;+ ;NAME: ; tdegap ;PURPOSE: ; wrapper for xdegap.pro allowing input of tplot variable names ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tdegap, varnames, dt=dt, margin=margin, maxgap=maxgap,$ ; newname=newname, overwrite=overwrite ;INPUT: ; varnames = an array (or scalar) of tplot variable names ;KEYWORDS: ; dt = the nominal time resolution of the data that will be inserted, ; the default is to choose the median of the input time array ; margin = the margin used to determine if a gap is big enough, the ; default is 0.25 seconds ; maxgap = the maximum gap size that will be allowed to be filled, in ; units of dt. the default is to set this to the max number ; of data points ; (TDEGAP degaps anything that is greater than dt+margin ; and less than maxgap*dt) ; newname = if set,give these names to the degapped data, the ; default is to append '_degap' to the input names and ; pass out the names in the newname variables, ; Unless /overwrite is set ; overwrite = if set, write the new data back to the old tplot ; variables, do not set this with newname ; (Keywords passed to XDEGAP:) ; nowarning = if set, suppresses warnings ; flag = A numeric user-specified value to use for flagging gaps. ; Defaults to a floating NaN. If an array is entered, only the ; first element is considered.If a non-numeric datatype is entered, ; its value is ignored. ; onenanpergap = Fill gaps with only one NaN -> useful for conserving memory. ; Also, for reference concerning post-processing, the INTERPOL function ; propagates a single NaN just as it would many NaNs. ; display_object = An object reference to be passed to dprint for output. ; output_message = Passes any messages generated up to the calling procedure as an array of strings ; ; ;HISTORY: ; 9-apr-2007, jmm, jimm.ssl.berkeley.edu ; 10-oct-2008, jmm, Degaps v tags if necessary ; Added output_message keyword Feb-02-2011 prc ;$LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-01-10 17:03:26 -0800 (Wed, 10 Jan 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24506 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/tdegap.pro $ ;- Pro tdegap, varnames_in, dt = dt, margin = margin, $ newname = newname, overwrite = overwrite, $ output_message=output_message, maxgap=maxgap, $ display_object=display_object, $ flag=flag, _extra = _extra varnames = tnames(varnames_in) ;for wild cards, etc.... ;First extract the data n = n_elements(varnames) If(keyword_set(newname)) Then begin If(keyword_set(overwrite)) Then begin msg = 'Do not set both the newname and overwrite keywords' dprint,msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif return Endif If(n_elements(newname) Ne n) Then Begin msg = 'Incompatible varnames, newname input' dprint,msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif Return Endif nvn = newname Endif Else nvn = varnames+'_degap' ;Now do the degapping If(keyword_set(margin)) Then mar = margin Else mar = 0.25 For j = 0, n-1 Do Begin get_data, varnames[j], data = d, dlim = dlim, lim = lim If(is_struct(d)) Then Begin x = d.x If(n_elements(x) Le 1) Then Begin msg = 'Only one X value, No Degapping of: '+varnames[j] dprint,msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif nvn[j] = '' Endif Else Begin y = d.y If(keyword_set(dt)) Then dx = dt Else Begin dx = median(x[1:*]-x) Endelse ;may need to degap v's and dy's also, depending on size str_element, d, 'v', v, success = yes_v str_element, d, 'v2', v2, success = yes_v2 str_element, d, 'dy', dy, success = yes_dy If(yes_v) Then Begin vsz = size(v, /dim) & ysz = size(y, /dim) If(n_elements(vsz) Eq n_elements(ysz) && total(vsz-ysz) Eq 0) Then degap_v = 1b $ Else degap_v = 0b Endif Else degap_v = 0b If(yes_v2) Then Begin vsz = size(v2, /dim) & ysz = size(y, /dim) If(n_elements(vsz) Eq n_elements(ysz) && total(vsz-ysz) Eq 0) Then degap_v2 = 1b $ Else degap_v2 = 0b Endif Else degap_v2 = 0b If(yes_dy) Then Begin dysz = size(dy, /dim) & ysz = size(y, /dim) If(n_elements(dysz) Eq n_elements(ysz) && total(dysz-ysz) Eq 0) Then degap_dy = 1b $ Else degap_dy = 0b Endif Else degap_dy = 0b xdegap, dx, mar, temporary(x), temporary(y), $ x_out, y_out, iindices = ii, maxgap=maxgap, flag=flag, $ output_message=xdegap_message, display_object=display_object, $ n_gaps=n_gaps, _extra = _extra if arg_present(output_message) && is_string(xdegap_message) then begin output_message = array_concat(xdegap_message,output_message) endif If(x_out[0] Ne -1) && n_gaps gt 0 Then Begin If(degap_v) Then Begin v_out = make_array(dimension = size(y_out, /dim), type = size(v, /type), $ value = 'NaN') v_out[ii, *] = temporary(v) str_element, d, 'v', temporary(v_out), /add_replace Endif If(degap_v2) Then Begin v_out = make_array(dimension = size(y_out, /dim), type = size(v2, /type), $ value = 'NaN') v_out[ii, *] = temporary(v2) str_element, d, 'v2', temporary(v_out), /add_replace Endif If(degap_dy) Then Begin dy_out = make_array(dimension = size(y_out, /dim), type = size(dy, /type), $ value = 'NaN') dy_out[ii, *] = temporary(dy) str_element, d, 'dy', temporary(dy_out), /add_replace Endif str_element, d, 'y', temporary(y_out), /add_replace str_element, d, 'x', temporary(x_out), /add_replace If(keyword_set(overwrite)) Then new_name = varnames[j] $ Else new_name = nvn[j] store_data, new_name, data = d, dlim = dlim, lim = lim Endif Else Begin msg = (x_out[0] eq -1 ? 'Error Degapping: ' : 'No gaps found: ')+varnames[j] dprint,msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif nvn[j] = '' Endelse Endelse Endif Else Begin msg = 'No data available, No Degapping of: '+varnames[j] dprint,msg, display_object=display_object if arg_present(output_message) then begin output_message = array_concat([msg],output_message) endif nvn[j] = '' Endelse Endfor newname = nvn Return End