;+ ;NAME: ; scpot_overlay ;PURPOSE: ; Overlays a spacecraft potential (or similar line function) over a ; spectrogram ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; cvar = scpot_overlay(pvar, svar) ;INPUT: ; pvar = a tplot variable containing the spacecraft potential ; svar = a tplot variable containing a spectrogram ;OUTPUT: ; cvar = a compound tplot variable name containing the combined spectrum ; variable with the SC pot overlaid. ;KEYWORDS: ; sc_line_color = if set, use this color for SCPOT ; sc_line_thick = if set, use this line thickness for SCPOT ; sc_line_style = if set, use this line_style for SCPOT ; scale_scpot = if set, then scale the scpot to the max and min of the ; spectrogram y-range ; use_yrange = if set, scale using the yrange range for the ; spectrogram, if not set, use min and max of data.v. ; zero_line = if set, add a line for zero potential ; suffix = suffix for output variable ;HISTORY: ; 3-sep-2013, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 29-jan-2016, jmm, must have lost the suffix keyword, replaced it. ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-01-29 11:44:34 -0800 (Fri, 29 Jan 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 19841 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/scpot_overlay.pro $ ;- Function scpot_overlay, pvar, svar, $ sc_line_color = sc_line_color, $ sc_line_thick = sc_line_thick, $ sc_line_style = sc_line_style, $ scale_scpot = scale_scpot, $ use_yrange = use_yrange, $ zero_line = zero_line, $ suffix = suffix, $ _extra=_extra otp = '' pv0 = tnames(pvar) If(is_string(pv0) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No Variable: '+pvar Return, otp Endif sv0 = tnames(svar) If(is_string(sv0) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No Variable: '+svar Return, otp Endif ;CLone the variables get_data, pv0, data = pd, dlimits = pdl If(Keyword_set(suffix)) Then sfx = suffix Else sfx = '' pv1 = 'SCPOT4_'+sv0+sfx get_data, sv0, data = d, dlimits = dl, limits = al ;The pv data needs scaling, and also another component with a line for ;zero, since it can be negative. If(tag_exist(d, 'v') Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'No V variable in data structure for: '+sv0 Return, otp Endif ;scaling will depend on whether the spec variable is scales linearly or ;log, YLOG seems to be in the limits structure If(tag_exist(al, 'ylog', /quiet) && al.ylog Eq 1) Then slog = 1 Else slog = 0 If(keyword_set(use_yrange)) Then Begin If(tag_exist(al, 'yrange', /quiet)) Then v0 = min(al.yrange, max = v1) Endif Else Begin ;careful for log purposes If(slog Eq 0) Then v0 = min(d.v, max = v1) $ Else v0 = min(d.v[where(d.v Ne 0)], max = v1) Endelse If(keyword_set(scale_scpot)) Then Begin y = pd.y y0 = min(y, max = y1) If(slog Eq 0) Then Begin a = (v1-v0)/(y1-y0) b = v1-a*y1 yy = a*y+b Endif Else Begin v1x = alog10(v1) & v0x = alog10(v0) a = (v1x-v0x)/(y1-y0) b = v1x-a*y1 yy = 10^(a*y+b) Endelse If(keyword_set(zero_line)) Then Begin zero_l = yy If(slog Eq 0) Then zero_l[*] = b $ Else zero_l[*] = 10.0^b yy = transpose([transpose(yy), transpose(zero_l)]) Endif store_data, pv1, data = {x:pd.x, y:yy} ;Set the yrange explicitly here ok_yy = where(yy Ne 0, nok_yy) If(nok_yy Gt 0) Then Begin yr0 = min([v0,v1,yy[ok_yy]], max = yr1) Endif Else Begin yr0 = min([v0,v1], max = yr1) Endelse Endif Else Begin store_data, pv1, data = {x:pd.x, y:pd.y} yr0 = min([v0,v1], max = yr1) Endelse ;Set some options If(keyword_set(sc_line_color)) Then options, pv1, 'color', sc_line_color If(keyword_set(sc_line_thick)) Then options, pv1, 'thick', sc_line_thick If(keyword_set(sc_line_style)) Then options, pv1, 'linestyle', sc_line_style ;Create the compound variable otp = sv0+'_SCPOT'+sfx store_data, otp, data = [sv0, pv1] options, otp, 'yrange', [yr0, yr1] Return, otp End