;+ ; NAME: ; ssl_correlation_shift ; ; PURPOSE: ; Calculates the shift required to correlate two tme series of ; data. Does this by binning the timeseries data, then ; calculating the time shift required to maximally correlate each ; bin. When too few points overlap bins are rejected. ; ; ; CATEGORY: ; THEMIS-SOC ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; lag_time_series = thm_correlation_shift(var1_time_series,var2_time_series) ; ; INPUTS: ; ; var1_time_series: a 2xn matrix(column major) of n time/value pairs for var1 ; ; var2_time_series: a 2xn matrix(column major) of n time/value pairs for var2 ; ; n_pts: optional, the minimum number of points of overlap necessary to ; try correlating a bin ; ; lag_steps: optional, checks plus or minus lag_steps * time steps ; to correlate the vectors ; ; time_step: optional, the size of the time step to use when ; interpolating and correlating the vectors ; ; bin_size: optional, the size of each bin in seconds ; ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; an 3xn matrix(column major) of time/shift/correlation triplets ; or -1L on failure, ; the output n is the number of bins constructed ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ; COMMENTS: This function will probably die horribly if time ; values are not monotonic. ; ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Jim Lewis ; 2007-04-19 Initial version ; Updated by: Patrick Cruce(pcruce@gmail.com) ; 2007-05-22 V2.0 ; ;$LastChangedBy: lphilpott $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2012-06-25 15:20:30 -0700 (Mon, 25 Jun 2012) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 10638 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/ssl_correlation_shift.pro $ ; ;- ;;tests if argument is array, 1L on success 0L on failure ;function tcs_is_array, a ; ; if 0 eq (size(a))(0) then return, 0L ; ; return, 1L ; ;end ;calculates the intersection of two intervals ;t_start ge t_end then there is no intersection function tcs_interval_intersect,i1, i2 t_start = (i1[0] GT i2[0]) ? i1[0] : i2[0] t_end = (i1[1] GT i2[1]) ? i2[1] : i1[1] return, [t_start, t_end] end ;just returns time interval of some time series data function tcs_get_time_interval, interval ;this is for monotonicity testing, but probably isn't necessary ;return, [min(interval[0, *]),max(interval[0, *])] ;the efficient implementation return, [interval[0, 0], interval[0, n_elements(interval[0, *])-1]] end ;I performs a row-wise permutation on a 2xn matrix(column_major) function tcs_permute_time_series, time_series, permutation a = (time_series[0, *])(permutation) b = (time_series[1, *])(permutation) return, transpose([[a], [b]]) end ;this function looks tricky but its pretty simple ;it just clips a time_series to a specified interval function tcs_clip, time_series, interval ;get the index matrix for all values within the interval ind = where(time_series[0, *] ge interval[0] and time_series[0, *] lt interval[1]) ;if some values are in range,ie if ind is an array not -1L if 0 ne size(ind, /DIMENSIONS) then begin return, tcs_permute_time_series(time_series, ind) endif ;else return -1L return, -1L end ;get the ith bin from a 2xn time series(column major) function tcs_get_bin, i, time_series, interval, bin_size low = i*bin_size + interval[0] high = (i+1)*bin_size + interval[0] ind = where(time_series[0, *] ge low and time_series[0, *] lt high) if not tcs_is_array(ind) then return, -1L return, tcs_permute_time_series(time_series, ind) end ;calculate the number of bins given an interval and a bin_size function tcs_get_n_bins, interval, bin_size return, ceil((interval[1]-interval[0])/bin_size) end ;just a bunch of calculation that dirties up my top level code ;returns a triplet with [time,shift,correlation] this corresponds to ;offset that maximizes correlation function tcs_get_triplet, correlation_vector, bin_interval, lag_vector, time_step time = (bin_interval[0]+bin_interval[1])/2.0 correlation = max(correlation_vector, index) shift = lag_vector[index]*time_step return, [time, shift, correlation] end ;construct a lag offset vector for correlation function function tcs_get_lag_vector, num_steps a = indgen(num_steps) return, [reverse(-1*a[1:*]),a] end ;constructs an interpolation vector with a specified step size over a ;given interval function tcs_get_time_vector, interval, step_size ;calculate number of steps and snap it to an integer step_num = fix((interval[1]-interval[0])/step_size) ;generate array and offset(y=Mx+b) return, dindgen(step_num) * step_size + interval[0] end function ssl_correlation_shift, var1_time_series, var2_time_series, n_pts = n_pts, $ lag_steps = lag_steps, time_step = time_step, bin_size = bin_size ;optional variable setting if not keyword_set(n_pts) then n_pts = 200 if not keyword_set(lag_steps) then lag_steps = 128 if not keyword_set(time_step) then time_step = 1.0D/128.0D if not keyword_set(bin_size) then bin_size = 60.0 ;get the interval where they overlap overlap_interval = tcs_interval_intersect(tcs_get_time_interval(var1_time_series), $ tcs_get_time_interval(var2_time_series)) ;clip the intervals var1_ts_clip = tcs_clip(var1_time_series, overlap_interval) var2_ts_clip = tcs_clip(var2_time_series, overlap_interval) ;if there isn't an overlap then fail if overlap_interval[0] ge overlap_interval[1] then return, -1L ;tried doing calculations using histogram function, but it didn't bin ;both vectors the same way ;calculate number of bins n_bins = tcs_get_n_bins(overlap_interval, bin_size) ;3xn_bins, time/shift/correlation vector for returning ;tsc_vector = dblarr(3, n_elements(hist1)) tcs_vector = dblarr(3,n_bins) tcs_vector(*) = !VALUES.F_NAN ;iterate over bins for i = 0, n_bins-1 do begin ;get the bins bin1 = tcs_get_bin(i, var1_ts_clip, overlap_interval, bin_size) bin2 = tcs_get_bin(i, var2_ts_clip, overlap_interval, bin_size) ;makes sure bin has values if (tcs_is_array(bin1) and tcs_is_array(bin2)) then begin ;calculate the interval of overlap bin_overlap_interval = tcs_interval_intersect(tcs_get_time_interval(bin1), $ tcs_get_time_interval(bin2)) ;get the overlap bins bin1_overlap = tcs_clip(bin1, bin_overlap_interval) bin2_overlap = tcs_clip(bin2, bin_overlap_interval) ;check that the overlap bin isn't -1L and check ;that it has an acceptable number of elements if(tcs_is_array(bin1_overlap) and n_elements(bin1_overlap[0:*]) gt n_pts and $ tcs_is_array(bin2_overlap) and n_elements(bin2_overlap[0:*]) gt n_pts) then begin ;calculate time grid(vector) for interpolation t_vector = tcs_get_time_vector(bin_overlap_interval, time_step) ;interpolate bins onto same step space bin1_interp = interpol(bin1_overlap[1, *], bin1_overlap[0, *], t_vector) bin2_interp = interpol(bin2_overlap[1, *], bin2_overlap[0, *], t_vector) ;calculate lag (vector) l_vector = tcs_get_lag_vector(lag_steps) ;correlate vectors correlation_vector = c_correlate(bin1_interp, bin2_interp, l_vector, /DOUBLE) ;store time/shift/correlation tcs_triplet = tcs_get_triplet(correlation_vector, bin_overlap_interval, l_vector, time_step) tcs_vector(*, i) = tcs_triplet endif ;handle fail case, leaving as NaN ;actually handles without any effort ;on my part endif ;handle fail case, ditto above endfor return, tcs_vector end