;+ ;Procedure: tKm2Re ; ;Purpose: Converts a variable to RE or KM ; ;Inputs: name: a string naming the tplot variable to be modified ; globbing may be used ; ;Keywords: ; newname: set this keyword to a string to store the ; output in(only works when globbing is not used) ; suffix: set this keyword to a string indicating the ; suffix to be appended to the input variable(s) ; /replace: set this option to replace the variable being modified ; /KM : converts to KM from RE rather than to RE from KM ; ; ; examples: ; tKm2Re,'thb_state_pos' ; tKm2Re,'thb_state_pos',/replace ; tKm2Re,'thb_state_pos',/KM ; tKm2Re,'thb_state_pos',newname='pos_in_re' ; tKm2Re,'th?_state_pos',suffix='_converted' ; ; NOTES: Uses conversion of 6371.2 KM/RE ;mean radius ; By default output will be called: input_name+'_RE' ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-03-26 12:08:00 -0700 (Tue, 26 Mar 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 26907 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/tkm2re.pro $ ;- pro tkm2re,name,newname=newname,suffix=suffix,replace=replace,km=km compile_opt idl2 km_in_re = 6371.2 if undefined(name) then begin message,'Please define tvar name' endif names = tnames(name) if n_elements(names) eq 1 && names[0] eq '' then begin message,'Illegal tvar name' endif if keyword_set(newname) then begin if n_elements(names) gt 1 then begin message,'Newname cannot be set when globbing is used' endif newnames=newname endif else begin newnames = names endelse if keyword_set(suffix) then begin newnames += suffix endif else if ~keyword_set(replace) then begin if keyword_set(KM) then begin newnames += '_km' endif else begin newnames += '_re' endelse endif for i = 0,n_elements(names)-1 do begin d = 0 get_data,names[i],data=d,dlimits=dl,limits=l if ~keyword_set(d) then message,'D component of tplot variable ' + names[i] + ' not set' if keyword_set(KM) then begin d.y *= km_in_re label = 'KM' old = 'RE' endif else begin d.y /= km_in_re label = 'RE' old = 'KM' endelse str_element,dl,'data_att',success=s if s then begin str_element,dl.data_att,'units',label,/add endif else begin str_element,data_att,'units',label,/add str_element,dl,'data_att',data_att,/add endelse str_element,dl,'ysubtitle',success=s if s then begin pos = stregex(dl.ysubtitle,old,/fold_case) if pos ne -1 then begin tmp = dl.ysubtitle strput,tmp,label,pos dl.ysubtitle=tmp endif endif store_data,newnames[i],data=d,dlimits=dl,limits=l endfor end