;+ ;Function: qslerp,q,x1,x2 ; ;Purpose: uses spherical linear interpolation to interpolate ;quaternions between elements of q ; ;Inputs: q: an Nx4 element array, representing a list of quaternions ;with N > 1, all quaternions must be unit quaternions(ie length/norm = 1) ; x1: The input abscissa values of the quaternions,an array of ; length N, abscissa values must also be monotonic ; ; x2: The output abscissa values for the quaternions, can have ; as many elements as wanted but must fall on the interval ; [x[0],x[N-1]], an M element array, abscissa values must also ; be monotonic ; ; geometric(optional): this keyword allows you to specify that ; it use the geometric formula for the slerp. The default ; formula is probably faster and more numerically stable, the ; geometric option is just available for testing ; Testing of the geometric method indicates that the norm of ; the interpolated quaternions strays easily from unit length, ; when it renormalizes results may be destabilized ; ; eq_tolerance: Set to specify the tolerance used when determining ; whether two numbers are equal (default: 1e-12). This tolerance ; will be used in checking equivalence of: ; -quaternion lengths ; -input vs. output abscissae ; -quaternion direction (inner product) ; ; ;Returns: an Mx4 element array of interpolated quaternions or -1L on ;failure ; ; ;;Notes: ;Represention has q[0] = scalar component ; q[1] = vector x ; q[2] = vector y ; q[3] = vector z ; ;The vector component of the quaternion can also be thought of as ;an eigenvalue of the rotation the quaterion performs ; ;The scalar component can be thought of as the amount of rotation that ;the quaternion performs ; ;While the code may seem a little esoteric, it is vectorized and ;provides the most accurate results it can get ; ;Written by: Patrick Cruce(pcruce@igpp.ucla.edu) ; ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-04-05 12:33:56 -0700 (Tue, 05 Apr 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 20724 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/quaternion/qslerp.pro $ ;- function qslerp,q,x1, x2,geometric=geometric, eq_tolerance=eq_tolerance_in compile_opt idl2 EQ_TOLERANCE = 1e-12 ;how close two numbers have to be to be considered equal ;error in calculations can be assumed ;to be at least as high as this number if n_elements(eq_tolerance_in) eq 1 && is_num(eq_tolerance_in,/floating) then begin eq_tolerance = eq_tolerance_in endif ;this is to avoid mutating the input variables qi = q x2i = x2 x1i = x1 ;validate the inputs ;check that quaternions are consistent with generic quaternion invariants qi = qvalidate(qi,'qi','qslerp') if(size(qi,/n_dim) eq 0 && qi[0] eq -1) then return,qi ;check that input quaternions are unit length qn = qnorm(qi) if(size(qn,/n_dim) eq 0 && qn[0] eq -1) then begin dprint, 'Unable to calculate norm of input quaternions' return, -1 endif idx = where(abs(qn - 1.0D) gt EQ_TOLERANCE) if(idx[0] ne -1) then begin dprint, 'At least one input quaternion is not unit length' return, -1 endif ;guarantee correct number of input quaternions qdims = size(qi, /dimensions) if(qdims[0] ne n_elements(x1i)) then begin dprint, 'Number of input abscissa values does not match the number of input quaternions' return, -1 endif ;check that input abscissa values are monotonic if(n_elements(x1i) gt 1) then begin idx = where((x1i[1:n_elements(x1i)-1]-x1i[0:n_elements(x1i)-2]) lt 0) if(idx[0] ne -1) then begin dprint, 'input abscissa values not monotonic' return, -1 endif endif if(n_elements(x2i) gt 1) then begin ;check that output abscissa values are strictly monotonic idx = where((x2i[1:n_elements(x2i)-1]-x2i[0:n_elements(x2i)-2]) le 0) if(idx[0] ne -1) then begin dprint, 'output abscissa values not monotonic' return, -1 endif endif ;construct the output array q_out = make_array(n_elements(x2i), 4, /double) ;if output abscissa values are outside of the range of input abscissa ;values constant extrapolation is used idx = where(x2i lt x1i[0]) if(idx[0] ne -1) then q_out[idx,*] = rebin(qi[0,*],n_elements(idx),4) idx = where(x2i gt x1i[n_elements(x1i)-1]) if(idx[0] ne -1) then q_out[idx,*] = rebin(qi[n_elements(x1i)-1,*],n_elements(idx),4) out_idx = where(x2i ge x1i[0] and x2i le x1i[n_elements(x1i)-1]) if(out_idx[0] eq -1) then return,reform(q_out) x2i = x2i[out_idx] ;construct arguments to the slerp function, this includes the source ;quaternion list, the target quaternions list, and the proportion of ;interpolation list for each quaternion pair. They should all have ;the same number of elements as the output abscissa value list t_temp = interpol(dindgen(qdims[0]), x1i, x2i) t_list = t_temp mod 1.0D q_idx = long(floor(t_temp)) ;if the last abscissa values are identical,the indexing scheme to ;generate the q_list could generate an overflow, the two conditionals ;below prevent this idx = where(abs(t_list) le EQ_TOLERANCE) ;where t_list =~ 0.0 ;put everything that requires no interpolation directly into the output if(idx[0] ne -1) then begin q_out[out_idx[idx],*] = qi[q_idx[idx],*] endif slerp_idx = where(abs(t_list) gt EQ_TOLERANCE) ;where t_list !=~ 0.0 ;if there is nothing left, then we're done if(slerp_idx[0] eq -1) then return, reform(q_out) q_idx = q_idx[slerp_idx] out_idx = out_idx[slerp_idx] t_list = t_list[slerp_idx] q1_list = qi[q_idx,*] q2_list = qi[q_idx+1,*] ;calculate the dot product which is needed to to flip the ;appropriate quaternions to guarantee interpolation is done along the ;shortest path dotp = qdotp(q1_list, q2_list) if(size(dotp, /n_dim) eq 0 && dotp eq -1) then return, -1 ;the following code flips quaternions in q2_list to ensure the ;shortest path is followed idx = where(dotp lt 0.0D) if(idx[0] ne -1) then q2_list[idx,*] = -q2_list[idx,*] ;interpolation cannot be performed on colinear quaternions ;it is assumed that colinear quaternions will be returned unchanged ;since dotp(q1,q2) = cos(angle between q1,q2) if dotp = 1.0 the ;quaternions are colinear idx = where(abs(dotp - 1.0D) le EQ_TOLERANCE) ;where dotp = 1.0 ;store colinear quaternions into output array if(idx[0] ne -1) then q_out[out_idx[idx],*] = q1_list[idx,*] ;copy non-colinear quaternions for processing idx = where(abs(dotp - 1.0D) gt EQ_TOLERANCE) if(idx[0] eq -1) then return, reform(q_out) ;if no non-colinear quaternions are left, we are done dotp = dotp[idx] t_list = t_list[idx] q1_list = q1_list[idx,*] q2_list = q2_list[idx,*] out_idx = out_idx[idx] ;now the actual processing begins ;testing both methods to verify results if keyword_set(geometric) then begin theta = acos(dotp) sin_theta = sin(theta) theta_t = theta*t_list co1 = sin(theta - theta_t)/sin_theta co2 = sin(theta_t)/sin_theta q_out[out_idx,0] = co1*q1_list[*,0]+co2*q2_list[*,0] q_out[out_idx,1] = co1*q1_list[*,1]+co2*q2_list[*,1] q_out[out_idx,2] = co1*q1_list[*,2]+co2*q2_list[*,2] q_out[out_idx,3] = co1*q1_list[*,3]+co2*q2_list[*,3] endif else begin ;slerp will be performed by calculating: ;((q2*(q1^-1))^t)*q1 ;since the quaternions are unit q1^-1 = conjugate(q1) ;exponentiation can be calculated by transforming to ;polar form cos(theta*t)+v*sin(theta*t) ;theta = acos(q[0]) ;NOTE: this potentially more numerically stable implementation needs ;to be verified by comparison to the geometric slerp q1_conj = qconj(q1_list) q2_q1_prod = qdecompose(qmult(q2_list, q1_conj)) if(size(q2_q1_prod, /n_dim) eq 0 && q2_q1_prod[0] eq -1) then return, -1 ;sometimes a dimension disappears. if ndimen(q2_q1_prod) eq 1 && n_elements(q2_q1_prod) eq 4 then begin q2_q1_prod = reform(q2_q1_prod,1,4) endif theta_scale = q2_q1_prod[*,0]*t_list q_total = qmult(qcompose(q2_q1_prod[*,1:3],theta_scale), q1_list) if(size(q_total, /n_dim) eq 0 && q_total[0] eq -1) then return, -1 q_out[out_idx,*] = q_total endelse return, qnormalize(q_out) end