;+ ;PROCEDURE: timebox_mean ;PURPOSE: ; Calculates the mean, median, and standard deviation of a 1-D array ; for the input time resolution. ; ;USAGE: ; timebox_mean, var, resolution = resolution, result=dat ; ;INPUTS: ; var: Tplot-like data structure {x:unix time, y:data} ; or variable name/number. ; ;OUTPUT: If var is a tplot variable name/number, then the result ; is stored as a new tplot variable. Otherwise, the ; result is returned via keyword (see below). ; ;KEYWORDS: ; RESOLUTON: time resolution of average in seconds, the default ; is one day. 86400.0 seconds ; ; OUTLIER: Discard points more than this many standard deviations ; from the mean. Default = 10. ; ; RESULT: Named variable to hold the result. ; TIME_RANGE: the input time range, the default is ; to obtain the time range from the data ; TIME_BINS_IN: Use these bins for input, either a 2Xnbins array ; or 1D array of Nbins+1, The 2Xnbins array option ; allows for discontinuous binning. ;HISTORY: ; Hacked from box_mean.pro, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.eud ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-10-16 14:04:32 -0700 (Wed, 16 Oct 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27880 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/timebox_mean.pro $ ; ;- pro timebox_mean, var, resolution=resolution, outlier=outlier, result=dat, $ time_range = time_range, time_bins_in = time_bins_in if not keyword_set(resolution) then resolution = 86400.0d0 if not keyword_set(outlier) then outlier = 10. ; Make sure variable exists and can be interpreted tndx = 0 if (n_elements(var) eq 1) then begin if (size(var,/type) ne 8) then begin get_data, var, data=dat, alim=lim, index=tndx if (tndx eq 0) then begin dprint,'Input variable not defined' return endif endif else dat = var str_element, dat, 'x', success=ok if (not ok) then begin dprint,'Cannot interpret input variable' return endif str_element, dat, 'y', success=ok if (not ok) then begin dprint,'Cannot interpret input variable' return endif if ((size(dat.y))[0] gt 1) then begin dprint,'Only works for 1-D variables' return endif endif else begin dat = {x:0, y:var} dprint,'Only works for single 1-D variables' return endelse ; get time bins If(keyword_set(time_bins_in)) Then Begin tbins = time_double(time_bins_in) If(size(tbins, /n_dimen) Eq 1) Then Begin;convert 1d to 2d npts = n_elements(tbins)-1 tbins2 = dblarr(2, npts) tbins2[0, *] = tbins[0:npts-1] tbins2[1, *] = tbins[1:npts] Endif Else If(size(tbins, /n_dimen) Eq 2) Then Begin tbins2 = tbins Endif Else Begin dprint, 'Bad time_bins_in input' Return Endelse Endif Else Begin If(keyword_set(time_range) && n_elements(time_range) Eq 2) Then Begin trange = time_double(time_range) Endif Else trange = minmax(dat.x) npts = ceil((trange[1]-trange[0])/resolution) tbins = trange[0]+dindgen(npts+1)*resolution tbins2 = dblarr(2, npts) tbins2[0, *] = tbins[0:npts-1] tbins2[1, *] = tbins[1:npts] Endelse tbins = temporary(tbins2) ;rename back to tbins ; Calculate the mean and standard deviation, for each bin npts = n_elements(tbins[0, *]) rmed = fltarr(npts) ravg = rmed rrms = rmed rpts = lonarr(npts) for i=0L,(npts-1L) do begin ssi = where(dat.x Ge tbins[0, i] And dat.x Lt tbins[1, i], nssi) If(nssi Gt 0) Then Begin y = dat.y[ssi] mom = moment(y, maxmoment=2, mean=avg, sdev=rms, /nan) If(nssi Gt 1) Then Begin med = median(y) indx = where(abs(y - avg) gt (outlier*rms), count) while (count gt 0L) do begin y[indx] = !values.f_nan mom = moment(y, maxmoment=2, mean=avg, sdev=rms, /nan) med = median(y) indx = where(abs(y - avg) gt (outlier*rms), count) endwhile Endif Else Begin med = y[0] count = 0L Endelse indx = where(finite(y), count) rmed[i] = med ravg[i] = avg rrms[i] = rms rpts[i] = count Endif endfor ; Package the result str_element, dat, 'median' , rmed , /add str_element, dat, 'mean' , ravg , /add str_element, dat, 'stddev' , rrms , /add str_element, dat, 'npts' , rpts , /add str_element, dat, 'width' , width , /add str_element, dat, 'outlier', outlier, /add ; Make a TPLOT variable if (tndx gt 0) then begin tplot_names, var, name=vname vname += '_timebox_mean' y = fltarr(npts,3) y[*,0] = ravg - rrms y[*,1] = ravg y[*,2] = ravg + rrms x = 0.5*(reform(tbins[0, *]+tbins[1, *])) store_data, vname, data={x:x, y:y, v:[0,1,2]} options, vname, 'colors', [2,6,2] str_element, lim, 'ytitle', ytitle, success=ok if (ok) then options, vname, 'ytitle', (ytitle + '!ctimebox mean') endif return end