;+ ;NAME: ; tpwrspc ;PURPOSE: ; wrapper for pwrspc.pro allowing input of a tplot variable name. ; A Hanning window is applied to ; the input data, and its power is divided out of the returned ; spectrum. A straight line is subtracted from the data to ; reduce spurius power due to sawtooth behavior of a background. ; UNITS ARE (UNITS)^2 WHERE UNITS ARE THE UNITS OF quantity. freq ; is in 1/timeunits. ; THUS THE OUTPUT REPRESENTS THE MEAN SQUARED AMPLITUDE OF THE SIGNAL ; AT EACH SPECIFIC FREQUENCY. THE TOTAL (SUM) POWER UNDER THE CURVE IS ; EQUAL TO THE MEAN (OVER TIME) POWER OF THE OSCILLATION IN TIME DOMAIN. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tpwrspc, varnames, newname=newname,_extra=_extra ;INPUT: ; varname = one tplot variable name ;OUTPUTS: ; freq_out=freq_out(optional): output frequency abcissas, in a 1-d array ; power_out = power_out(optional) : output powers at frequency abcissas, in a 1-d array ; ;KEYWORDS: ; newname = if set,give this name to the new data, the ; default is to append '_pwrspc' to the input name and ; pass out the name in the newname variable, ; Unless /overwrite is set ; overwrite = if set, write the new data back to the old tplot ; variable, do not set this with newname ; noline = if set, no straight line is subtracted ; nohanning = if set, then no hanning window is applied to the input ; bin = a binsize for binning of the frequency data, the default is 3 ; notperhz = if set, the output units are simply the square of the ; input units ; err_msg = named variable that contains any error message that might occur ; ; NOTES: 1. IF KEYWORD notperhz IS SET, THEN POWER IS IN UNITS^2. If notset ; power is (as normal) in UNITS^2/Hz. ; 2. Inputs must be 1-dimensional. For example, if you try to ; call this on a 3-d vector like fgs data, it will not work. ; call 'split_vec' first, to split the quantity into its components. ; ; 27-mar-2007, jmm, jimm.ssl.berkeley.edu ; ;HISTORY: ; ;$LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-01-10 17:03:26 -0800 (Wed, 10 Jan 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24506 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/tpwrspc.pro $ ;- Pro tpwrspc, varname, newname = newname, $ trange = trange,$ freq_out=f,$ power_out=p,$ _extra = _extra ;First extract the data If(keyword_set(newname)) Then begin If(keyword_set(overwrite)) Then begin dprint, 'Do not set both the newname and overwrite keywords',dlevel=2 ; message,/info,'Do not set both the newname and overwrite keywords' return Endif nvn = newname Endif Else nvn = varname+'_pwrspc' ;Now do the power spectrum get_data, varname, data = d, dlim = dlim, lim = lim ; Remove NaN points from data If(is_struct(d)) Then Begin t_nan = where((finite(d.x) eq 0) or (finite(d.y) eq 0), nancount, COMPLEMENT=goodpoints, NCOMPLEMENT=goodcount) IF goodcount GT 0 THEN begin d.x = d.x[goodpoints] d.y = d.y[goodpoints] dprint, 'NaN points were removed, count=' + string(nancount), dlevel=2 endif endif If(is_struct(d)) Then Begin y = d.y t = (d.x-d.x[0]) If(n_elements(trange) Eq 2) Then Begin tr = time_double(trange) ok = where(d.x Ge tr[0] And d.x Lt tr[1], nok) If(nok Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No data in time range',dlevel=2 ;message,/info, 'No data in time range' dprint, time_string(tr),dlevel=2 dprint, 'No Power spectrum for: '+varname,dlevel=2 ; message,/info,'No Power spectrum for: '+varname Return Endif Else Begin t = t[ok] & y = y[ok] Endelse Endif t00 = d.x[0] pwrspc, t, y, f, p, _extra = _extra ;hard to put this into a tplot variable, will use two time points ;spanning the time range ; nf = n_elements(f) ; f = rebin(transpose(temporary(f)), 2, nf) ; p = rebin(transpose(temporary(p)), 2, nf) ; tpf = minmax(t)+t00 ; d = {x:temporary(tpf), v:temporary(f), y:temporary(p)} ; p = rebin(transpose(temporary(p)), 2, nf) ;At Vassilis's request, using single midpoint,instead of two points ;pcruce 2013-10-08 d = {x:average(t),v:reform(f,1,n_elements(f)),y:reform(p,1,n_elements(p))} If(keyword_set(overwrite)) Then newname = varname $ Else newname = nvn str_element, dlim, 'data_type', 'power_spectrum', /add str_element, dlim, 'spec', 1, /add str_element, dlim, 'log', 1, /add store_data, newname, data = d, dlim = dlim, lim = lim Endif Else Begin dprint, 'No Power spectrum for: '+varname,dlevel=2 ;message,/info, 'No Power spectrum for: '+varname Endelse newname = nvn Return End