;+ ;NAME: ; xdegap ;PURPOSE: ; Locates gaps in data, and fills in with NaN ; This subroutine accepts the time array (can be cline time) t and the ; multi-dimensional array yarr that matches with the time array. ; It outputs the same arrays but with a different number of rows ; depending on how many rows were added. It then figures out where to ; add rows by checking which time differences are greater than or equal to ; deltat plus a margin and adds an array of rows of equispaced times of ; size tstep=gap/(number_of_points_that_fit_with_minimum_cumulative_error). ; The same number of rows is added to yarr with values equal to ; FLAGs. ; NOTE: ARRAYS AND STRUCTURES THAT NEED DEGAPPING ARE REDEFINED TO BE ; LARGER THAN BEFORE. THUS THE TIME COLUMN THAT HAS BEEN DEGAPPED ; WILL NOT CORRESPOND TO THE ELEMENTS OF AN ARRAY THAT HAS NOT BEEN ; DEGAPPED. CAUTION: DEGAP ALL ARRAYS OR STRUCTURES YOU ARE GOING TO USE ; TOGETHER, I.E., WITH ONE DEGAP CALL. ; ADDITIONAL NOTE: To conserve memory, see the ONENANPERGAP keyword. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; xdegap, dt, margin, ct, y, ct_out, y_out [,/nowarning] [,maxgap = ; ] [,iindices=] [,/onenanpergap] [,/twonanpergap] ;INPUT: ; dt = the time interval for tests ; margin = the margin ; ct = the input time array ; y = the input array, can be 1 or 2d (n_elements(ct), m) ;OUTPUT: ; ct_out = the output time array, ; y_out = the input time array ;KEYWORDS: ; nowarning = if set, suppresses warnings ; maxgap = the maximum gap size filled, in seconds ; iindicies = the indices in the output arrays that contain the original data ; flag = A numeric user-specified value to use for flagging gaps. ; Defaults to a floating NaN. If an array is entered, only the ; first element is considered.If a non-numeric datatype is entered, ; its value is ignored. ; onenanpergap = Fill gaps with only one NaN -> useful for conserving memory. ; Also, for reference concerning post-processing, the INTERPOL function ; propagates a single NaN just as it would many NaNs. ; twonanpergap = Fill gaps with only two NaNs, it turns out that ; onenanpergap does not work well with ; spectrograms. The exeption is if only one NAN fits in ; the gap given the input parameters, then only one is ; used. ; n_gaps = the number of gaps found ; gap_begin = the double-precision start times of the detected gaps. ; gap_end = the double-precision end times of the detected gaps. ; display_object = Object reference to be passed to dprint for output. ; output_message = Passes any messages generated up to the calling procedure as an array of strings ; ; ;HISTORY: ; From Vassilis' degap.pro, 2-apr-2007, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; bug fix for undefined variable, jmm, 24-jun-2007 ; Switched maxgap to seconds, jmm, 26-oct-2007 ; Added comment to test svn version 4_00, jmm, 28-apr-2008 ; Added ONENANPERGAP kw, W.M.F., 5 May, 2009. ; Added GAP_BEGIN, GAP_END kwd's, 12 June, 2009. ; Added _extra keyword, 20-oct-2009, jmm ; Added output_message keyword Feb-02-2011 prc ; Added twonanpergap, jmm, 14-aug-2012 ; Return inputs instead of -1 if no gaps found, added n_gaps keyword, af 2016-05-03 ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-05-03 13:28:56 -0700 (Tue, 03 May 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21010 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/xdegap.pro $ ;- pro xdegap, dt, margin, ct0, y, ct_out, y_out, nowarning = nowarning, $ iindices = iindices, maxgap = maxgap, flag = flag_in, $ onenanpergap = onenanpergap, output_message=output_message, $ display_object=display_object, twonanpergap=twonanpergap, $ n_gaps=n_gaps, gap_begin = gstart, gap_end = gend, _extra = _extra ; ; EXAMPLES: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;dt=double(6.03187)&margin=double(0.5) : dt and margin do not need to be double ;xdegap,dt,margin,te3u,e3u : te3u and e3u are arrays ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;dt=double(6.03187)&margin=double(0.5) ;xdegap,dt,margin,te3u,e3u(*,0:2) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;dt=double(3.01598)&margin=double(0.25) ;degap,dt,margin,ct,B_sc,maxgap=3 ; (degaps anything that is greater than dt+margin and less than maxgap*dt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; compile_opt idl2, hidden ct_out = -1 y_out = -1 n_gaps = 0 if (where( size(y, /type) eq [9, 6, 5, 4] ))[0] eq -1 then begin msg = '*** WARNING: Input data array not floating point: Gaps will be assigned the value "0".' dprint, msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif endif if ~undefined(flag_in) && ((where(size(flag_in[0], /type) eq [1,2,3,4,5,6,9,12,13,14,15]))[0] ne -1 ) then flag = flag_in[0] else begin if ~undefined(flag_in) then begin msg = "*** WARNING: FLAG keyword value invalid. Defaulting to floating NaN." dprint, msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif endif flag = !values.f_nan endelse ; ; Find size of arrays passed t = time_double(ct0) nct = n_elements(t) If(nct Le 1) Then Begin msg = 'Error: Not enough time elements' dprint, msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif Return Endif If(dt Le 0) Then Begin msg = 'Error: DT LE 0' dprint, msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif Return Endif ysz = size(y) If(ysz[0] Ne 1 And ysz[0] Ne 2) Then Begin msg = 'Error: Y input must be 1 or 2d' dprint, msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif Return Endif nyt = n_elements(y[*, 0]) If(nyt Ne nct) Then Begin msg = 'Error: Y input does not match time input' dprint, msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif Return Endif av_dt = median(t[1:*]-t) If(av_dt Gt dt) Then Begin If(~keyword_set(onenanpergap) And ~keyword_set(twonanpergap)) Then Begin msg = 'Warning: median time resolution for data is greater than degap DT. Many NaNs in output' dprint, msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif Endif Endif nys = n_elements(y[0, *]) ; nrows = n_elements(t) if (keyword_set(maxgap)) then mxgp = maxgap else mxgp = max(t)-min(t) irow = make_array(nrows, /long, /index) tdif = t[irow[1:nrows-1]]-t[irow[0:nrows-2]] t2check = dt ;i2add is the index of the time interval at the start of the gap i2add = where((((tdif-t2check) gt margin) and (tdif lt mxgp)), iany) toterror = double(0.) iaugment = long(0) if (iany gt 0) then begin n_gaps = iany ;output # of gaps gstart = t[i2add] gend = t[i2add+1L] imore = lonarr(iany) tstep = dblarr(iany) xbegin = lonarr(iany+1l) xend = lonarr(iany+1l) for k = 0l, long(iany-1l) do begin imore_trial = long(tdif[i2add[k]]/dt+0.5)-1l ;onenanpergap is handled differently than 2, for onenanpergap, the ;point is put in the middle of the gap, for twonanpergap, one nan is ;put at each end of the gap, as determined by the dt value. if keyword_set(onenanpergap) then begin imore[k] = 1L tstep[k] = tdif[i2add[k]]/(imore[k]+1l) endif else if keyword_set(twonanpergap) then begin if imore_trial gt 2 then begin imore[k] = 2 tstep[k] = tdif[i2add[k]]/(imore_trial+1l) endif else begin imore[k] = imore_trial tstep[k] = tdif[i2add[k]]/(imore[k]+1l) endelse endif else begin imore[k] = imore_trial tstep[k] = tdif[i2add[k]]/(imore[k]+1l) endelse error = abs(dt*(imore[k]+1l)-tdif[i2add[k]]) toterror = toterror+error iaugment = iaugment+imore[k] if ((error gt margin) and (keyword_set(nowarning) eq 0) $ and ~keyword_set(onenanpergap) and ~keyword_set(twonanpergap)) then begin msg = 'warning: gap #'+ strtrim(k,2) + ' padded with increments significantly different from dt' dprint, msg, dlevel=4, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif msg = 'cumulative error = ' + strtrim(error,2) dprint, msg, dlevel=4, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif endif endfor newnrows = nrows+iaugment ;xbegin and xend are the start and end indices of the data without ;gaps in the final time array xbegin[0] = 0 xend[0] = i2add[0] for k = 1l, long(iany-1) do begin xbegin[k] = xend[k-1]+imore[k-1]+1 xend[k] = i2add[k]-i2add[k-1]+xbegin[k]-1 endfor xbegin[iany] = xend[iany-1]+imore[iany-1]+1 xend[iany] = nrows-1-i2add[iany-1]+xbegin[iany]-1 ; ; Find which values to pass where. ; Iindices are the subscripts of the original t in the new t array inewrow = make_array(newnrows, /long, /index) iindices = where((inewrow ge xbegin[0]) and (inewrow le xend[0]), idummy) for k = 1l, long(iany) do begin iindices=[iindices, where((inewrow ge xbegin[k]) and (inewrow le xend[k]), idummy)] endfor ; ; Create new time array and fill it while finding where to pad ; ct_out = dblarr(newnrows) ct_out[iindices[*]] = t[0:*] if(keyword_set(twonanpergap)) then begin jindices=where((inewrow ge (xend[0]+1)) and (inewrow le (xbegin[0+1]-1)), jdummy) if (jdummy eq 2) then begin ct_out[jindices] = minmax([t[i2add[0]]+tstep[0], t[i2add[0]]+tdif[i2add[0]]-tstep[0]]) endif else if(jdummy gt 0) then begin ct_out[jindices] = t[i2add[0]]+tstep[0]*(jindices-xend[0]) endif if(iany gt 1) then begin for k = 1l, long(iany-1) do begin kindices=where((inewrow ge (xend[k]+1)) and (inewrow le (xbegin[k+1]-1)), kdummy) if (kdummy eq 2) then begin ct_out[kindices] = minmax([t[i2add[k]]+tstep[k], t[i2add[k]]+tdif[i2add[k]]-tstep[k]]) endif else if(kdummy gt 0) then begin ct_out[kindices] = t[i2add[k]]+tstep[k]*(kindices-xend[k]) endif endfor endif endif else begin ; jindices are the subscripts of the NaN times in the new time-array jindices=where((inewrow ge (xend[0]+1)) and (inewrow le (xbegin[0+1]-1)), jdummy) if (jdummy gt 0) then begin ct_out[jindices] = t[i2add[0]]+tstep[0]*(jindices-xend[0]) for k = 1l, long(iany-1) do begin kindices=where((inewrow ge (xend[k]+1)) and (inewrow le (xbegin[k+1]-1)), kdummy) if (kdummy gt 0) then begin jindices = [jindices, kindices] ct_out[kindices] = t[i2add[k]]+tstep[k]*(kindices-xend[k]) endif endfor endif else begin ; second gap is the real first gap for k = 1l, long(iany-1) do begin kindices=where((inewrow ge (xend[k]+1)) and (inewrow le (xbegin[k+1]-1)), kdummy) if (kdummy gt 0) then begin jindices = [jindices, kindices] ct_out[kindices] = t[i2add[k]]+tstep[k]*(kindices-xend[k]) endif endfor endelse endelse ; ; Create new y array, fill them ; y_out = replicate(y[0], newnrows, nys) y_out[*] = flag y_out[iindices[*], *] = y ; if keyword_set(onenanpergap) then begin msg='ONENANPERGAP set -> one NaN inserted for each gap.' dprint, msg, dlevel=4, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif endif if keyword_set(twonanpergap) then begin msg='TWONANPERGAP set -> two NaNs inserted for each gap.' dprint, msg, dlevel=4, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif endif endif else begin ;output original data if no gaps were found - af 2016-05-03 y_out = y ct_out = ct0 iindices = lindgen(n_elements(ct_out)) msg = 'No data gaps detected larger than '+strtrim(dt+margin,2)+$ ' and less than '+strtrim(mxgp,2)+' seconds' dprint, msg, dlevel=4, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif endelse ; if (toterror gt 0) && ~keyword_set(twonanpergap) && ~keyword_set(onenanpergap) then begin msg= 'xdegap finished with total cumulative error not larger than '+ strtrim(toterror,2) dprint, msg, dlevel=4, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif endif return end