;+ ;PROCEDURE loadct2, colortable ; By default LOADCT2 uses the same color table used by LOADCT ; This can be changed in 3 ways: ; 1) Use the FILE keyword to define a new file ; 2) Define the environment variable IDL_CT_FILE to point to a new file ; 3) Place a new color table file in the same directory as LOADCT2 that matches ; the name: 'colors*.tbl'. (The last file found with file_search is used). ; ;KEYWORDS: ; FILE: (string) Color table file ; If FILE is not provided then LOADCT2 ; Uses the environment variable IDL_CT_FILE to determine ; the color table file if FILE is not set. ; line_clrs: array of 24 (3x8 RGB colors) ; To be used as 8 colors (the first 7 and the last) of the color table. ; If this is set, but no array is provided, then a default set of 8 colors will be used ; (four different color schemes are provided, appropriate for colorblind vision). ; ;common blocks: ; colors: IDL color common block. Many IDL routines rely on this. ; colors_com: ;See also: ; "get_colors","colors_com","bytescale" ; ;Created by Davin Larson; August 1996 ;Version: 1.4 ;File: 00/07/05 ;Last Modification: loadct2.pro ;- pro loadct2,ct,invert=invert,reverse=revrse,file=file,previous_ct=previous_ct,graybkg=graybkg, line_clrs=line_clrs compile_opt idl2, hidden COMMON colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr @colors_com deffile = getenv('IDL_CT_FILE') ; flag specifying that the CT environment variable was set, or color table supplied via file keyword ; this is a kludge to support color table #s above 43 with user-supplied color table files - egrimes, 3Sep2019 if keyword_set(deffile) or keyword_set(file) then env_ct_set = 1b else env_ct_set = 0b dir = '' if not keyword_set(deffile) then begin ; looks for color table file in same directory stack = scope_traceback(/structure) filename = stack[scope_level()-1].filename dir = file_dirname(filename) deffile = file_search(dir+'/'+'colors*.tbl',count=nf) if nf gt 0 then deffile=deffile[nf-1] ; Use last one found ;dprint,'Using color table: ',deffile,dlevel=3 endif if not keyword_set(file) and keyword_set(deffile) then file=deffile if keyword_set(file) && ~file_test(file) then file=dir + path_sep() + file black = 0 magenta=1 blue = 2 cyan = 3 green = 4 yellow = 5 red = 6 bottom_c = 7 if n_elements(color_table) eq 0 then color_table=ct previous_ct = color_table if !d.name eq 'NULL' or !d.name eq 'HP' then begin ; NULL device and HP device do not support loadct dprint,'Device ',!d.name,' does not support color tables. Command Ignored' return endif if (ct le 43 or env_ct_set) then loadct,ct,bottom=bottom_c,file=file $ else loadct,ct,bottom=bottom_c ; this line is changed to be able to load color tables > 43 color_table = ct top_c = !d.table_size-2 white =top_c+1 cols = [black,magenta,blue,cyan,green,yellow,red,white] primary = cols[1:6] tvlct,r,g,b,/get if keyword_set(revrse) then begin r[bottom_c:top_c] = reverse(r[bottom_c:top_c]) g[bottom_c:top_c] = reverse(g[bottom_c:top_c]) b[bottom_c:top_c] = reverse(b[bottom_c:top_c]) endif r[cols] = [0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1]*255b g[cols] = [0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1]*255b b[cols] = [0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1]*255b if keyword_set(graybkg) then begin r[cols[7]] = 211b g[cols[7]] = 211b b[cols[7]] = 211b if n_elements(graybkg) eq 3 then begin r[cols[7]] = graybkg[0] g[cols[7]] = graybkg[1] b[cols[7]] = graybkg[2] endif endif ; Line and background colors provided by user if keyword_set(line_clrs) then begin if n_elements(line_clrs) ne 24 then begin ; If the user did not provide 8 colors, then use a color scheme appropriate for colorblind vision n=fix(line_clrs[0]) case n of 1: line_clrs = [[0,0,0],[67, 147, 195],[33, 102, 172],[103, 0, 31],[178,24,43],[254,219,199],[244,165,130],[255,255,255]] 2: line_clrs = [[0,0,0],[253,224,239],[77,146,33],[161,215,106],[233,163,201],[230,245,208],[197,27,125],[255,255,255]] 3: line_clrs = [[0,0,0],[216,179,101],[140,81,10],[246,232,195],[1,102,94],[199,234,229],[90,180,172],[255,255,255]] 4: line_clrs = [[0,0,0],[84,39,136],[153,142,195],[216,218,235],[241,163,64],[254,224,182],[179,88,6],[255,255,255]] else: line_clrs = [[0,0,0],[67, 147, 195],[33, 102, 172],[103, 0, 31],[178,24,43],[254,219,199],[244,165,130],[255,255,255]] endcase endif for i=0, 6 do begin r[i] = line_clrs[i*3]*1b g[i] = line_clrs[i*3+1]*1b b[i] = line_clrs[i*3+2]*1b endfor ncount = n_elements(r) r[ncount-1] = line_clrs[21]*1b g[ncount-1] = line_clrs[22]*1b b[ncount-1] = line_clrs[23]*1b endif tvlct,r,g,b r_curr = r ;Important! Update the colors common block. g_curr = g b_curr = b ;force end colors 0 is black max is white ;tvlct,r,g,b,/get ;n = n_elements(r) ;lc = n-1 ;black = 0 ;white = 255 ;if keyword_set(revrse) then begin ; r = reverse(r) ; g = reverse(g) ; b = reverse(b) ;endif ;if keyword_set(invert) then begin ; black = 255 ; white = 0 ;endif ;r(0) = black & g(0)=black & b(0)=black ;r(lc)=white & g(lc)=white & b(lc)=white ;tvlct,r,g,b end