;+ ; FUNCTION: TIME_INTERVALS ; Purpose: ; TIME_INTERVALS will generate regular time intervals given a time range ; This routine was specifically designed to aid in producing file names based on time ranges ; KEYWORDS: ; TRANGE: Time range - scaler or two element array. double, string or structure (see time_double(), time_string, time_struct) ; ; Generated times will be LESS than or equal to TRANGE[0] and less than TRANGE[1] (may be scaler) ; ; RESOLUTION: resolution in seconds ; MINUTE_RES: Forces RESOLUTION to 60 ; HOURLY_RES: Forces RESOLUTION to 3600 ; DAILY_RES: Forces RESOLUTION to 3600*24L ; MONTHLY_RES: resolution in months. ; YEARLY_RES: resolution in years ; ; PHASE_SHIFT: scaler between 0. and 1. - shifts the starting phase. ; ; TIMES: named variable that will return the double precision array of values (same as output if tformat is not specified)) ; ; array of times used to generate the output strings. (output if any of above resolutions and TRANGE is set) ; TIMES is an output if TRANGE is set and any of the resolutions are set. ; Otherwise is can be used as an input. ; ; TFORMAT: (string) format the output and return as a string (See TIME_STRING(t,TFORMAT=tformat)) ; ; Examples: ; ; times = time_intervals(trange=['2014-12-28','2015-1-3'],/daily_res) ; ; filenames = time_intervals(tformat='data/YYYY/MM/example_yyMMDD_v??.dat',trange=['2015','2016'] ,daily_res=7,phase_shift=4/7.,times=t) ; ; Generate weekly filenames that start on Mondays: ; tr =['2014-12-1','2015-1-31'] ; filenames = time_intervals(trange=tr,daily=7,phase_shift=4/7.,times=t,tformat='file_yyMMDD')+time_intervals(tformat='_yyMMDD_v??.dat',times=t+3600d*24*7) ; ;$LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-01-10 17:03:26 -0800 (Wed, 10 Jan 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24506 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/time_intervals.pro $ ;- function time_intervals,trange=trange,tformat=tformat, $ MINUTE_RES=MINUTE_RES,DAILY_RES=DAILY_RES,HOURLY_RES=HOURLY_RES,MONTHLY_RES=MONTHLY_RES,YEARLY_RES=YEARLY_RES, $ resolution=resolution,phase_shift=phase_shift, times=times times = 0 if keyword_set(trange) then begin tr = time_double(trange) if n_elements(tr) eq 1 then tr= [tr[0],tr[0]] if keyword_set(MINUTE_RES) then resolution = round(60.d * MINUTE_RES) if keyword_set(HOURLY_RES) then resolution = round(3600.d * HOURLY_RES) if keyword_set(DAILY_RES) then resolution = round(24*3600.d * DAILY_RES) if n_elements(phase_shift) eq 0 then phase_shift=0d if keyword_set(MONTHLY_RES) then begin trs = time_struct(tr+ [0.,-1.]) months = trs.month + 12 * (trs.year - 1970) + [0,1] str = double(months-1)/ MONTHLY_RES - double(phase_shift) dtr = ( ceil(str[1]) - floor(str[0] ) ) > 1 times = replicate(time_struct(0d),dtr) times.month = 1+ round(MONTHLY_RES * (floor( str[0]) + lindgen(dtr) + double(phase_shift) ) ) times = time_double(times) endif else if keyword_set(YEARLY_RES) then begin trs = time_struct(tr+ [0.,-1.]) years = (trs.year) + [0,1] str = double(years)/ YEARLY_RES - double(phase_shift) dtr = ( ceil(str[1]) - floor(str[0] ) ) > 1 times = replicate(time_struct(0d),dtr) times.year = round(YEARLY_RES * (floor( str[0]) + lindgen(dtr) + double(phase_shift) ) ) times = time_double(times) endif else begin if ~keyword_set(resolution) then resolution = 24L*3600 ;Default to 1 day resolution str = tr/resolution - double(phase_shift) dtr = ( ceil(str[1]) - floor(str[0]) ) > 1 ; must have at least one value times = long( resolution * (floor(str[0]) + lindgen(dtr) + double(phase_shift) )) ; to nearest second endelse endif if keyword_set(tformat) then begin if n_elements(times) ne 0 then return, time_string(times,tformat=tformat,escape_seq='\') $ else return,'' endif return,times end