;+ ; Function: time_average ; ; Calculates a bin based average over time series data ; Uses a histogram internally so it should be pretty quick ; ; Arguments: ; time: the time array for the input timeseries ; data: the data array for the input timeseries ; newtime(optional): named variable in which to return the times ; for each bin upon which an average is calculated ; trange(optional): a time range over which the average is ; performed ; resolution(optional): the size of each bin in seconds ; ret_total(optional): named variable in which totals for each ; bin are returned ; ret_min(optional): named variable in which mins for each bin ; are returned ; ret_med(optional): named variable in which medians for each ; bin are returned ; ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-01-24 09:39:41 -0800 (Tue, 24 Jan 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 9596 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/time_average.pro $ ;- function time_average,time,data,newtime=newtime, $ trange=trange,resolution=resolution, $ ret_total=ret_tot,ret_min=ret_min,ret_median=ret_median if not keyword_set(data) then return,data d = data[0] * !values.f_nan dim = dimen(data) if keyword_set(trange) then tr = time_double(trange) nd = size(/n_dimen,data) if keyword_set(resolution) then begin if not keyword_set(tr) then $ tr= (floor(minmax(time)/resolution)+[0,1]) * resolution index = floor( (time-tr[0])/resolution ) nbins = round((tr[1]-tr[0])/resolution) w = where( index lt 0 or index ge nbins, c) if c ne 0 then index[w]=-1 newtime = (dindgen(nbins)+.5)*resolution+tr[0] dim[0] = nbins newdata = make_array(value=d,dimen=dim) h = histogram(index,min=0,max=nbins-1,reverse=ri) whn0 = where(h ne 0,count) for j=0l,count-1 do begin i = whn0[j] ind = ri[ ri[i]: ri[i+1]-1 ] if n_elements(ind) ne h[i] then dprint ,'Histogram error' newdata[i,*,*] = average(data[ind,*,*],1,/nan,ret_total=ret_tot,ret_min=ret_min,ret_median=ret_median) ;,stdev=s,nan=rnan) ; std[i] = s endfor return,newdata endif if keyword_set(tr) then begin w =where(time lt tr[1] and time ge tr[0],c) if c eq 0 then begin newtime=0 return,0 endif newtime= time[w] newdata= data[w,*,*] return,newdata endif newtime = time return,data end