;+ ;Name: ;KYOTO_LOAD_DST ; ;Purpose: ; Queries the Kyoto servers for DST data and loads data into ; tplot format. Adapted from KYOTO_AE2TPLOT.PRO. ; ;Syntax: ; kyoto_load_dst [ ,TRANGE = TRANGE ] ; [ ,FILENAMES ] ; [ ,< and data keywords below > ] ; ;Keywords: ; TRANGE (In): ; Pass a time range a la TIME_STRING.PRO. ; FILENAMES (In): ; * PRESENTLY DISABLED * Pass user-defined file names (full paths to local data files). These will ; be read a la the Kyoto format, and the Kyoto server will not be queried. ; DSTDATA, DSTTIME (Out): Get 'dst' data, time basis in an array. ; no_server: set this keyword to use only locally available data files (i.e. don't connect to Kyoto server) ; dst_minutes: set the time for the hourly average at this time point. Default is 30. ; ;Code: ;W.M.Feuerstein, 5/15/2008. ; ;Modifications: ; Changed file format of name (kyoto_dst_YYYY_MM.dat to kyoto_dst_YYYYMM.dat), ; changed "DST" references to "DST", updated doc'n, WMF, 4/17/2008. ; Saved new version under new name (old name was KYOTO_DST_LOAD), added ; DATATYPE kw, validate and loop on datatypes, hardwired /DOWNLOADONLY, ; up'd data kwd's, up'd doc'n, WMF, 5/15/2008. ; Tested that the software defaults to local data when ther internet is not ; available even with /DOWNLOADONLY (yes), added acknowledgement and ; warning banner, added 'ax' datatype, WMF, 5/19/2008. ; Changed name from KYOTO_DST2TPLOT.PRO to KYOTO_LOAD_DST.PRO, added ; VERBOSE kw, added acknowledgement to DLIMITS structure, updated print, and ; header acknowledgement, WMF, 7/23/08. ; Changed acknowledgment as per Andreas Keiling, WMF, 8/4/2008. ; YTITLE reflects whether Provisional or RT data, WMF, 8/12/2008. ; YTITLE now set by file data (not kw), WMF, 8/15/2008. ; Updated doc'n, WMF, 8/25/2008. ; Adding final data, no_server keyword, apply_time_clip keyword, fixed problem with trange not working, lphilpott oct-2011 ; ;Acknowledgment: ; The DST data are provided by the World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Kyoto, and ; are not for redistribution (http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/). Furthermore, we thank ; the geomagnetic observatories (Kakioka [JMA], Honolulu and San Juan [USGS], Hermanus ; [RSA], Alibag [IIG]), NiCT, INTERMAGNET, and many others for their cooperation to ; make the Dst index available. ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-06-04 13:15:57 -0700 (Tue, 04 Jun 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27317 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/kyoto/kyoto_load_dst.pro $ ;- pro kyoto_load_dst ,trange=trange, $ verbose=verbose, $ ;filenames=fns, $ ;Do not pounce on FILENAMES. dstdata=alldst, $ dsttime=alldsttime, $ datatype=datatype, $ ;Input/output -- will clean inputs or show default. ;source=source no_server=no_server, $ ;This functions the same as a no_download (obsolete) keyword would apply_time_clip=apply_time_clip, $ ; This clips the tplot variable to the time specified in trange (this is not necessary if time specified using timespan. dst_minutes=dst_minutes, $ ; The average is for a full hour, and the measurement point will be set at dst_minute. Default is 30. local_data_dir=local_data_dir, $ remote_data_dir = remote_data_dir compile_opt idl2 ;************************** ;Load 'remote_data_dir' default: ;************************** if ~keyword_set(remote_data_dir) then remote_data_dir='http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/' if STRLEN(remote_data_dir) gt 0 then if STRMID(remote_data_dir, STRLEN(remote_data_dir)-1, 1) ne "/" then remote_data_dir = remote_data_dir + "/" ;************************** ;Load 'local_data_dir' default: ;************************** if ~keyword_set(local_data_dir) then local_data_dir=root_data_dir() + 'geom_indices' + path_sep() if STRLEN(local_data_dir) gt 0 then if STRMID(local_data_dir, STRLEN(local_data_dir)-1, 1) ne path_sep() then local_data_dir = local_data_dir + path_sep() ;****************** ;VERBOSE kw defaut: ;****************** if ~keyword_set(verbose) then verbose=2 ;************************** ;Load 'dst' data by default: ;************************** if ~keyword_set(datatype) then datatype='dst' ; Minutes for the tplot time of the dst measurements. if ~keyword_set(dst_minutes) then dst_minutes = '30' if dst_minutes gt 59 || dst_minutes lt 0 then dst_minutes = '30' dst_minutes = strmid('00' + strtrim(string(dst_minutes), 2), 1, 2, /reverse_offset) ;***************** ;Validate dataypes: ;***************** vns=['dst'] if size(datatype,/type) eq 7 then begin dt = datatype if(size(datatype, /n_dim) ne 0) then dt = strcompress(dt, /remove_all) vn = ['all',vns] otp = strfilter(vn, dt, delimiter = ' ', /string) if (size(otp, /type)) EQ 0 then return all = where(otp Eq 'all') if (all[0] ne -1) then datatype = vns else datatype = otp if datatype[0] eq '' then return endif else begin message,'DATATYPE kw must be of string type.',/info return endelse ;Get timespan and define FILE_NAMES: ;=================================== If (keyword_set(trange) && n_elements(trange) Eq 2) then begin t = trange endif else get_timespan,t if ~size(fns,/type) then begin ;Get files for ith datatype: ;*************************** file_names = file_dailynames(file_format='YYYYMM/',trange=t,times=times,/unique)+'index.html' source = file_retrieve(/struct) source.verbose=verbose if keyword_set(no_server) then source.no_server=1 ;Define FILE_RETRIEVE structure for Final data: ;==================================================== source.local_data_dir = local_data_dir+ 'dst/' source.remote_data_dir = remote_data_dir + 'dst_final/' ;Get files and local paths, and concatenate local paths: ;======================================================= local_paths0=file_retrieve(file_names,_extra=source) ;Define FILE_RETRIEVE structure for Provisional data: ;==================================================== source.remote_data_dir = remote_data_dir + 'dst_provisional/' ;Get files and local paths, and concatenate local paths: ;======================================================= local_paths1=file_retrieve(file_names,_extra=source) ;Redefine FILE_RETRIEVE structure for Real Time data: ;==================================================== source.remote_data_dir = remote_data_dir + 'dst_realtime/' ;Get files and local paths, and concatenate local paths: ;======================================================= local_paths2=file_retrieve(file_names,_extra=source) ;Concatenate and unique possible file names from Final, Provisional and RT data: ;======================================================================== local_paths=[local_paths0,local_paths1,local_paths2] ; prevent data from loading twice on Windows machines due to having the same file ; path in local_paths with different path separators ; e.g., 'c:\data\dst\datafile.for.request' and 'c:/data/dst/datafile.for.request' ; we're simply replacing '\' with '/' in all paths before sending to uniq() ; - works on *nix, Windows 7 - not sure about older Windows machines - egrimes 5/15/2014 ; - no longer making this change for those using shared folders on Windows - egrimes 6/4/2019 for lpath_idx = 0, n_elements(local_paths)-1 do begin if strmid(local_paths[lpath_idx], 0, 2) ne '\\' then local_paths[lpath_idx] = strlowcase(strjoin(strsplit(local_paths[lpath_idx], '\', /extract), '/')) endfor local_paths=local_paths[uniq(local_paths,sort(local_paths))] endif else file_names=fns ;Read the files: ;=============== s='' alldsttime=0 alldst= 0 alldstversion = 0 ;Loop on files: ;============== ; Define arrays for time and data all_dst_time = [] ;time array for all files all_dst_data = [] ;data array for all files dst_data_nan = make_array(24,value=!values.f_nan) ;empty data for a day ; Open and parse each index.html file ; Each file contains dst data for one month for file_i=0,n_elements(local_paths)-1 do begin file= local_paths[file_i] if file_test(/regular,file) then dprint,'Loading DST file: ',file $ else begin dprint,'DST file ',file,' not found. Skipping' continue endelse ; Parse filename to find year and month (eg, 201703/index.html) ; If it is not possible to parse the filename, then skip the file dst_year = '0' dst_month = '0' dst_day = '0' if strlen(file) ge 17 then begin f0 = strmid(file, 16, 6, /reverse_offset) ;this should be like 201703 digs=['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'] mynumberisinteger = 1 for i=0,5 do begin if where(digs eq strmid(f0, i, 1)) lt 0 then begin mynumberisinteger = 0 break endif endfor if mynumberisinteger eq 1 then begin dst_year = strmid(f0, 0, 4) dst_month = strmid(f0, 4, 2) endif endif if dst_year eq '0' || dst_month eq '0' then begin ; could not find month or year printd, 'There is a problem with the dst file: ' + file continue endif openr,lun,file,/get_lun ;Loop on lines (format documented at ;http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dstae/format/dstformat.html): ; 2019-04-26: this formatting is no longer valid, now we parse an HTML file ;=========================================================== find_units = 0 find_day = 0 find_eof = 0 while(not eof(lun)) do begin readf,lun,s s = strtrim(s,2) ; Parse html file if strlowcase(s) eq '' then continue ; if empty, continue if strlen(s) ge 7 && strlowcase(strmid(s,0,7)) eq 'unit=nt' then find_units = 1 if find_units eq 0 then continue ; continue till find units if strlowcase(strtrim(s,2)) eq 'day' then begin find_day = 1 continue endif if find_day eq 0 then continue ; continue till skip date ; find end of data,