Function nnmedian, array, width ;nnmedian is a function that returns median values of the nearest ;neighbors in 1d, not including the value of the point width = width > 1 n = n_elements(array) otp = array For j = 0L, n-1 Do Begin x1 = (j-width) > 0 x2 = (j+width) < (n-1) If(j eq 0) Then Begin otp[j] = median(array[j+1:x2]) Endif Else If(j Eq n-1) Then Begin otp[j] = median(array[x1:j-1]) Endif Else Begin otp[j] = median([array[x1:j-1], array[j+1:x2]]) Endelse Endfor Return, otp End ;+ ; Simple 1d despike, hacked from SXI_despike ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result=simple_despike_1d(image) ; INPUTS: ; image = 1-D image array (float or integer) to be cleaned ; OUTPUTS: ; result = Cleaned 1-D image array (float) ; KEYWORDS: ; spike_threshold = Median filter threshold for good pixel map ; width = width of median filter in each direction, default is 3 ; points ; use_nan = if set, instead of using the median value as a replacement ; for a spike, insert a NaN value ; jmm, 2013-02-12, testing SVN messaging ; jmm, 2013-02-12, testing SVN messaging, yet again ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-12 13:21:15 -0800 (Wed, 12 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14361 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh:// $ ;- function simple_despike_1d, image, spike_threshold = spike_threshold, $ width = width,alt_spike_threshold = alt_spike_threshold, $ use_nan = use_nan, _extra = _extra ;Set default for spike_threshold if not passed if keyword_set(spike_threshold) then threshold=spike_threshold else begin ; threshold=5 threshold = 10.0*stddev(abs(image)) endelse ;Exit and return unaltered image if threshold set to -1 result=image if threshold eq -1 then begin return,result endif If(keyword_set(width)) Then w = width Else w = 3 rimage = nnmedian(image, w) If(keyword_set(alt_spike_threshold)) Then Begin good_pixmap = float(abs(image-rimage) Lt abs(alt_spike_threshold*rimage)) bad_pixmap = where(abs(image-rimage) Ge abs(alt_spike_threshold*rimage), nbad) Endif Else Begin good_pixmap = float(threshold gt abs(image-rimage)) bad_pixmap = where(threshold le abs(image-rimage), nbad) Endelse If(keyword_set(use_nan)) Then Begin If(nbad Gt 0) Then result[bad_pixmap]=!values.f_nan Endif Else Begin result= good_pixmap*image + (1.0-good_pixmap)*rimage Endelse return,result end