;+ ; ;Name: is_numeric ; ;Purpose: determines if input string is a validly formatted number. Does ; ;Inputs: s: the string to be checked ; ;Outputs: 1: if it is validly formatted ; 0: if it is not ; ;Keywords: ; sci_notation: add support for scientific notation (3*10^6) ; decimal: when set, only return 1 for decimal numeric values, such as 1.0, 0.000004, ; returns 0 for scientific, exponential, engineering, etc. notations ; ;Notes: Does not consider numbers in complex notation or numbers with trailing type codes to be valid. ; ;Examples: ; print,is_numeric('1') ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('1.23e45') ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('1.2c34') ; 0 ; print,is_numeric('1B') ; 0 ; print,is_numeric('-1.23d-3') ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('5e+4') ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('5.e2') ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('5.e3.2') ; 0 ; ; Examples using scientific notation: ; print,is_numeric('4*10^2', /sci) ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('4*10^-6', /sci) ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('4*10^(-12)', /sci) ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('12.3*10^2', /sci) ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('10^-2.2', /sci) ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('10.^-2.2', /sci) ; 1 ; print,is_numeric('12.3*10^', /sci) ; 0 ; print,is_numeric('12.3*', /sci) ; 0 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-05-13 09:46:59 -0700 (Tue, 13 May 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 15109 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/is_numeric.pro $ ;- function is_numeric,s, sci_notation=sci_notation, decimal=decimal if keyword_set(sci_notation) then begin if s eq '' then return, 0 if STREGEX(s, '\\', /BOOLEAN) then return, 0 if ~STREGEX(s, '[0-9]', /BOOLEAN) then return, 0 return,stregex(strtrim(s,2),'^[-+]?([0-9.]*\.?[0-9.]*|([0-9.]*\*?[0-9.]+)|([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+))(([EeDd][-+]?[0-9]+)|(\*?[0-9\.?]+(\^)?[(]*[+-]?[0-9\.?]+[)]*))?$') eq 0 endif else if keyword_set(decimal) then begin if s eq '' then return, 0 if STREGEX(s, '\\', /BOOLEAN) then return, 0 if ~STREGEX(s, '[0-9]', /BOOLEAN) then return, 0 return, stregex(strtrim(s,2),'^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$') eq 0 endif else begin ; old regex, before adding support for scientific notation (3*10^6) return,stregex(strtrim(s,2),'^[-+]?(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)|([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+))([EeDd][-+]?[0-9]+)?$') eq 0 endelse end