;+ ;NAME: ; tdpwrspc ;PURPOSE: ; wapper for dpwrspc.pro allowing input of a tplot variable name ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tdpwrspc, varname, newname=newname,_extra=_extra ;INPUT: ; varname = one tplot variable name ;KEYWORDS: ; newname = if set,give this name to the new data, the ; default is to append '_dpwrspc' to the input name and ; pass out the name in the newname variable, ; Unless /overwrite is set. Note that if a multi-dimensional ; variable is passed in, the newname keyword is not used. ; overwrite = if set, write the new data back to the old tplot ; variable, do not set this with newname ; ; nboxpoints = the number of points to use for the hanning window, the ; default is the closest power of 2 less than the number of points divided by 32 ; nshiftpoints = the number of points to shift the hanning window per-step, the default in nboxpoints/2 ; ; bin = a binsize for binning of the data along the frequency domain, the default is 3 ; tbegin = a start time, the default is time[0] ; tend = an end time, the default is time[n_elements(time)-1] ; noline = if set, no straight line is subtracted ; nohanning = if set, then no hanning window is applied to the input ; notperhz = if set, the output units are simply the square of the ; input units ;HISTORY: ; 27-mar-2007, jmm, jimm.ssl.berkeley.edu ; 10-apr-2007, jmm, fixed 2 bugs wrt structure definition ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-05-04 10:04:11 -0700 (Mon, 04 May 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28662 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/tdpwrspc.pro $ ;- Pro tdpwrspc, varname, newname = newname, $ trange = trange, nboxpoints=nboxpoints,$ nshiftpoints=nshiftpoints,polar=polar,_extra = _extra ;test the input variable, and call recursively if y has two dimensions get_data, varname, data = d, dlim = dlim, lim = lim If(is_struct(d)) Then Begin sdy = size(d.y, /n_dimension) If(sdy Eq 2) Then Begin ndj = n_elements(d.y[0, *]) If(ndj Eq 3) Then Begin split_vec, varname, polar = polar, names_out = vn_j Endif Else If(ndj Gt 1) Then Begin split_vec, varname, names_out = vn_j, $ suffix = '_'+strcompress(string(indgen(ndj)), /remove_all) Endif For j = 0, ndj-1 Do Begin tdpwrspc, vn_j[j], trange = trange, nboxpoints = nboxpoints, $ nshiftpoints = nshiftpoints, _extra = _extra Endfor Return Endif Else If(sdy Eq 1) Then Begin If(keyword_set(newname)) Then begin If(keyword_set(overwrite)) Then begin dprint, 'Do not set both the newname and overwrite keywords' return Endif nvn = newname Endif Else nvn = varname+'_dpwrspc' ;Now do the power spectrum y = d.y t = d.x If(n_elements(trange) Eq 2) Then Begin tr = time_double(trange) ok = where(t Ge tr[0] And t Lt tr[1], nok) If(nok Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No data in time range' dprint, time_string(tr) dprint, 'No Dynamic Power spectrum for: '+varname Return Endif Else Begin t = t[ok] & y = y[ok] Endelse Endif ;Filter out NaN's Ok = where(finite(y), nok) If(nok Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No finite data in time range' Return Endif Else Begin t = t[ok] & y = y[ok] Endelse t00 = d.x[0] t = t-t00 ;Only do this if there are enough data points, default nboxpoints to ;64 and nshiftpoints to 32, and use larger values when there are more ;points if ~keyword_set(nboxpoints) then begin nbp = max([2L^(floor(alog(nok)/alog(2),/l64)-5),8]) endif else begin nbp = nboxpoints endelse if ~keyword_set(nshiftpoints) then begin nsp = nbp/2 endif else begin nsp = nshiftpoints endelse If(nok Le nbp) Then Begin dprint, 'Not enough data in time range' Return Endif dpwrspc, t, y, tp, f, p, nboxpoints = nbp, nshiftpoints = nsp, _extra = _extra If(tp[0] Ne -1) Then Begin dd = {x:temporary(tp+t00), y:temporary(p), v:temporary(f)} If(keyword_set(overwrite)) Then newname = varname $ Else newname = nvn ; let's update the dlimit structure str_element, dlim, 'data_att', data_att, success=has_data_att ; check for units if undefined(inputunits) then begin inputunits='#' if(has_data_att) then begin ; we were able to get the data_att structure str_element, data_att, 'units', success = yes_units if(yes_units) then inputunits = data_att.units endif endif if ~undefined(notperhz) then newunits = '('+inputunits+')^2' $ else newunits = '('+inputunits+')^2/Hz' if (has_data_att) then begin str_element, data_att, 'units', newunits, /add str_element, dlim, 'data_att', data_att, /add endif str_element, dlim, 'data_type', 'dynamic_power_spectrum', /add str_element, dlim, 'ytitle', newname+'!c!c[Hz]', /add str_element, dlim, 'SPEC', 1, /add str_element, dlim, 'LOG', 1, /add if ~undefined(notperhz) then begin str_element, dlim, 'ztitle', '('+inputunits+')!U2!N', /add endif else begin str_element, dlim, 'ztitle', '('+inputunits+')!U2!N/Hz', /add endelse store_data, newname, data = dd, dlim = dlim, lim = lim ;an error check for bad result finite_test = where(finite(dd.y), nfinite_test) If(nfinite_test Eq 0) Then dprint, 'All NaN Power spectrum for: '+varname ;some other options; options, newname, spec = 1, ylog = 1, zlog = 1, ystyle = 1 newname = nvn Endif Else Begin dprint, 'No Power spectrum for: '+varname Endelse Endif Else Begin dprint, 'Inappropriate Data Input: Y must be 1d: '+varname Endelse Endif Else Begin dprint, 'No data: '+varname Endelse Return End