FUNCTION nn,data,time,x=x,y=y,v=v,progress=progress ;nearest neighbor function ;+ ;NAME: nn ;PURPOSE: Find the index of the data point(s) nearest to the specified time(s) ; You can use find_nearest_neighbor2 function to find the nearest time. ; ; This routine can be inefficient when operating on large arrays. In ; such cases it is better, if possible, to divide the time arrays into ; smaller segments and work on one segment at a time. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ind=nn(data,time) ;INPUTS: data: a data structure, a tplot variable name/index, ; or a time array ; time: (double) seconds from 1970-01-01, scalar or array ; if not present, "ctime" is called to get time(s) ;OPTIONAL INPUTS: none ;KEYWORD PARAMETERS: x, y, & v: set to named keywords to return the values ; of the x, y, & v arrays, if applicable ; ; progress: If set, then report progress in increments of 1%. ; No effect when n_elements(time) lt 100. ; ;OUTPUTS: a long scalar index or long array of indicies ; on failure, returns: -2 if bad inputs, ; -1 if nearest neighbor not found ;EXAMPLE: ctime,times,npoints=2 ; inds=nn('Np',times) ; get_data,'Np',data=dens & get_data,'Tp',data=temp ; plot,dens.y(inds(0):inds(1)),temp(inds(0):inds(1)) ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.8 02/04/17 ;CREATED BY: Frank Marcoline ; ; See also: ; find_nearest_neighbor2, find_nearest_neighbor ; ; $LastChangedBy: hara $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-05-17 14:33:19 -0700 (Thu, 17 May 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25233 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh:// $ ;- nd = n_elements(data) ;1 if a str, more if an array ; There is a possible ambiguity if nd = 1. Data could refer to a tplot variable index, ; or it could refer to a single time. So, use the data type again. Assume a single ; integer is a tplot variable index. Anything else is a time. (Note: The code assumes ; that tplot variable indices are never double-longs [data type 14].) Of course, it's ; pointless to search for the nearest neighbor to a single time, but this limiting case ; could occur when processing large data sets. dtype = size(data,/type) case dtype of 0: begin dprint, 'Must supply input data' return,-2 end 8: begin if data_type(data.x) eq 10 then begin ;struct of pointers tn = tag_names(data) ;remake the struct w/o pointers for i=0,n_tags(data)-1 do str_element,/add,dat,tn[i],*data.(i) endif else dat = data ;input is a standard tplot structure end 7: get_data,data,data=dat ;input is a tplot variable name 6: begin dprint, 'Can''t handle complex inputs' help,data return,-2 end else: begin if nd eq 1 then begin if (dtype lt 4) then begin get_data,data[0],data=dat,index=k if (k eq 0) then begin dprint, 'Input does not refer to a tplot variable.' return,-2 endif endif else dat = {x:time_double(data[0])} endif else dat = {x:time_double(data)} end endcase t = time_double(time) n = n_elements(t) if n eq 1 then inds = 0l else inds = lonarr(n) if keyword_set(progress) and (n ge 100) then begin k = 0 onepct = n/100L cr = string(13B) for i=0l,n-1l do begin a = abs(dat.x-t[i]) b = min(a,c) ;c contains the index to b inds[i] = c if ~(i mod onepct) then print, cr, k++, format='(a,i5," % ",$)' endfor print, cr + " 100 % " endif else begin for i=0l,n-1l do begin a = abs(dat.x-t[i]) b = min(a,c) ;c contains the index to b inds[i] = c endfor endelse tn = tag_names(dat) if arg_present(x) then x = dat.x[inds] if arg_present(y) then if (where(tn eq 'Y'))[0] ne -1 then y = dat.y[inds,*,*] if arg_present(v) then if (where(tn eq 'V'))[0] ne -1 then begin if ndimen(dat.v) eq 2 then v = dat.v[inds,*] else v = dat.v endif return,inds end