;+ ;Procedure: time_clip ; ;Purpose: clips a tplot variable between a start time and an end time ; ;Inputs: tplot_var_name: the name of the variable to be clipped ; ; start_time: the start time for the clipping(double or string) ; ; end_time: the end time for the clipping(double or string) ; ;Keywords: ; newname(optional): the name of the output tplot variable ; otherwise it will be tplot_var_name+'_tclip' ; ; tvar(optional): set this keyword and start_time and ; end_time will be interpreted as the names of tplot variables ; The start and end times will then be taken from the first ; and last component of the tplot variables listed ; ; replace(optional): set this to replace the tplot variable, rather than create ; a new one ; ; error(optional): set this to a named variable to return the ; error status of the function, it will return 0 for no error ; and 1 to signal an error. This may be set to true even if ; the error was non fatal. Also if you are using globbing ; to modify many tplot variables it will signal an error if ; any of the variables failed ; ; interior_clip(optional): removes data inside the selected region instead of outside the selected region ; ; nan_replace(optional): instead of clipping replaces data with NaNs ; ; examples: ; time_clip,'thb_fgs_gsm','2007-03-23/10:00:00','2007-03-23/12:00:00',newname='thb_fgs_gsm_10t12clip' ; time_clip,'thb_peem_velocity','thb_fgs_gsm',thb_fgs_gsm',/tvar ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-01-10 17:03:26 -0800 (Wed, 10 Jan 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24506 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/time_clip.pro $ ;- pro time_clip,tplot_var_name,start_time,end_time,newname=newname,tvar=tvar,replace=replace,error=error,interior_clip=interior_clip,nan_replace=nan_replace COMPILE_OPT idl2 error = 0 nm = tnames(tplot_var_name) if nm[0] eq '' then message,'illegal tvar name: "'+tplot_var_name+'"' ;I don't think this statement is needed... ;else if size(nm,/type) ne 7 then nm = tplot_var_name if keyword_set(tvar) then begin tn1 = tnames(start_time) tn2 = tnames(end_time) if tn1[0] eq '' then begin error = 1 message,'keyword TVAR is set and start_time not a valid tplot variable name' endif if n_elements(tn1) ne 1 then begin error = 1 message,'keyword TVAR is set and start_time must contain exactly one tplot variable name' endif if tn2[0] eq '' then begin error = 1 message,'keyword TVAR is set and end_time not a valid tplot variable name' endif if n_elements(tn2) ne 1 then begin error = 1 message,'keyword TVAR is set and end_time must contain exactly one tplot variable name' endif get_data,tn1,data=d stime = d.x[0] get_data,tn2,data=d etime = d.x[n_elements(d.x)-1] endif else begin if size(start_time,/type) eq 7 then stime = time_double(start_time) else stime=start_time if size(end_time,/type) eq 7 then etime = time_double(end_time) else etime = end_time endelse for i=0,n_elements(nm)-1 do begin get_data,nm[i],data=d, dlimits = dl if ~is_struct(d) then begin dprint, 'No data in ', nm[i], dlevel = 3 continue endif idx = where(d.x ge stime and d.x le etime,complement=cidx) if keyword_set(nan_replace) then begin tmp = idx idx = cidx cidx=tmp endif if keyword_set(interior_clip) then begin idx = cidx endif if idx[0] eq -1 then begin error = 1 dprint,'tvar_name: ' + nm[i] + ' out of range' continue endif ;No clipping if the number of x's and the number of columns in y are ;mismatched. jmm, 27-aug-2009, fixes a problem with THEMIS ASI mosaic ;creation. if(n_elements(d.x) ne n_elements(d.y[*, 0])) then begin dprint, 'No time clip done for: '+ nm[i], dlevel = 3 d2 = temporary(d) endif else begin if keyword_set(nan_replace) then begin str_element, d, 'V', success = s d2=temporary(d) if ndimen(d2.y) eq 1 then begin d2.y[idx] = !VALUES.D_NAN endif else if ndimen(d2.y) eq 2 then begin d2.y[idx,*] = !VALUES.D_NAN endif else if ndimen(d2.y) eq 3 then begin d2.y[idx,*,*] = !VALUES.D_NAN endif else if ndimen(d2.y) eq 4 then begin d2.y[idx,*,*,*] = !VALUES.D_NAN endif else begin dprint, 'tvar_name: ' + nm[i] + ' too many dimensions' continue endelse endif else begin if(ndimen(d.y) eq 1) then begin d2 = {x:d.x[idx], y:d.y[idx]} endif else if(ndimen(d.y) eq 2) then begin d2 = {x:d.x[idx], y:d.y[idx, *]} str_element, d, 'V', success = s if s then begin if (ndimen(d.v) eq 1) then str_element, d2, 'V', d.v, /add if (ndimen(d.v) eq 2) then str_element, d2, 'V', d.v[idx, *], /add endif endif else if(ndimen(d.y) eq 3) then begin d2 = {x:d.x[idx], y:d.y[idx, *, *]} str_element, d, 'V1', success = s if s then begin if (ndimen(d.v1) eq 1) then str_element, d2, 'V1', d.v1, /add if (ndimen(d.v1) eq 2) then str_element, d2, 'V1', d.v1[idx, *], /add endif str_element, d, 'V2', success = s if s then begin if (ndimen(d.v2) eq 1) then str_element, d2, 'V2', d.v2, /add if (ndimen(d.v2) eq 2) then str_element, d2, 'V2', d.v2[idx, *], /add endif endif else if(ndimen(d.y) eq 4) then begin d2 = {x:d.x[idx], y:d.y[idx, *, *, *]} str_element, d, 'V1', success = s if s then begin if (ndimen(d.v1) eq 1) then str_element, d2, 'V1', d.v1, /add if (ndimen(d.v1) eq 2) then str_element, d2, 'V1', d.v1[idx, *], /add endif str_element, d, 'V2', success = s if s then begin if (ndimen(d.v2) eq 1) then str_element, d2, 'V2', d.v2, /add if (ndimen(d.v2) eq 2) then str_element, d2, 'V2', d.v2[idx, *], /add endif str_element, d, 'V3', success = s if s then begin if (ndimen(d.v3) eq 1) then str_element, d2, 'V3', d.v3, /add if (ndimen(d.v3) eq 2) then str_element, d2, 'V3', d.v3[idx, *], /add endif endif else begin error = 1 dprint, 'tvar_name: ' + nm[i] + ' too many dimensions' continue endelse endelse endelse if keyword_set(replace) then begin store_data,nm[i],data=d2, dlimits = dl endif else if (n_elements(nm) eq 1) && keyword_set(newname) then begin store_data,newname,data=d2, dlimits = dl endif else begin store_data,nm[i]+'_tclip',data=d2, dlimits = dl endelse endfor end