument response deconvolution for eb1. ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-01-29 10:01:48 -0800 (Tue, 29 Jan 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26513 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_efw_cal_waveform.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_efw_cal_waveform, probe = probe, datatype = datatype, $ trange = trange, get_support_data = get_support_data, $ coord = coord, no_adc = no_adc, no_deconvol = no_deconvol, $ tper = tper, tphase = tphase, noclean = noclean compile_opt idl2 dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=4,'$Id: rbsp_efw_cal_waveform.pro 26513 2019-01-29 18:01:48Z aaronbreneman $' if ~keyword_set(trange) then trange = timerange() if size(coord, /type) ne 7 then coord = 'dsc' cp0 = rbsp_efw_get_cal_params(trange[0]) gain19dB = rbsp_efw_emfisis_scm_gain_list() ; vprobes = ['a','b'] ; vlevels = ['l1','l2'] ; vdatatypes=['esvy', 'vsvy', 'magsvy', 'eb1', 'vb1', 'mscb1', 'eb2', ; 'vb2', 'mscb2'] case strlowcase(probe) of 'a': cp = cp0.a 'b': cp = cp0.b else: dprint, 'Invalid probe name. Calibration aborted.' endcase ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Determine if we need to apply the 19dB attenuator if datatype eq 'mscb1' or datatype eq 'mscb2' then begin if probe eq 'a' then begin rbsp_on_start = gain19dB.rbspa_on_start rbsp_on_stop = gain19dB.rbspa_on_stop endif else begin rbsp_on_start = gain19dB.rbspb_on_start rbsp_on_stop = gain19dB.rbspb_on_stop endelse ;***TESTING for 19dB attenuator ;trange = time_double(['2015-02-15/03:59','2018-09-01/04:00']) ;RBSP_EFW> print,rbsp_on_start ;2012-09-01/03:58:45 2012-10-06/22:11:39 2014-10-04/01:11:45 ;RBSP_EFW> print,rbsp_on_stop ;2012-09-01/03:59:09 2012-10-07/22:11:39 2015-02-16/12:11:43 ;*********** ;Find timerange when the 19dB attenuator is ON t0z = dblarr(n_elements(rbsp_on_start)) t1z = t0z for i=0,n_elements(rbsp_on_start)-1 do begin ;no 19dB attenuator if final time is before attenuator ON or if ;first time is after attenuator OFF test_false = logical_or(trange[0] ge time_double(rbsp_on_stop[i]),trange[1] le time_double(rbsp_on_start[i])) if test_false then t0z[i] = 0d else t0z[i] = trange[0] > time_double(rbsp_on_start[i]) if t0z[i] eq 0d then t1z[i] = 0d else t1z[i] = trange[1] < time_double(rbsp_on_stop[i]) endfor endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- boom_length = cp.boom_length boom_shorting_factor = cp.boom_shorting_factor rbspx = 'rbsp' + probe[0] tvar = rbspx + '_efw_' + datatype[0] get_data, tvar, data = data, dlim = dlim new_y = double(data.y) ; Check if dlim has data_att. ; str_element, dlim, 'data_att', success = s ; if s eq 0 then begin ; str_element, dlim, 'data_att', {coord_sys:'uvw', units:'ADC'}, /add ; endif case strlowcase(datatype[0]) of 'vsvy': begin ; Convert ADC counts into physical units gain = cp.ADC_gain_VDC offset = cp.ADC_offset_VDC for i = 0, 5 do new_y[*,i] = (data.y[*,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] new_data = {x:data.x, y:new_y[*,0:5]} dlim.data_att.units = 'V' labels = ['V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6'] colors = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ysubtitle = '[V]' end 'vb1': begin ; Convert ADC counts into physical units gain = cp.ADC_gain_VDC offset = cp.ADC_offset_VDC for i = 0, 5 do new_y[*,i] = (data.y[*,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] new_data = {x:data.x, y:new_y[*,0:5]} dlim.data_att.units = 'V' labels = ['V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6'] colors = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ysubtitle = '[V]' end 'vb2': begin ; Convert ADC counts into physical units gain = cp.ADC_gain_VAC offset = cp.ADC_offset_VAC for i = 0, 5 do new_y[*,i] = (data.y[*,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] new_data = {x:data.x, y:new_y[*,0:5]} dlim.data_att.units = 'V' labels = ['V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6'] colors = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ysubtitle = '[V]' end 'esvy': begin ; Convert ADC counts into physical units gain = cp.ADC_gain_EDC offset = cp.ADC_offset_EDC for i = 0, 2 do new_y[*,i] = (data.y[*,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] $ / (boom_length[i] * boom_shorting_factor[i]) * 1000d new_data = {x:data.x, y:new_y[*,0:2]} dlim.data_att.units = 'mV/m' str_element, dlim, 'data_att.boom_shorting_factor', $ boom_shorting_factor, /add str_element, dlim, 'data_att.boom_length', $ boom_length, /add labels = ['E12 (U)', 'E34 (V)', 'E56 (W)'] colors = [2, 4, 6] ysubtitle = '[mV/m]' end 'eb1': begin ; Convert ADC counts into physical units gain = cp.ADC_gain_EDC offset = cp.ADC_offset_EDC for i = 0, 2 do new_y[*,i] = (data.y[*,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] $ / (boom_length[i] * boom_shorting_factor[i]) * 1000d new_data = {x:data.x, y:new_y[*,0:2]} ; Remove instrument responses. if ~keyword_set(no_deconvol) then $ new_data = rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp(new_data, probe[0], 'eb1') dlim.data_att.units = 'mV/m' str_element, dlim, 'data_att.boom_shorting_factor', $ boom_shorting_factor, /add str_element, dlim, 'data_att.boom_length', $ boom_length, /add labels = ['E12 (U)', 'E34 (V)', 'E56 (W)'] colors = [2, 4, 6] ysubtitle = '[mV/m]' end 'eb2': begin ; Convert ADC counts into physical units gain = cp.ADC_gain_EAC offset = cp.ADC_offset_EAC for i = 0, 2 do new_y[*,i] = (data.y[*,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] $ / (boom_length[i] * boom_shorting_factor[i]) * 1000d new_data = {x:data.x, y:new_y[*,0:2]} if ~keyword_set(no_deconvol) then $ new_data = rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp(new_data, probe[0], 'eb2') dlim.data_att.units = 'mV/m' str_element, dlim, 'data_att.boom_shorting_factor', $ boom_shorting_factor, /add str_element, dlim, 'data_att.boom_length', $ boom_length, /add labels = ['E12 (U)', 'E34 (V)', 'E56 (W)'] colors = [2, 4, 6] ysubtitle = '[mV/m]' end 'magsvy': begin ; Convert ADC counts into physical units data = {x:data.x, y:double(data.y)} rangetvar = tvar + '_magsvy_mag_range' validtvar = tvar + '_magsvy_mag_valid' get_data, rangetvar, data = rdata get_data, validtvar, data = vdata t_cadence = median(rdata.x[1:*] - rdata.x) ;-- Mark NaNs to invalid data. ind = where(vdata.y ne 1, nind) if nind gt 0 then begin for ii = 0L, nind - 1L do begin itmp = ind[ii] tsta = vdata.x[itmp] tend = tsta + t_cadence ind_tmp = where(data.x ge tsta and data.x lt tend, nind_tmp) if nind_tmp gt 0 then data.y[ind_tmp,*] = !values.f_nan endfor endif ;-- Use appropriate gain and offset based on mag_range i_last = uniq(rdata.y) if n_elements(i_last) eq 1 then begin i_range = rdata.y[0] gain = cp.ADC_gain_MAG[i_range, *] offset = cp.ADC_offset_MAG[i_range, *] for i = 0, 2 do new_y[*,i] = (data.y[*,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] endif else begin for ii = 0L, n_elements(i_last)-1 do begin if ii eq 0 then tsta = rdata.x[0] $ else tsta = tend tend = rdata.x[i_last[ii]] + t_cadence ind_tmp = where(data.x ge tsta and data.x lt tend, nind_tmp) if nind_tmp gt 0 then begin i_range = rdata.y[i_last[ii]] gain = cp.ADC_gain_MAG[i_range, *] offset = cp.ADC_offset_MAG[i_range, *] for i = 0, 2 do $ new_y[ind_tmp,i] = (data.y[ind_tmp,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] endif endfor endelse new_data = {x:data.x, y:new_y[*,0:2]} dlim.data_att.units = 'nT' labels = ['Bu', 'Bv', 'Bw'] colors = [2, 4, 6] ysubtitle = '[nT]' ; stop end 'mscb1': begin ; Convert ADC counts into physical units gain = cp.ADC_gain_MSC offset = cp.ADC_offset_MSC for i = 0, 2 do new_y[*,i] = (data.y[*,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] new_data = {x:data.x, y:new_y[*,0:2]} if ~keyword_set(no_deconvol) then $ new_data = rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp(new_data, probe[0], 'mscb1') ; Correct phase ;stop ;boost signal by 19dB, if necessary for b=0,n_elements(t0z)-1 do begin boo = where((new_data.x ge t0z[b]) and (new_data.x le t1z[b])) if boo[0] ne -1 then new_data.y[boo,*] = new_data.y[boo,*]*10^(19./20.) endfor dlim.data_att.units = 'nT' labels = ['Bu', 'Bv', 'Bw'] colors = [2, 4, 6] ysubtitle = '[nT]' end 'mscb2': begin ; Convert ADC counts into physical units gain = cp.ADC_gain_MSC offset = cp.ADC_offset_MSC for i = 0, 2 do new_y[*,i] = (data.y[*,i] - offset[i]) * gain[i] new_data = {x:data.x, y:new_y[*,0:2]} if ~keyword_set(no_deconvol) then $ new_data = rbsp_efw_deconvol_inst_resp(new_data, probe[0], 'mscb2') ;stop ;boost signal by 19dB, if necessary for b=0,n_elements(t0z)-1 do begin boo = where((new_data.x ge time_double(t0z[b])) and (new_data.x le time_double(t1z[b]))) if boo[0] ne -1 then new_data.y[boo,*] = new_data.y[boo,*]*10^(19./20.) endfor dlim.data_att.units = 'nT' labels = ['Bu', 'Bv', 'Bw'] colors = [2, 4, 6] ysubtitle = '[nT]' end else: begin print, '' dprint, 'Invalid datatype. Calibration aborted.' print, '' return end endcase ; Update dlim ; str_element, dlim, 'cdf', /delete ; str_element, dlim, 'code_id', /delete ; newname = tvar + '_' + strlowcase(dlim.data_att.coord_sys) newname = tvar options, newname, labels = labels, colors = colors, $ ysubtitle = ysubtitle, labflag = 1 if ~keyword_set(no_adc) then begin tspan = timerange() ind = where(new_data.x ge tspan[0] and new_data.x le tspan[1]) new_data = {x:new_data.x[ind], y:new_data.y[ind,*]} store_data, newname, data = new_data, dlim = dlim endif dtype = strlowcase(datatype[0]) sc = probe[0] rbx = 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc) + '_' ; tplot, newname, title = newname ; stop ; Skip de-spinning. if strcmp(coord, 'uvw', /fold) then begin dprint, 'No despinning. ' return endif ; Despin data ; tplot, rbx + 'efw_esvy' ; stop case dtype of 'esvy': begin tvar = newname offset_name = rbx + dtype + '_uvw_offset' rbsp_despin, sc, tvar, /uvw, newname = tvar, no_axial = 1, $ tper = tper, tphase = tphase, $ offset_name = offset_name if ~keyword_set(get_support_data) then begin store_data, offset_name, /del endif options, tvar, labels = ['Ex DSC', 'Ey DSC', 'Ez DSC'] end 'eb1': begin tvar = newname offset_name = rbx + dtype + '_uvw_offset' rbsp_despin, sc, tvar, /uvw, newname = tvar, no_axial = 1, $ tper = tper, tphase = tphase, $ offset_name = offset_name if ~keyword_set(get_support_data) then begin store_data, offset_name, /del endif end 'eb2': begin tvar = newname offset_name = rbx + dtype + '_uvw_offset' rbsp_despin, sc, tvar, /uvw, newname = tvar, no_axial = 1, $ tper = tper, tphase = tphase, $ offset_name = offset_name, /no_offset_remove if ~keyword_set(get_support_data) then begin store_data, offset_name, /del endif end 'mscb1': begin tvar = newname offset_name = rbx + dtype + '_uvw_offset' rbsp_despin, sc, tvar, /uvw, newname = tvar, no_axial = 1, $ tper = tper, tphase = tphase, $ offset_name = offset_name, /no_offset_remove if ~keyword_set(get_support_data) then begin store_data, offset_name, /del endif end 'mscb2': begin tvar = newname offset_name = rbx + dtype + '_uvw_offset' rbsp_despin, sc, tvar, /uvw, newname = tvar, no_axial = 1, $ tper = tper, tphase = tphase, $ offset_name = offset_name, /no_offset_remove if ~keyword_set(get_support_data) then begin store_data, offset_name, /del endif end else: begin dprint, 'Not vector data. No despinning...' end endcase if ~keyword_set(noclean) then begin if strcmp(dtype, 'esvy', /fold) then rbsp_efw_clean_esvy, rbx + 'efw_esvy' if strcmp(dtype, 'vsvy', /fold) then rbsp_efw_clean_vsvy, rbx + 'efw_vsvy' endif end