;+ ;FUNCTION: root_data_dir ;PURPOSE: Returns the root data directory used by numerous file retrieval procedures. ; By default it returns either: ; for unix: '/disks/data/' if it exists, '~/data/' otherwise ; for Windows: 'c:/data/' if it exists; else 'e:/data/' if it exists, else 'c:/data/' regardless. ; ; These data sets can grow to very large size. These defaults are intended to allow multiple ; users to share a common data directory system. ; ; It is recommended that PC users create a separate partition (e:/data/) to store files so that ; disk backups do not have to include these large (easily replaced) files. ; ; On unix systems, it is recommended to create a common directory with global write permission ; that multiple users can share. This will reduce internet traffic and disk storage requirements for users ; that use common data files. ; ;CHANGING THE DEFAULT: ; The default directory can be changed by creating an environment variable: 'ROOT_DATA_DIR' ; Example 1: ; setenv,'ROOT_DATA_DIR=/mydata/' ; Example 2: A temporary directory: ; setenv,'ROOT_DATA_DIR=' + getenv('IDL_TMPDIR') + 'data/' ; trailing '/' IS required. ; If the value of the environment variable ROOT_DATA_DIR is a list of directories, then the first ; existing directory is returned. ; ; Notes: ; 1) The environment variable should be set prior to running initialization routines (put it in your IDL_STARTUP file) ; 2) The trailing '/' is required! PC users should also use '/' (not backslash: '\') ; 3) The total size of all files can grow immense and there is no need to back them up. ; We suggest placing them on a partition that is not backed up ; 4) File storage space can be shared with other users if a commonly accessible data directory is chosen. ; 5) Use a temporary directory if you do not want to permanently store these cached files. ; 6) The root data directory should be writable by all. ; ;This routine is called by: ; wind_init ; istp_init ; stereo_init ; lanl_spa_load ; thm_config (through thm_init) ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-01-10 17:03:26 -0800 (Wed, 10 Jan 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24506 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/root_data_dir.pro $ ;- function root_data_dir,verbose=verbose common root_data_dir_com, rootdir,last_warning_time def_root = getenv('ROOT_DATA_DIR') if not keyword_set(def_root) then begin ; Determine default directory. homedir = (file_search('~',/expand_tilde))[0]+'/' case !version.os_family of 'Windows': def_root = 'c:/data/;e:/data/;'+homedir+'data/;c:/data/' ; Use c: if it exists ; else use e: if it exists ; else use c: regardless 'unix' : def_root = '/disks/data/:'+homedir+'data/' else : def_root = getenv('IDL_TMPDIR')+'data/' endcase if not keyword_set(last_warning_time) then last_warning_time = 1 endif else last_warning_time = 0 rootdirs = strsplit(def_root,path_sep(/search_path),/extract ,count=n ) for i=0,n-1 do begin rootdir = rootdirs[i] if file_test(/direc,rootdir) then break endfor ;if not keyword_set(rootdir) then rootdir = getenv('IDL_TMPDIR')+'data/' if keyword_set(last_warning_time) && (systime(1) - last_warning_time) gt 3600 then begin ; Display message only once every hour ; beep dprint,verbose=verbose,'Warning: No Root Data Directory has been defined! Using default: "'+rootdir+'" (Which might change in the future!)' stack = scope_traceback(/structure) proc = stack[n_elements(stack)-1] dprint,verbose=verbose,'To define the Root Data Directory, see documentation in '+proc.filename last_warning_time = systime(1) endif if strlen(rootdir) gt 0 && strmid(rootdir, 0, 1, /reverse_offset) ne path_sep() then rootdir = rootdir + path_sep() return,rootdir end