This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Mon Oct 5 16:03:45 2020.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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PURPOSE:	To return Electron Burst Data for a specific time from the fa_eeb_l2 common block.
USEAGE:	dat=get_fa2_eeb(t)
		dat=get_fa2_eeb() will call to get t.
		The routine assumes the l2 common block for datatype is already loaded into IDL.
KEYWORDS:	/START to return data structure for the first time in common block.
		/EN to return data structure for the last time in common block.
		/ADVANCE to return the next data structure in the common block.
		/RETREAT to return the previous data structure in the common block.
		INDEX=INDEX to return the INDEXth data structure in the common block.
		/TIMES returns array of starting times in l2 common block instead of data structure.

(See general/missions/fast/fa_esa/get_l2/


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PURPOSE:	To return Electron Survey Data for a specific time from the fa_ees_l2 common block.
USEAGE:	dat=get_fa2_ees(t)
		dat=get_fa2_ees() will call to get t.
		The routine assumes the l2 common block for datatype is already loaded into IDL.
KEYWORDS:	/START to return data structure for the first time in common block.
		/EN to return data structure for the last time in common block.
		/ADVANCE to return the next data structure in the common block.
		/RETREAT to return the previous data structure in the common block.
		INDEX=INDEX to return the INDEXth data structure in the common block.
		/TIMES returns array of starting times in l2 common block instead of data structure.

(See general/missions/fast/fa_esa/get_l2/


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PURPOSE:	To return Ion Burst Data for a specific time from the fa_ieb_l2 common block.
USEAGE:	dat=get_fa2_ieb(t)
			dat=get_fa2_ieb() will call to get t.
			The routine assumes the l2 common block for datatype is already loaded into IDL.
KEYWORDS:	/START to return data structure for the first time in common block.
			/EN to return data structure for the last time in common block.
			/ADVANCE to return the next data structure in the common block.
			/RETREAT to return the previous data structure in the common block.
			INDEX=INDEX to return the INDEXth data structure in the common block.
			/TIMES returns array of starting times in l2 common block instead of data structure.

(See general/missions/fast/fa_esa/get_l2/


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PURPOSE:	To return Ion Survey Data for a specific time from the fa_ies_l2 common block.
USEAGE:	dat=get_fa2_ies(t)
		dat=get_fa2_ies() will call to get t.
		The routine assumes the l2 common block for datatype is already loaded into IDL.
KEYWORDS:	/START to return data structure for the first time in common block.
		/EN to return data structure for the last time in common block.
		/ADVANCE to return the next data structure in the common block.
		/RETREAT to return the previous data structure in the common block.
		INDEX=INDEX to return the INDEXth data structure in the common block.
		/TIMES returns array of starting times in l2 common block instead of data structure.

(See general/missions/fast/fa_esa/get_l2/