;+ ; NAME: rbsp_load_mageis_l2 ; ; SYNTAX: ; ; PURPOSE: Fetches/loads RBSP ECT MagEIS L2 data ; ; INPUT: N/A ; ; OUTPUT: N/A ; ; KEYWORDS: ; probe=probe ; /get_mag_ephem - save the ECT mag ephemeris vars ; /get_support_data - save CDF support data to TPLOT ; ; HISTORY: ; Created Jan 2013, Kris Kersten, kris.kersten@gmail.com ; ; NOTES: ; Bins are labeled for the energy as listed in the CDF file. This looks like ; the bottom energy for each bin. This should probably be changed to reflect ; the center energy of each bin. ; ; There is overlap between the LOW, M35/75, and HIGH MagEIS FEDO energy ; channels that are used to construct the full L2 spectrum. Overlapping bins ; are skipped to present a continuous energy spectrum. This may need to be ; tweaked in the future, to average/weight overlapping bins, etc. ; See additional comments beginning at line ~70. ; ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-04-13 13:25:55 -0700 (Mon, 13 Apr 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28568 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/rbsp/ect/rbsp_load_mageis_l2.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_load_mageis_l2,probe=probe,get_mag_ephem=get_mag_ephem, $ get_support_data=get_support_data rbsp_ect_init mag_ephem_names=['Position','B_Eq','B_Calc','L','L_star','I','MLT'] if keyword_set(probe) then p_var=probe else p_var='*' vprobes = ['a','b'] p_var = strfilter(vprobes, p_var ,delimiter=' ',/string) level=2 slevel=string(level,format='(I0)') for p=0,size(p_var,/n_elements)-1 do begin rbspx = 'rbsp'+ p_var[p] tr = timerange() date = time_string(tr[0],/date_only,tformat='YYYYMMDD') yyyy = strmid(date,0,4) ;!rbsp_ect.remote_data_dir = 'https://rbsp-ect.newmexicoconsortium.org/data_pub/' prefix=rbspx+'_ect_mageis_L'+slevel+'_' dprint,dlevel=3,verbose=verbose,relpathnames,/phelp rp = !rbsp_ect.remote_data_dir + rbspx+'/mageis/level2/sectors/'+yyyy+'/' rf = rbspx+'_rel0?_ect-mageis-L2_'+date+'_v*.cdf' files = spd_download(remote_path=rp,remote_file=rf,$ local_path=!rbsp_ect.local_data_dir+'mageis/L2/',$ /last_version) spd_cdf2tplot,file=files,varformat=varformat,all=0,prefix=prefix,suffix=suf,verbose=vb, $ tplotnames=tns,/convert_int1_to_int2,get_support_data=1 ; load data into tplot variables ; format L2 TPLOT vars ;tags=['FEDO','FPDO','FPDU'] ; what is FPDU? tags=['FESA','FPSA'] for i=0,n_elements(tags)-1 do begin tn=prefix+tags[i] get_data,tn,data=d,limits=l,dlimits=dl case tags[i] of 'FESA':begin ; L2 FEDO energy channels overlap between LOW, M35/75, and HIGH ; skip overlapping energy bins ; RBSPA FEDO energy bins (keV) ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ; 0.0 22.1 37.3 56.7 80.4 110.9 145.9 184.9 221.1 211.3 237.1 317.4 349.1 455.9 582.7 730.2 884.6 1056.6 846.0 1253.0 1535.0 1942.0 2521.0 3156.0 3869.0 ; OVERLAPPING BINS TO REMOVE: 9,10,18 ; RBSPB FEDO energy bins (keV) ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ; 0.0 23.0 36.0 54.0 76.0 103.0 134.0 168.0 198.0 0.0 161.4 250.7 352.6 469.2 595.9 738.9 886.0 1054.9 888.0 1362.0 1666.0 2065.0 2615.0 3257.0 3893.0 ; OVERLAPPING BINS TO REMOVE: 9,10,18 goodbins=[lindgen(9),lindgen(7)+11,lindgen(6)+19] str_element,d,'y',d.y[*,goodbins],/add_replace newv=dblarr(n_elements(goodbins)) for i=0,n_elements(goodbins)-1 do $ ;newv[i]=median(d.v[*,goodbins[i]]) ; newv[i]=median(d.v[goodbins[i]]) newv[i]=d.v[goodbins[i]] str_element,d,'v',newv,/add_replace tyrange=[17.,4.e3] end 'FPSA':tyrange=[60.,1400.] else:tyrange=[0,0] endcase labels=string(d.v,format='(F0.1)')+' keV' str_element,l,'labels',labels,/add_replace str_element,l,'yrange',tyrange,/add_replace str_element,l,'ylog',1,/add_replace str_element,l,'ystyle',1,/add_replace str_element,l,'zstyle',0,/add_replace str_element,l,'zrange',[0,0],/add_replace str_element,l,'zlog',1,/add_replace ; move (cm^2 s^-1 keV^-1) label to z axis, energy to y axis str_element,dl,'ztitle',dl.ysubtitle,/add_replace str_element,dl,'ysubtitle','Energy [keV]',/add_replace store_data,tn,data=d,limits=l,dlimits=dl endfor if ~keyword_set(get_support_data) then begin support_data_keep=['NONE!'] for i = 0, n_elements(tns) - 1 do begin if strfilter(tns[i],'*'+support_data_keep) eq '' then begin get_data,tns[i],dlimits=thisdlimits cdf_str = 0 str_element,thisdlimits,'cdf',cdf_str if keyword_set(cdf_str) then if cdf_str.vatt.var_type eq 'support_data' then $ store_data,tns[i],/delete,verbose=0 endif endfor endif if ~keyword_set(get_mag_ephem) then $ store_data,prefix+mag_ephem_names,/delete,verbose=1 endfor end