;+ ;PROCEDURE: makepng, filename ;NAME: ; makepng ;PURPOSE: ; Creates a PNG file from the currently displayed image. ;PARAMETERS: ; filename filename of png file to create. Defaults to 'plot'. Note: ; extension '.png' is added automatically ;KEYWORDS: ; ct Index of color table to load. Note: will have global ; consequences! ; multiple Does nothing. ; close Does nothing. ; no_expose Don't print index of current window. ; mkdir If set, make the parent directory/directories of the ; file specified by filename. ; TIMETAG : 1 - Use current local time ; : 2 - Use current GMT ; : >2 Use unix time ; WINDOW : window number ; ;Restrictions: ; Current device should have readable pixels (ie. 'x' or 'z') ; ;Created by: Davin Larson ;FILE: makepng.pro ;VERSION: 1.11 ;LAST MODIFICATION: 02/11/06 ;- pro makepng,filename,multiple=multiple,close=close,ct=ct,no_expose=no_expose, $ mkdir=mkdir,window=window,suffix=suffix,timetag=timetag,verbose=verbose ;if keyword_set(close) then begin ; write_gif,/close ; return ;endif if not keyword_set(filename) then filename = 'plot' if n_elements(window) ne 0 then begin if n_elements(window) eq 1 && window eq -1 then begin device,window_state=windows window = where(windows,/null) endif if n_elements(window) gt 1 then begin for w=0,n_elements(window)-1 do begin makepng,filename+'_w'+strtrim(window[w],2),timetag=timetag,window=window[w],verbose=verbose endfor return endif wset,window endif if not keyword_set(no_expose) then wi,window,verbose=0 ; wshow,icon=0 if n_elements(ct) ne 0 then loadct2,ct ;cluge! if keyword_set(timetag) then begin if timetag gt 2 then tt = timetag else tt = systime(1) suffix= time_string(local = timetag eq 1,tt,tformat='_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss') endif if not keyword_set(suffix) then suffix = '' if keyword_set(mkdir) then begin file_mkdir,file_dirname(filename) endif tvlct,r,g,b,/get if !d.name ne 'Z' then device,get_visual_name=vname else vname = ' ' if vname eq 'TrueColor' then begin dim =1 im1=tvrd(true=dim) if 0 then begin t = ((r *256l +g)*256 + b) t = (( (r/8) *32l +(g/8))*32 + (b/8)) im2=im1/8 index = reform((im2[0,*,*] * 256l+ im2[1,*,*]) * 256 + im2[2,*,*]) index = reform((im2[0,*,*] * 32l+ im2[1,*,*]) * 32 + im2[2,*,*]) h = histogram(index) w = where(h) endif im = im1 endif else im = tvrd() pngfile = filename+suffix+'.png' if !version.release eq '5.3' then begin write_png,pngfile,rotate(im,7),r,g,b endif else if !version.release ge '5.4' then begin write_png,pngfile,im,r,g,b endif ;if !version.release ne '5.4' then $ ; write_gif,filename+'.gif',im,r,g,b,multiple=multiple if size(window,/type) lt 1 then window = !d.window dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=2,'Created PNG: '+pngfile+' from window '+strtrim(window,2) end