;+ ;NAME: ; noaa_load_kp ; ;PURPOSE: ; Loads local Kp/Ap index data into tplot variables. If data doesn't exist locally, the code ; downloads the data from the THEMIS mirror of NOAA STP's data ; ;SYNTAX: ; noaa_load_kp, [, trange = trange] ; ;KEYWORDS: ; trange: time range to load ; kp_mirror: http server where mirrored Kp/Ap data lives ; remote_kp_dir: directory where the Kp/Ap data lives on the mirror server ; local_kp_dir: directory where data lives locally ; datatype: type of index to load, should be one of the following: ; 'kp', 'ap', 'sol_rot_num', 'sol_rot_day', 'kp_sum', 'ap_mean', ; 'cp', 'c9', 'sunspot_number', 'solar_radio_flux', 'flux_qualifier' ; gfz: load data from: ; ftp://ftp.gfz-potsdam.de/pub/home/obs/kp-ap/wdc/ ; instead of NOAA ; ;HISTORY: ; egrimes, 3/20/2018: updated to use spd_download, and download the file from NOAA NGDC ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2020-01-29 11:49:55 -0800 (Wed, 29 Jan 2020) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 28249 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/noaa/noaa_load_kp.pro $ ;- function kp_return_fraction, value kp_lhs = floor(value/10.) kp_rhs_times_3 = value mod 10 kp_rhs = floor(kp_rhs_times_3/3.) return, kp_lhs + kp_rhs/3. end pro noaa_load_kp, trange = trange, kp_mirror = kp_mirror, remote_kp_dir=remote_kp_dir,$ local_kp_dir = local_kp_dir, datatype = datatype, gfz=gfz if ~keyword_set(trange) then get_timespan, trange ;if ~keyword_set(kp_mirror) then kp_mirror = 'http://themis-data.igpp.ucla.edu/' if keyword_set(gfz) then kp_mirror = 'ftp://ftp.gfz-potsdam.de/' if ~keyword_set(kp_mirror) then kp_mirror = 'ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/' ; Settings might contain themis-data.igpp.ucla.edu, in that case change it to ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov if strmatch(kp_mirror, '*themis-data.igpp.ucla.edu*', /fold_case) then begin dprint, "Please check your Geomagnetic Indices settings and !geom_indices. The NOAA remote directory should be ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov" kp_mirror = 'ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/' endif if STRLEN(kp_mirror) gt 0 then if STRMID(kp_mirror, STRLEN(kp_mirror)-1, 1) ne "/" then kp_mirror = kp_mirror + "/" if ~keyword_set(local_kp_dir) then file_prefix = root_data_dir() + 'geom_indices' + path_sep() $ else file_prefix = local_kp_dir if STRLEN(file_prefix) gt 0 then if STRMID(file_prefix, STRLEN(file_prefix)-1, 1) ne path_sep() then file_prefix = file_prefix + path_sep() ;if ~keyword_set(remote_kp_dir) then remote_kp_dir = 'thg/mirrors/kp/noaa/' if keyword_set(gfz) then remote_kp_dir = 'pub/home/obs/kp-ap/wdc/yearly/' if ~keyword_set(remote_kp_dir) then remote_kp_dir = 'STP/GEOMAGNETIC_DATA/INDICES/KP_AP/' starttime = time_struct(trange[0]) endtime = time_struct(trange[1]) years = starttime.year+indgen(endtime.year-starttime.year+1) nyears = n_elements(years) kpdata = intarr(8.*366.*nyears) apdata = kpdata kptimes = dblarr(8.*366.*nyears) daytimes = dblarr(366.*nyears) srndata = intarr(366.*nyears) srddata = srndata kpsdata = srndata apmdata = srndata cpdata = fltarr(366.*nyears) c9data = srndata ssndata = srndata srfdata = cpdata fqdata = srndata j = 0 ; counter ; loop through years for i=0, nyears-1 do begin if keyword_set(gfz) then kpfile = file_prefix+'kp'+strcompress(string(years[i]),/rem)+'.wdc' else kpfile = file_prefix+strcompress(years[i],/rem) ; try to open the Kp data file get_lun, lun openr, lun, kpfile, error=err ; file doesn't exist locally, download from a mirror if (!error_state.name eq 'IDL_M_CNTOPNFIL') then begin ; file = file_retrieve(remote_kp_dir+strcompress(string(years[i]),/rem), remote_data_dir=kp_mirror, local_data_dir=file_prefix, /ascii_mode) if keyword_set(gfz) then filename = 'kp'+strcompress(string(years[i]),/rem)+'.wdc' else filename = strcompress(string(years[i]),/rem) file = spd_download(remote_file=kp_mirror+remote_kp_dir+filename, local_path=file_prefix) result = file_test(file, /read) if result[0] eq 1 then begin openr, lun, file endif else begin msg = 'File does not exist: ' + file dprint, msg return endelse endif ; loop through file ; see ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/STP/GEOMAGNETIC_DATA/INDICES/KP_AP/kp_ap.fmt for a full description of the data files while not eof(lun) do begin full_line = '' readf,lun,full_line year = strmid(full_line,0,2) month = strmid(full_line,2,2) day = strmid(full_line,4,2) srndata[j] = fix(strmid(full_line,6,4)) srddata[j] = fix(strmid(full_line,10,2)) for k = 0,7 do kpdata[k+j*8] = fix(strmid(full_line,12+2*k,2)) kpsdata[j] = fix(strmid(full_line,28,3)) for k = 0,7 do apdata[k+j*8] = fix(strmid(full_line,31+3*k,3)) apmdata[j] = fix(strmid(full_line,55,3)) cpdata[j] = float(strmid(full_line,58,3)) c9data[j] = fix(strmid(full_line,61,1)) ssndata[j] = fix(strmid(full_line,62,3)) srfdata[j] = float(strmid(full_line,65,5)) fqdata[j] = fix(strmid(full_line,70,1)) kptimes[j*8.:(j+1)*8.-1.] = time_double(year+'-'+month+'-'+$ day+'/'+string(indgen(8)*3)+':00:00') daytimes[j] = time_double(year+'-'+month+'-'+day) j = j+1. endwhile close, lun free_lun, lun endfor if size(datatype, /type) eq 7 then begin ndatatype = datatype endif else begin ndatatype = ['kp', 'ap', 'sol_rot_num', 'sol_rot_day', 'kp_sum', 'ap_mean', 'cp', 'c9', 'sunspot_number', 'f10.7', 'flux_qualifier'] endelse ; store the data as tplot variables and set ytitles for i=0, n_elements(ndatatype)-1 do begin if size(ndatatype[i],/type) eq 7 then begin case ndatatype[i] of 'kp': begin store_data,'Kp',data={x: kptimes[0:j*8-1], y: kp_return_fraction(kpdata[0:j*8-1])} options,'Kp','ytitle','NOAA!CKp' end 'ap': begin store_data,'ap',data={x: kptimes[0:j*8-1], y: apdata[0:j*8-1]} options,'ap','ytitle','NOAA!Cap' end 'sol_rot_num': begin store_data,'Sol_Rot_Num',data={x: daytimes[0:j-1], y: srndata[0:j-1]} options,'Sol_Rot_Num','ytitle','NOAA!CSol_Rot_Num' end 'sol_rot_day': begin store_data,'Sol_Rot_Day',data={x: daytimes[0:j-1], y: srddata[0:j-1]} options,'Sol_Rot_Day','ytitle','NOAA!CSol_Rot_Day' end 'kp_sum': begin store_data,'Kp_Sum',data={x: daytimes[0:j-1], y: kpsdata[0:j-1]} options,'Kp_Sum','ytitle','NOAA!CKp_Sum' end 'ap_mean': begin store_data,'ap_Mean',data={x: daytimes[0:j-1], y: apmdata[0:j-1]} options,'ap_Mean','ytitle','NOAA!Cap_Mean' end 'cp': begin store_data,'Cp',data={x: daytimes[0:j-1], y: cpdata[0:j-1]} options,'Cp','ytitle','NOAA!CCp' end 'c9': begin store_data,'C9',data={x: daytimes[0:j-1], y: c9data[0:j-1]} options,'C9','ytitle','NOAA!CC9' end 'sunspot_number': begin store_data,'Sunspot_Number',data={x: daytimes[0:j-1], y: ssndata[0:j-1]} options,'Sunspot_Number','ytitle','NOAA!CSunspot_Number' end 'f10.7': begin store_data,'F10.7',data={x: daytimes[0:j-1], y: srfdata[0:j-1]} options,'F10.7','ytitle','NOAA!CF10.7' end 'flux_qualifier': begin store_data,'Flux_Qualifier',data={x: daytimes[0:j-1], y: fqdata[0:j-1]} options,'Flux_Qualifier','ytitle','NOAA!CFlux_Qualifier' end else: print, 'error' endcase endif ; time clip if keyword_set(trange)then begin tn = ['Kp','ap', 'Sol_Rot_Num', 'Sol_Rot_Day', 'Kp_Sum', 'ap_Mean', 'Cp', 'C9', 'Sunspot_Number', 'F10.7', 'Flux_Qualifier'] index = where(strlowcase(tn) eq ndatatype[i]) if index ne -1 then begin if (N_ELEMENTS(trange) eq 2) and (tn[index] gt '') then begin time_clip, tn[index], trange[0], trange[1], replace=1, error=error endif endif endif endfor end