;+ ;NAME: ; spdf_file_source( [default_source] ) ;PURPOSE: ; Returns a structure that contains all the information (or options) needed to download and return SPDF data file names. ; The structure is stored in a common block variable and has persistance. ; This funtion is used primarily by the routine mvn_pfp_file_source(). However users might wish to change the default values. ; see "file_retrieve" for specific information on how to use the options in this structure. ;Typical Usage: ; source=spdf_file_source() ; get the options ; printdat, source ; display the options ;Examples: ; #1a: ; tempsource = spdf_file_source(verbose=4,local_data_dir='tempdir/') ; temporarily change VERBOSE and LOCAL_DATA_DIR ; files = maven_pfp_file_retrieve(source=tempsource) ;INPUT: ; default_source (optional) if this is a structure then it will be returned as the output ;KEYWORDS: ; SET = [0,1] : If set, then new options (KEYWORDS or DEFAULT_SOURCE) are made to the common block variable are therefor persistant. ; DO NOT USE THIS KEYWORD INSIDE publically distributed code - IT WILL PRODUCE SIDE EFFECTS FOR OTHERS! ! ; RESET = [0,1] : If set then the default is restored. ; DO NOT USE THIS KEYWORD INSIDE publically distributed code - IT WILL PRODUCE SIDE EFFECTS FOR OTHERS! ! ;EXAMPLE 1: ; printdat, mvn_file_source(/set, USER_PASS='user:password') ; Add the user and password to enable authentication on the remote server. ; #1b ; help,/structure, mvn_file_source(verbose=3,/set) ; Permanentaly change the verbose level for all subsequent calls ; files = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve() ; #1c ; help,/structure, mvn_file_source(no_server=1,/set) ; Permanently disable searching on the remote server ; #2 ; help,/structure, mvn_file_source(/reset) ; reset structure to the default. ;OUTPUT: ; Structure: ; see "FILE_RETRIEVE" for a description of each structure element. ; ;Notes: this function isn't used any more, for downloads use the function spd_download ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-02-21 10:31:00 -0800 (Tue, 21 Feb 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22828 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/missions/ace/spdf_file_source.pro $ ;- function spdf_file_source,DEFAULT_SOURCE,set=set,reset=reset,_extra=ex common spdf_file_source_com, psource if keyword_set(reset) then psource=0 if not keyword_set(psource) then begin ; Create the default user = getenv('USER') ; Unix if ~keyword_set(user) then user = getenv('USERNAME') ; PC's if ~keyword_set(user) then user = getenv('LOGNAME') if ~keyword_set(user) then user = 'guest' psource = file_retrieve(remote_data_dir = 'https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/', master_file = '.htaccess') ; get typical default values. psource.local_data_dir = psource.local_data_dir+'misc/spdf/data/' if file_test(psource.local_data_dir+psource.master_file,/regular) then psource.no_server =1 $ ; local directory IS the server directory else begin ; Files will be downloaded from the web psource.remote_data_dir = 'https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/' ; user_pass = '' ; str_element,ex,'USER_PASS',user_pass ; Get user_pass if it was passed in ; if ~keyword_set(user_pass) then user_pass = getenv('MAVENPFP_USER_PASS') ; str_element,/add,psource,'USER_PASS',user_pass ; psource.preserve_mtime = 1 ; psource.no_update=1 ; this can be set to 1 only because all files use version numbers and will not be updated. ; psource.min_age_limit=300 ; five minute delay before checking remote server for file index endelse ; psource.archive_ext = '.arc' ; archive old files instead of deleting them ; psource.archive_dir = 'archive/' ; archive directory ; psource.verbose=2 ; str_element,/add,psource,'LAST_VERSION',1 ; set this as default since version numbers are generally used. endif if size(/type,default_source) eq 8 then source= default_source else source = psource if keyword_set(ex) then begin ; change options that are passed in as keywords tags = tag_names(ex) for i=0,n_elements(tags)-1 do begin str_element,/add,source,tags[i],ex.(i) endfor endif if keyword_set(set) then begin ; set the common block structure psource = source endif return,source end