;+ ;NAME: ; tplot_noise_vars ;PURPOSE: ; generate Nvars tplot variables, with random noise for testing ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tplot_names = tplot_noise_vars(nvars = nvars, time = time, $ ; nchan = nchan, ncounts = ncounts) ;INPUT: ; none explicit ;OUTPUT: ; tplot_names = an array of tplot names: 'test_var_nnnnnn', starting ; just after the highest value i.e., if you just created variable 99, ; then the first new variable will be variable 100. use del_data if ; you want to recreate variables ;KEYWORDS: ; nvars = number of variables, the default is 100, max is 999999L ; time = a time array, the default is systime()+indgen(60), one minute ; starting now. ; nchan = number of channels in data, the default is 16 ; ncounts = number of counts per channel, the output data is poisson ; distributed given the number of counts. The default is 1 ; count per channel. ; nostore = if set, don't create the variables, for testing ;HISTORY: ; 2017-08-24, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ;$LastChangedBy: jimmpc1 $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-10-13 10:50:56 -0700 (Fri, 13 Oct 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24155 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/tplot_noise_vars.pro $ ;- Function tplot_noise_vars, nvars = nvars, time = time, $ nchan = nchan, ncounts = ncounts, $ nostore = nostore, _extra = _extra If(~keyword_set(nvars)) Then nvars = 1000L If(~keyword_set(time)) Then time = systime(/sec)+dindgen(60.0) If(~keyword_set(nchan)) Then nchan = 16 If(keyword_set(ncounts)) Then Begin If(n_elements(ncounts) Eq nchan) Then spec0 = ncounts $ Else spec0 = fltarr(nchan)+ncounts[0] Endif Else spec0 = fltarr(nchan)+1.0 ;create variables 1 by 1 tn = tnames('test_var_*') If(is_string(tn)) Then Begin ntn = n_elements(tn) tmp = strsplit(tn[ntn-1], '_', /extract) j0 = long(tmp[2])+1 Endif Else j0 = 0L v = findgen(nchan) varnames = 'test_var_'+string(j0+lindgen(nvars), format = '(i6.6)') ntimes = n_elements(time) y = fltarr(ntimes, nchan) t0 = systime(/sec) For j = 0l, nvars-1l Do Begin ; if j Ge 2l^16 then stop For i = 0, nchan-1 Do y[*, i] = randomu(seed, ntimes, poisson = spec0[i]) If(~keyword_set(nostore)) Then store_data, varnames[j], data = {x:time, y:y, v:v} Endfor If(~keyword_set(nostore)) Then Begin If(nchan gt 6) Then options, varnames, 'spec', 1, /default options, varnames, 'ytitle', 'counts', /default Endif dt = systime(/sec)-t0 message, /info, ' Took: '+string(dt)+' seconds for: '+string(nvars)+' variables' Return, dt End