;+ ;PROCEDURE: printdat,[x] ;PURPOSE: ; Displays information and contents of a data variable. (Very similar to HELP procedure but much more verbose.) ; This routine is most useful for displaying contents of complex ; data structures. ; If printdat is called without arguments then information on all variables ; within the calling routine are displayed. ; POINTER occurences are recursively displayed as well. (only non-null pointers are listed) ; ;Keywords: ; FULL Set this keyword to display full variable output. ; NAMES = string: Optional list of variables to display (Same as for HELP) ; WIDTH: Width of screen (Default is 120). ; MAX: Maximum number of array elements to print. (default is 30) ; NSTRMAX Maximum number of structure elements to print. (default is 3) ; NPTRMAX Maximum number of pointer elements to print. (default is 5) ; OUTPUT=string : named variable in which the output is dumped. ; VARNAME=string : [optional] name of variable to be displayed. (useful if input is an expression instead of a variable) ; RECURSEMAX = integer : Maximum number of levels to dive into. (Useful for limiting the output for heavily nested structures or pointers) ; ;Written by Davin Larson, May 1997. ; ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-11-01 15:30:14 -0700 (Thu, 01 Nov 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26039 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/printdat.pro $ ;- pro printdat,data,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6,data7,data8, $ varname=varname, $ unit=unit, $ level=level, $ recursemax=recursemax, $ rlevel=rlevel, $ options=opts,ptrs=ptrs, $ ; for recursive use only! allptrs=allptrs, $ allobjs=allobjs, $ values_only=values_only, $ addname = addname, $ names=names, $ iformat = iformat,hexadecimal=hexadecimal, $ ; This keyword is experimental and subject to change! full= full, $ pgmtrace = pgmtrace, $ ; beta test nm_width=nm_width, $ max=max,output=outstring,nstrmax=nstrmax,nptrmax=nptrmax,width=width ;help,/trac if not keyword_set(rlevel) then rlevel=0 ;dprint,'Begin ',recurse_level if size(/type,data2) eq 7 and not keyword_set(varname) then varname=data2[0] ; Cluge for backward compatibility ;if keyword_set(data2) then dprint,'Using old convention in routine ' ;+ (reverse(scope_traceback()))[[1]] if not keyword_set(level) then level = '' if n_elements(unit) eq 0 then unit=-1 if keyword_set(pgmtrace) then level = ptrace(sublevel=pgmtrace) + level if not keyword_set(allptrs) then allptrs=ptr_new() if not keyword_set(allobjs) then allobjs=obj_new() if keyword_set(hexadecimal) then iformat = '(Z,"x")' if not keyword_set(opts) then begin opts={ $ width: keyword_set(width) ? width : 120, $ max: keyword_set(max) ? max : 32, $ values_only: keyword_set(values_only), $ nstrmax: n_elements(nstrmax) ne 0 ? nstrmax : 1, $ nptrmax: n_elements(nptrmax) ne 0 ? nptrmax : 2, $ recursemax: n_elements(recursemax) ne 0 ? recursemax : 20, $ iformat: keyword_set(iformat) ? iformat : '', $ full: keyword_set(full) , $ unit: unit, $ outs: arg_present(outstring) } outstring='' ptrs = ptr_new() ; array to detect pointer recursion endif np=n_params() if np gt 1 then begin vars1 = scope_varname(data,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6,data7,data8,count=c,level=-1) vars0 = scope_varname(data,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6,data7,data8,count=c,level=0) w = where(vars1 eq '',nw) if nw ne 0 then vars1[w] = string(w+1,format='("")') if n_elements(nm_width) eq 0 then nm_width = max(strlen(vars1)) for i=0,np-1 do begin printdat,scope_varfetch(vars0[i],level=0), varname=vars1[i] $ ,nm_width = nm_width $ ,level = level $ ,output=outstring $ ,options = opts $ ,ptrs=ptrs endfor return endif if np eq 0 and keyword_set(names) eq 0 then names='*' if keyword_set(names) then begin allvars = scope_varname(level=-1) if not keyword_set(allvars) then return vars = strfilter(allvars,names,count=c,/fold_case,delim=' ') if n_elements(nm_width) eq 0 then nm_width = max(strlen(vars)) opts.full = 1 for i=0,c-1 do begin printdat,scope_varfetch(vars[i],level=-1) ,varname=vars[i] $ ,nm_width = nm_width $ ,level = level $ ,output=outstring $ ,options = opts $ ,ptrs = ptrs endfor return endif if not keyword_set(varname) then begin varname = (scope_varname(data,level=-1))[0] if not keyword_set(varname) then varname='' endif if not keyword_set(rlevel) then rlevel=0 if rlevel ge opts.recursemax then return dt = size(/type,data) n = size(/n_elements,data) tnam = size(/tname,data) ;String describing data type dim = size(/dimension,data) ndim = size(/n_dimension,data) nm = (n < opts.max) if dt eq 8 and n eq 1 then ndim=0 ;fix of IDL bug if dt eq 11 then begin if typename(data) ne 'OBJREF' then begin dim = [0] ndim = 0 endif else begin endelse endif if ndim ge 1 then dimstr = '['+string(dim,format="(8(i0.0,:,','))")+']' $ else dimstr='' quote = "'" ;quote = '"' case dt of 0: valstr = 'Undefined' ;Undefined 1: valstr = strcompress(string(fix(data[0:nm-1]),format=opts.iformat),/remove_all) ;bytes 7: valstr = quote+data[0:nm-1]+quote ;strings 8: valstr = string(format="(a,' --(',i0.0,' Tags/',i0.0,' Bytes)-->')", $ tag_names(data,/struct),n_tags(data),n_tags(data,/length)) ;structures 10: begin ;pointers valstr = strarr(nm) for i=0,nm-1 do valstr[i] = string(/print,data[i]) end 11: begin tname = typename(data) valstr = tname help,data,output=valstr valstr = '<' + valstr + '>' ; help,data, output= valstr ;objects - very difficult to distinguish lists and arrays of lists nm = 1 ; valstr = strarr(nm) ; for i=0,nm-1 do valstr[i] = (string(/print,data[i]))[0] case tname of 'OBJREF': begin valstr1 = tname ; arrays of objects or invalid objects dim = size(/dimen,data) ndim = dim[0] if ndim ne 0 then message,/info, 'Array of objects'+' ['+strjoin(strtrim(dim,2),',')+']' ; stop end else: begin ndim = 0 dimstr='' end endcase end else: valstr = strcompress(string(data[0:nm-1],format=opts.iformat),/remove_all) endcase if keyword_set(nm_width) then begin s1 = string(replicate(32b,nm_width)) strput,s1,varname endif else s1 = varname if opts.values_only then s2='' else begin s2=string(replicate(32b,strlen(tnam+dimstr)>8)) strput,s2,tnam+dimstr s2= ' = ' + s2 if keyword_set(addname) then s2 = ' = ' + addname + s2 endelse s = level + s1 + s2 + ' = ' if (dt ne 8) and ndim ge 1 then begin ; Truncate array if needed w = strlen(s) ls = strlen(valstr) for i=0,nm-1 do begin w = w+ls[i]+2 if w gt opts.width then goto,break1 endfor break1: i = i > 1 if i lt n then valstr[i-1] = ' ...' valstr = '['+string(/print,valstr[0:i-1],format="(32(a,:,', '))")+']' endif s = s + valstr if opts.outs then append_array,outstring,s $ else printf,opts.unit,s if dt eq 8 then begin ;structures for j=0l,n-1 do begin if j ge opts.nstrmax then begin s3 = level+'Array truncated ...' if opts.outs then append_array,outstring,s3 $ else printf,opts.unit,s3 break endif tags = tag_names(data) nvarname = varname if ndim ge 1 then begin nvarname = nvarname+'['+strtrim(j,2)+']' if opts.outs then append_array,outstring,level+nvarname $ else printf,opts.unit,level+nvarname endif if opts.full then begin if strmid(nvarname,0,1) eq '*' then nvarname='('+nvarname+')' prefix = nvarname+'.' endif else prefix = '' nwdth = max(strlen(prefix+tags)) for i=0,n_elements(tags)-1 do begin printdat,data[j].(i),varname=prefix+tags[i],level=level+' ',nm_width=nwdth, $ output=outstring,options=opts,ptrs=ptrs,allptrs=allptrs,allobjs=allobjs,rlevel=rlevel+1 endfor endfor endif if dt eq 10 then begin ; pointers wnn = where(data ne ptr_new() ,nwnn) for w=0,nwnn-1 do begin j = wnn[w] if w gt opts.nptrmax then break pvarname = varname if ndim ge 1 then pvarname = pvarname + '['+strtrim(j,2)+']' pvarname = '*' + '(' + pvarname + ')' plevel = level+' ' if w ge opts.nptrmax then begin s3 = plevel+'Array truncated ...' goto,break3 endif if total(/preserve,data[j] eq allptrs) gt 0 then begin ; Deja Vu s3= plevel+pvarname+' = Deja Vu!' endif else begin allptrs = [allptrs,data[j]] if ptr_valid(data[j]) then begin ; pointer is defined if keyword_set(ptrs) && total(data[j] eq ptrs) gt 0 then begin ;recursive pointer s3=plevel+ pvarname+' = RECURSIVE POINTER IGNORED!' endif else begin printdat,*data[j],level=plevel,varname=pvarname,output=outstring, $ options=opts,ptrs= [ptrs,data[j]] , allptrs=allptrs, allobjs=allobjs, rlevel=rlevel+1, addname='*'+string(/print,data[j]) continue endelse endif else begin s3= plevel + pvarname + ' = (Invalid pointer dereference)' endelse endelse break3: if opts.outs then append_array,outstring,s3 $ else printf,opts.unit,s3 endfor endif if dt eq 11 then begin ; objects n = ndim > 1 for j=0,n-1 do begin if ndim ge 1 then dj = data[j] else dj=data tname = typename(dj) nvarname = varname if ndim ge 1 then begin nvarname = nvarname+'['+strtrim(j,2)+']' endif switch tname of 'OBJREF' : begin if obj_valid(dj) eq 0 then nvarname = nvarname + ' (INVALID)' ; if opts.outs then append_array,outstring,level+nvarname else printf,opts.unit,level+nvarname break end 'DICTIONARY': 'HASH': 'LIST' : 'ORDEREDHASH': begin if opts.full then begin if strmid(nvarname,0,1) eq '*' then nvarname='('+nvarname+')' prefix = nvarname+'' endif else prefix = '->' foreach v,dj,k do begin if isa(k,'STRING') then ks = quote + k + quote else if isa(k,/number) then ks = strtrim(k,2) else ks ='' printdat,v,varname=prefix+'['+ks+']',level=level+' ',nm_width=nwdth, $ output=outstring,options=opts,ptrs=ptrs,allptrs=allptrs,allobjs=allobjs,rlevel=rlevel+1 endforeach break end else: begin if obj_valid(dj) eq 0 then break ; message,/info,'Unknown object' if (obj_valid(dj) && obj_hasmethod(dj,'printdat_string')) then begin ; object has printdat method s4 = level+' '+dj.printdat_string() if opts.outs then append_array,outstring,s4 else for i=0,n_elements(s4)-1 do printf,opts.unit,s4[i] endif ; wnn = where(data ne obj_new() ,nwnn) ; for w=0,nwnn-1 do begin ; j = wnn[w] ; if w gt opts.nptrmax then break ; pvarname = varname ; if ndim ge 1 then pvarname = pvarname + '['+strtrim(j,2)+']' ; pvarname = pvarname + '->getall()' ; plevel = level+' ' ; if w ge opts.nptrmax then begin ; s4 = plevel+'Array truncated ...' ; goto,break_obj ; endif ; if total(/preserve,data[j] eq allobjs) gt 0 then begin ; Deja Vu ; s4= plevel+pvarname+' = Deja Vu!' ; endif else begin ; allobjs = [allobjs,data[j]] ; if (obj_valid(data[j]) && obj_hasmethod(data[j],'getall')) then begin ; object has dereference ; if keyword_set(objs) && total(data[j] eq objs) gt 0 then begin ;recursive object ; s4=plevel+ pvarname+' = RECURSIVE OBJECT IGNORED!' ; endif else begin ; printdat,data[j]->getall(),level=plevel,varname=pvarname,output=outstring, $ ; options=opts ,ptrs=ptrs, allptrs=allptrs, allobjs=allobjs, rlevel=rlevel+1 , addname='{'+string(/print,data[j])+'}' ; continue ; endelse ; endif else begin ; continue ; ; s4= plevel + pvarname + ' = (unknown object dereference)' ; endelse ; endelse ; break_obj: ; if opts.outs then append_array,outstring,s4 else printf,opts.unit,s4 ; endfor end endswitch endfor endif ;dprint,'End' end