;+ ;Procedure: file_retrieve_v ; ;Purpose: Wrapper for file_retrieve that searches for highest ;available version first, with no need to retrieve remote-index. ; ;Keywords: ; ; relpathnames: the list of relative pathnames that are being ; searched ; ; version_list(optional): if the user wants to override the default ; version priority list so this function prioritizes versions ; differently, a different version list can be passed in ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2007-08-21 08:33:59 -0700 (Tue, 21 Aug 2007) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 1463 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/file_retrieve_v.pro $ ;- function file_retrieve_v,relpathnames, version_list = version_list, _extra = _extra if not keyword_set(relpathnames) then return, -1L ;maintains the order in which versions should be searched if not keyword_set(version_list) then $ version_list = ['v02', 'v01', 'v00'] ;;remove the version number so search is only on the file root temp_path = strmid(relpathnames, 0, transpose(strlen(relpathnames))-8) return_list = relpathnames files_found = intarr(n_elements(relpathnames)) ;;try to retrieve files in the order specified by the version_list array for j = 0, n_elements(version_list) -1L do begin file = file_retrieve(temp_path[where(~ files_found)] + '_' + version_list[j] + '.cdf', _extra = _extra) file_retrieved = file_test(file) ;; expand the file_retrieve index to index the full relpathnames array, ;; rather than just the subset of files not previously found file_retrieved_full = intarr(n_elements(relpathnames)) file_retrieved_full[where(~ files_found)] = file_retrieved if total(file_retrieved) gt 0 then begin return_list[where(file_retrieved_full)] = file[where(file_retrieved)] files_found = files_found or file_retrieved_full if total(files_found) eq n_elements(files_found) then break endif endfor return, return_list[where(files_found)] end